英语人>词典>汉英 : 自鸣得意地 的英文翻译,例句
自鸣得意地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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"Yes," he would say complacently to some admiring satellite, I know I'm a good match, and I know what makes the gals so civil.


After a few minutes reflection, however, she continued, I do remember his boasting one day, at Netherfield, of the implacability of his resentments, of his having an unforgiving temper.


A person who demonstrates an exaggerated conformity or propriety , especially in an irritatingly arrogant or smug manner .


He did not merely fancy—as every governing official always does fancy—that he was controlling the external acts of the inhabitants of Moscow, but fancied that he was shaping their mental attitude by means of his appeals and placards, written in that vulgar, slangy jargon which the people despise in their own class, and simply fail to understand when they hear it from persons of higher station. The picturesque figure of leader of the popular feeling was so much to Rastoptchin's taste, and he so lived in it, that the necessity of abandoning it, the necessity of surrendering Moscow with no heroic effect of any kind, took him quite unawares; the very ground he was standing on seemed slipping from under his feet, and he was utterly at a loss what to do.


The bureaucrats explained smugly that the facts provided by their own experts show no cause for concern.


Meanwhile, the application smugly tells the user that the function was canceled .


Looking up for a minute, he noticed a Bhikshu walking slowly ahead on the side of the road. The Bhikshu's steps were firm, his back was straight; there was an air about him of peace and inner strength.


INT. RICHARD'S OFFICE – DAYTommy smirks and blows a huge bubble with his gum.


Isn't it a relief," we agreed, semi-smugly,"when it isn't oneself who is saying the wrongest possible thing!


Peter Tucci stands nearby and thanks Dr. Wasserman for his time and smugly smiles.

Peter Tucci 站在一旁,感谢 Wasserman 医生和他对验尸所付出的时间,并且自鸣得意地笑了起来。

更多网络解释与自鸣得意地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

with her disagreeably pleasant laugh:(她)自鸣得意却令人讨厌地笑起来

9.dove-feather'd raven披着白鸽羽毛的乌鸦 | 10.with her disagreeably pleasant laugh(她)自鸣得意却令人讨厌地笑起来 | 11.an honorable villain体面的恶棍

cock on his own dunghill:在自己的粪堆上称雄的公鸡,自鸣得意

42.cast sheep's eye at 像某人愚蠢地送上秋波 | 43.cock on his own dunghill 在自己的粪堆上称雄的公鸡,自鸣得意 | 44.like a cat on hot brick 如热砖上的猫,紧张而又激动

with stars in one's eyes:自鸣得意地

with responsibility for 负责 | with stars in one's eyes 自鸣得意地 | with tail in the water 发达

smug: a.1:自鸣得意的 2.整洁的,体面的

villain: n.1.恶棍 2.(小说戏剧中)反派人物 | smug: a.1.自鸣得意的 2.整洁的,体面的 | spurn: v.1.践踏,一脚踢开 2.轻蔑地拒绝或摈弃