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自裂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

spontaneous cracking
更多网络例句与自裂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ZL03 2 354312.The innovations include: automatic self-closing and reliably sealed valve structure: the design of duplex valve clack with pilot valve to tackle the problem of reverse seal structured valve being difficult to be opened; an automatic drain control device to automatically drain the remaining water from the hydrant; protective plate provided between the hydrant body and the valve block to serve as a connection between the hydrant body and the valve block, which is the first one to be damaged when the ground hydrant is clashed, and prevent pulling-off of the whole above-ground part of the fire hydrant, so as to properly protect the main parts from any damage. The self-closing and reliably sealed valve now prevents drain of water, and only the damaged protective plate is needed to be replaced before immediate re-operation. Thus the repair work after clashing is very easy and simple.


According to pathologic features, the intratemporal facial nerve neurilemmomas were classified as ingrowing facial nerve neurilemmomas (4 ears) which originated from the center of facial nerve,and outgrowing facial nerve neurilemmomas (13 ears) which originated from the perineurium at dehiscence of the facial nerve canal.


The research of spin transfer in fragmentation is an availability probe to get the individual spin quark distribution function.


ResultsOne of 18 cases with drill drainage got cured in hospital, others were uncured when leaving hospital.


Calyx 5-sect from base, segments equal, or unequal and 2-lipped with adaxial lip 2-lobed from base or below middle.


Corolla blue-purple to pinkish white or greenish, 1.8-2.3 cm, outside pubescent to glabrescent; tube nearly cylindric, gradually slightly ampliate from base to mouth, 1.4-2 cm X 3-6 mm; limb slightly 2-lipped; adaxial lip 2-lobed from near middle, lobes 1.5-2 X 1.5-2 mm; abaxial lip lobes 3.5-5.5 X 2.5-3 mm. Stamens adnate to corolla 5-7 mm above base, 6-13 mm; filaments slender, slightly flattened, glabrous; anthers oblong, 2-loculed, dehiscing longitudinally, connective glabrous; staminode 1, ca. 1.2 mm. Disc ca. 1.2 mm, shallowly 5-lobed to subentire.

花冠蓝紫色到带绿色带粉红色的白色的或,1.8-2.3厘米,外面被短柔毛到后脱落;逐渐,圆筒状的近筒部稍自基部在嘴,3-6毫米的1.4 X-2厘米;瓣片有点二唇形;从近中部,耳垂1.5-2 X 1.5-2毫米2裂的正面的唇;背面的唇裂片3.5-5.5 X 2.5-3毫米雄蕊贴生于花冠超过基部,6-13毫米5-7毫米;花丝纤细,稍扁平,无毛;花药长圆形,2室,纵向开裂,药隔无毛;退化雄蕊1,大约大约1.2毫米,浅5浅裂到近全缘的1.2毫米光碟。

Seismites can be subdivided into many types,such as seismic corrugated rock,shattered rock,seismic collapse rock,autoclastic breccias,intraclastic parabreccia,liquefied breccia and seismoturbidite rock.


Autogenetic heat fracturing technique, which replaces fracturing pad fluid with chemicals in order to increase the backflow volume of fracturing fluid and the oil well productivity, is a technique used for remaking the low permeability reservoirs.


The results of RAPD analysis were consisted with their phenotypic characters very well, which indicated that the RAPD technology could be used to analyze the relationships of some intraspecies and similar interspecies of Coccomyces efficiently.


A total of 130 hypospadiac patients hospitalized between January 1988 and December 2007 were followed up with questionnaires using Zung's Self-rating Depression Scale, Self-rating Anxiety Scale, a self-designed sexual function questionnaire and a 5-item version of the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5). The surveys served to evaluate the effects of hypospadias type, number of operations and surgical procedures on sexual psychology, sexual behaviour and sexual function.


更多网络解释与自裂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


细胞死亡途径存在缺陷是肿瘤的特征之一.肿瘤发展与细胞凋亡的抗性密切相关,但肿瘤细胞也通过非凋亡机制发生死亡,例如坏死、衰老、自吞噬(autophagy)及丝裂灾变(mitotic catastrophe)等.借助药物对凋亡途径和非凋亡途径的调控有可能发展新的肿瘤治疗手段,

Liquidambar formosana:枫香

枫香:( Liquidambar formosana)枫香属于金缕梅科,枫香属. 枫香是一种落叶性大乔木,植株高大壮硕,树皮灰黑,分枝很多,叶子具有长柄,叶身呈菱型,通常三裂,偶尔五裂或四裂,裂片细锯齿缘. 枫香在亚热带地区,台湾自海拔100-1500公尺地带都有大量枫香树生长着,

rima glottidis:声门裂

下方一对称声襞(plicavocalis)或声带,两侧声襞之间的裂隙称声门裂(rima glottidis)或声门(glottis),当气流经过此处时,冲击声带引起震动而发声. 人类声音的声调同年龄、性别有关. 自出生至青春期前,男、女儿童的声调差别不大. 青春期后,

second class constraint:第二类约束

season crack 自裂 | second class constraint 第二类约束 | second cosmic velocity 第二宇宙速度

spontaneous emission:自發射

spin-orbit splitting 自旋-軌道分裂 | spontaneous emission 自發射 | spontaneous fission 自發[核]分裂= 自發裂變


5.脊柱和脊髓畸形,如脊髓纵裂(diastematomyelia)、脊髓圆锥低位固定综合征(tetbercord syndrome)等. 临床意义 1.通过观察造影剂在椎管内流动情况、形状及位置变化,可诊断有无脊髓及椎管内病变. 自20年代起,此法被临床广泛应用至今,


裂头绦虫病(diphyllobothriasis)是由阔节裂头绦虫(diphyllobothrium)寄生人体肠道所致的疾病. 空肠弯曲菌(campylobacter)是1973年Butzler等自腹泻病人粪便中分离出现,目前已认识其为人类腹泻的主要致病菌之一. 空肠弯曲菌肠炎的发病率在发达国家超过细菌性痢疾,

lobus occipitalis:枕叶

顶枕沟(sulcus parieto-occipitalis)位于半球内侧面的后部,略转至背外侧面,在顶叶和枕叶(lobus occipitalis)之间. 枕叶、顶叶、颞叶之间的分界是假设的. 在大脑下缘,自枕叶后端向前约4cm处有一枕前切迹,自顶枕裂至枕前切迹的连线为枕叶的前界,

season crack:自裂

seaplane 水上飞机 | season crack 自裂 | second class constraint 第二类约束

anticlastic surface:抗裂面

anhydrite surface 无水石膏饰面 | anticlastic surface 抗裂面 | artesian pressure surface 自流压力面(地下水的)