英语人>词典>汉英 : 苔绿色 的英文翻译,例句
苔绿色 的英文翻译、例句


moss green
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In the stone and the stone inside the gap, but also long green moss.


The moss green cloak envelopes her with ivy and berries from the forest floor.


Upon processing to yield the food, which is known in Japan as nori, the red pigments are lost and the final product has a dark greenish color.


What better way to save money over the long term , the versatile use of such arrangements as this one using the amaranthus in green , draped over the edge of a large crystal goblet which has a preserved sheet moss ball , in the bottom of such .


Or Pleurococcus Popularly called moss though not actually classified as such, it is found as a thin, green covering on the moist, shaded side of trees, rocks, and soil.


Or Pleurococcus Popularly called moss though not actually classified as such, it is found as a thin, green covering on the moist, shaded side of tree s, rocks, and soil.


Or Pleurococcus Popularly called moss though not actually classified as such, it is found as a thin, green covering on the moist, shaded side of trees, rock s, and soil.


Petiole to 1(-2.5) cm; leaf blade adaxially densely sericeous and pubescent, abaxially pubescent, veins densely long villous; corolla white to greenish white; pistil pubescent to glabrescent

叶柄到1(-2.5)厘米;浓密的叶片正面密被绢毛和短柔毛,背面具短柔毛,脉长具长柔毛;花冠白色到带绿色白色;雌蕊短柔毛到后脱落 3 Tremacron mairei 东川短檐苣苔

The touch of the nameless days clings to my heart like mosses round the old tree...


The kindly dimness of the weak candle abstracted from her form and features the little blemishes which sunlight might have revealed - the stubble scratches upon her wrists, and the weariness of her eyes - her high enthusiasm having a transfiguring effect upon the fact which had been her undoing, showing it as a thing of immaculate beauty, with a touch of dignity which was almost regal.


更多网络解释与苔绿色相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Army Green:军绿

green 绿色 | army green军绿 | moss green 苔绿色

emerald green:鲜绿色

moss green 苔绿色 | emerald green 鲜绿色 | olive green 橄榄绿


Handwritten 浓咖啡棕 | Flourishing 苔绿色 | Blanc Type 奶油米色

moss gre:苔绿色

绿色 green | 苔绿色 moss gre | 鲜绿色emerald green

Moss Green:苔绿色

green 绿色 | moss green 苔绿色 | emerald green 鲜绿色

green laver:青海苔

green laser 绿色激光器 | green laver 青海苔 | green leaf hopper 大青叶蝉

Ming blue:藏青色 Ming blue藏青色

Milk white 乳白色 Milk white乳白色 | Ming blue 藏青色 Ming blue藏青色 | Moss green 苔綠色 Moss green苔绿色

苔绿色 moss green苔绿色:moss green

Ming blue 藏青色 Ming blue藏青色 | Moss green 苔綠色 Moss green苔绿色 | Navy blue 海水藍 Navy blue海水蓝

苔綠色 Moss green苔绿色:Moss green

Ming blue 藏青色 Ming blue藏青色 | Moss green 苔綠色 Moss green苔绿色 | Navy blue 海水藍 Navy blue海水蓝


苔纲通常分为3目,即地钱目(Marchantiales)、叶苔目(Jungermanniaceae)和角苔目(Anthocerotales). 地钱除有性及无性生殖外,也有营养繁殖. 地钱的营养繁殖主要是胞芽(gemmae),胞芽生于叶状体背面中肋上的绿色芽杯(cupule)中.