英语人>词典>汉英 : 自由职业的 的英文翻译,例句
自由职业的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
freelance  ·  freelances

更多网络例句与自由职业的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Finally, I think I'm able to attract better freelance talent because of all my industry contacts.


Observer thread to assign the jobs in queue to the free job executer threads from the thread pool.


But the long-lunch lifestyle took its toll and Mr Cunningham eventually left Random House to do free- lance work, before being approached by Nigel Newton, Bloomsbury's chief executive, with the idea of creating a children's list for the company.


I have a freelance architect who is looking for a website.


Arthur Morris is a free-lance nature photographer and writer specializing in birds. He taught elementary school in New York City for twenty-three years. For eight years he conducted the shorebird survey at the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge for The International Shorebird Surveys, Manomet, MA.

亚瑟。莫里斯是自由职业的自然摄影师和鸟专题作家,他在纽约市小学任教23年,他用了八年时间为Manomet, MA国际滨鸟调查从事牙买加湾野生保护区滨鸟调查,他的两幅照片1997 BG plc的年度野生动物摄影比赛中获奖,当时参加比赛的共有19,000张照片。

Now the zeitgeist has shifted 180 degrees, and freelance is no longer a synonym of freedom.


When one of her professors who also 4)freelanced as a photographer asked her to pose for him, the resulting pictures 5)provoked a flood of interest from the modelling industry.


She was a member of the Army Ground Forces Band in Atlanta for the past four years, and now freelances in the area.


Passage: How to find freelance administrative work If you have good office management and computer sills, you might consider looking for freelance administrative work.


One of the great benefits of freelancing is being able to define your own hours.


更多网络解释与自由职业的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


所有照片都是婚礼当天照的. 所以在欧洲一定没有中国那样的中国婚纱影楼(唐人街可能除外,不过那应该不是你想要的). 你可以试试上网找自由职业(free lancer)的摄影师. 还有一个问题是,法国人很可能不会英语. 你可能要从别的国家带.


不干不知道,真地干起了"自由职业"(freelance)才知道"个体户"要挣钱养家是多么地不容易. 但让我感恩的是我自己的咨询公司的业务也蒙受上帝的恩典,我在这一年中真还拿到一些项目,包括:去年十月受聘于联合国的一个机构以技术专家的身份赴沙特阿拉伯短期工作、讲学,


80后爱自由、贪新鲜,自由职业(freelance)最适合不过,皆因可一概谢绝难顶上司、讨厌同事,远离是非地,只接手自己有兴趣的工作. 本身为中学教师的Sharon,为了腾出时间进修神学,3年前毅然放弃这份稳定职业,转投翻译自由人,收入时多时少,

An intriguing notion:好想法

Nothing big. Maybe just pick up some freelance work.没什么的,只是拣点自由职业做做.... | An intriguing notion 好想法 | But wouldn't it be awkward having me as your boss.但是我成了你的上司,那会不会很奇怪...

profess vt.1:表示,承认 2.宣称信仰

nefarious a.邪恶的, 穷凶极恶的 | profess vt.1.表示,承认 2.宣称信仰 | profession n.1.职业,自由职业 2.[the ~]同业,同行 3.公开表示,表白

streets are crowded with people dancing the samba in parading processions:街上到处都是跳着桑巴舞的游行队伍

During the carnival of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, ;在巴西... | streets are crowded with people dancing the samba in parading processions. ;街上到处都是跳着桑巴舞的游行队伍. | profession n.职业,自由职业; ...


freelance 自由职业的 | freeload 白吃白喝 | freemartin 和雄犊双生的雌犊

Pains and Joy of Freelancing:自由职业的利弊

7 SOHO: How It Begins SOHO伊始31 | 8 Pains and Joy of Freelancing 自由职业的利弊36 | 9 Gym Talk 每天健身多一点41