英语人>词典>汉英 : 致关节疾病的 的英文翻译,例句
致关节疾病的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Such as inflammation of joints, the lower leg, such as chronic venous insufficiency lead to long-term sustainability of the skin caused by congestive hairy; hyperthyroidism in Pretibial myxedema patch Department often long acuminatum out; hypothyroidism and limbs of children in the back outside a large number of hair growth; children with viral encephalitis and inter-brain barrier after mumps-induced systemic hairy; head injury, especially after the children more prone to hair; children with primary malnutrition or enteropathy, or other malabsorption, or severe infections caused by malnutrition could rise to a large number of multi-body hair; anorexia nervosa patients in the face, trunk and upper limbs have more hair grow; infant limb pain patients in the limbs, face, trunk and more hair; dermatomyositis patients, mainly in children can be located hairy forearm, leg and temporal, but also a broader scope; Berordinelli syndrome, that is, growth and maturity accelerated from an early age, and accompanied by malnutrition and intestinal muscle atrophy, common hepatomegaly and high blood fat, the skin of patients with rough, often hairy; addition of certain drugs such as streptomycin, such as cortisone can cause iatrogenic hairy; some women as a result of adrenal, ovarian and other diseases caused by increased androgen can also result in more hair.


The osteoarthritis,also called recession arthritis,osteoarthropathy,are the synovial membrane joint are accompanied by around the joint the ossein proliferation to lose the result disease for the characteristic cartilage,assumes the chronicity, carries on the change.


更多网络解释与致关节疾病的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


痛风病(Gout)是一组嘌呤代谢紊乱所致的慢性代谢紊乱疾病. 主要临床特点是体内尿酸产生过多或肾脏排泄尿酸减少,引起血中尿酸升高,形成高尿酸血症以及反复发作的痛风性急性关节炎、痛风石沉积、痛风性慢性关节炎和关节畸形等.

rheumatoid arthritis, RA:类风湿性关节炎

类风湿性关节炎(rheumatoid arthritis RA)是一种以慢性关节炎病理变化为特征的自身免疫性疾病,是免疫调节功能紊乱所致的炎性反应性疾病.该病主要临床表现为外周关节持续性和进行性的滑膜炎,继而可引起关节软骨破坏或骨侵蚀,

arthrotropic:[医]亲关节的,向关节的 致关节疾病的

selectional relation 选择关系 | arthrotropic [医]亲关节的,向关节的 致关节疾病的 | final bleaching 终漂


arthrotomy | 关节切开(术) | arthrotropic | 亲关节的,向关节的致关节疾病的 | arthrotyphoid | 风湿型伤寒


arthrotropic | 亲关节的,向关节的致关节疾病的 | arthrotyphoid | 风湿型伤寒 | Arthrozoa | 关节动物

referred pain:牵涉性痛

耳痛(otalgia)系耳内或耳周疼痛,多为炎性疾病所致,余为牵涉性痛(referred pain)或反射性痛. 按发生机制可将耳痛分为原发性与继发性二类:①原发性耳痛系耳部疾病所致. ②继发性耳痛发生于邻近或远隔器官如口腔、咽、喉部、颞颌关节及颈部的疾病,

cerebrovascular disease:脑血管病

(一)脑血管病(cerebrovascular disease) 脑血管疾病所致的偏瘫,肢体可出现肌萎缩,主要是上肢手的肌群,如大小鱼肌、骨间肌萎缩. 前臂肌群也可受累,产生"猿手"或"爪形手". 肌萎缩局限在肩胛带,尤其在三角肌时,常有肩关节脱臼.