英语人>词典>汉英 : 船家 的英文翻译,例句
船家 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

one who owns a boat and makes a living as a boatman
更多网络例句与船家相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But soon. Professor asked:"boatman, then you understand the biology of how much?"


One of the so-called boatmen, resuming the voice and manner of a guardsman, called out now to the steersman in the stern.


Provided the boatman was not lazy,the boat could be spick andspan at all times.


Many small boats rode the Kynslagh's swells, lake men in black cloaks bent stolidly over their oars.


In those days, Liu Yong always was one of the first ones who played rock music, rode motorcycle, operated company, learned computer, drove automobile and went abroad…I still remember that Liu Yong taught me to ride bicycle. We went to the outskirt along Xi Ba River to sketch. Going through weeping willow, there were very tall eucalyptus leaves, moving back and forth in the wind. They looked green sometimes, and reflected sunshine sometimes, resembling those dreamy and innocent days: mountains and lake, girls washing clothes by the river, boatmen living in lake, fisherman casting net, youth fishing, buffalos dazing, and water birds observing everything by reeds…We caught everything in our paintings, obsessed with painting. The world outside, and the peace of monastic life all moved far away. Those shared days were the pure, clear and beautiful time in both Liu Yong's and my life.


And Hiram sent in the navy his servants, shipmen that had knowledge of the sea, with the servants of Solomon.

9:27 希兰差遣他的仆人,就是熟悉泛海的船家,与所罗门的仆人一同坐船航海。

And Hiram sent in the navy his servants, shipmen that had knowledge of the sea, with theservants of Solomon.


更多网络解释与船家相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


4. noun [指人] | 船家 : boatman | 农家 : peasant

Jadeite Horse:翡翠马

大家庭 Big Family (1935) | 翡翠马 Jadeite Horse (1935) | 船家女 Boatman's Daughter (1935)


这些鱼类包括吞拿鱼、刺鱼(trumpeter)、月鱼(kingfish)、鲯鳅(mahi mahi)、枪鱼(marlin)和其他各种各样鱼类,连鲑鳟鱼都有. 这里的钓鱼船家还会利用丰富的本地水域知识,带你出海钓鱼呢. 冲浪、风帆、独木舟、帆船运动和滑浪等,


这些鱼类包括吞拿鱼、刺鱼(trumpeter)、月鱼(kingfish)、鲯鳅(mahi mahi)、枪鱼(marlin)和其他各种各样鱼类,连鲑鳟鱼都有. 这里的钓鱼船家还会利用丰富的本地水域知识,带你出海钓鱼呢. 冲浪、风帆、独木舟、帆船运动和滑浪等,


这里是长江中游渡口南岸. 水面浩浩汤汤,横无际涯. 澎湃的江水拍打着岸边,发出有节奏的声响. 你仔细望了望,江面似乎有一艘小船. 看来想过河,只有喊(yell)船家过来渡你了.


3. nou [学派] school of thought | 4. nou [指人] | 船家 : boatman