英语人>词典>汉英 : 自由流动 的英文翻译,例句
自由流动 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与自由流动相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Giuliano Amato, Italy's interior minister, said that the EU's rules on free movement were inadequate in the face of the arrival of 500,000 Romanians.

意大利内政部长 Giuliano Amato 说欧盟关于国家间人员自由流动的政策在50万的罗马尼亚人面前是无能为力的。

As the Italian example shows, if any one of the 12 new members, especially Romania and Bulgaria, were still queuing to enter the EU, there would now be a heated debate about immigration, and the EU keystones of free movement of people, capital, goods and services might soon be under attack.


Freedom of movement of labour among EU citizens is one of the bloc's four fundamental


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Under the condition of capital mobility and currency convertibility,money market and foreign exchange market interact with each other.


The open-channel flowing refers to a kind of flowage which has the free surface.


In every design there is a free-flowing, democratic organization of spaces and functions with an unselfconscious tributary of circulation that in the end dictates a new unprecedented architectural form.


Indeed, copies flow so freely we could think of the internet as a super-distribution system, where once a copy is introduced it will continue to flow through the network forever, much like electricity in a superconductive wire.


In Hong Kong – a city-state utterly dependent on the free movement of goods and capital – the rivulets of cash swilling round the system are at their shallowest since records began.


ASEAN's nascent free-trade zone also excludes services, and tiptoes around labour mobility.


更多网络解释与自由流动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


再传送复制品(copies)的自由,如此你可以与邻居分享;3. 改进程式和释出你的改良给公众的自由,如此整个社群都受益. 他的出发点是从软体不应有拥有者出发,进而著力於软体的自由流动问题(可自由复制),并兼及资讯完整性. 这里,

customs union:海关联盟

其远景目标是实现成员国之间货物与服务贸易的自由流动;建立海关联盟(Customs Union);实现资本的自由流动;逐步建立一个支付联盟(Payment Union)以最终实现单一货币体系;建立统一的签证制度以实现人员的自由流动.

free end bearing:流动支承,自由支承

four-row tapered roller bearing四列圆锥滚柱轴承 | free end bearing流动支承,自由支承 | friction bearing滑动轴承

free mobility:自由流動

Free market economy 自由市场经济 | Free mobility 自由流动 | Free reserve 自由准备

free mobility of resources:资源自由流动

free goods 自由品、免费品 | free mobility of resources 资源自由流动 | free rider 搭便车、免费搭车者

free-flowing material:自由流动料

free-fall insertion 自由下落插入 | free-flowing material 自由流动料 | free-free transition 自由-自由跃迁

free-flowing channel:无压水槽

free-flowing 自由流动,自重流动 | free-flowing channel 无压水槽 | free-flowing material 自由流动

free-flowing condition:自由流动状态

dough conditioner面团调理剂,面团性质改进剂 | dough conditioning面团调理剂 | free-flowing condition自由流动状态


勒拿河、叶尼塞河(Yenisei)和俄罗斯远东的阿穆尔河(即我国的黑龙江,译者注)等水系自由流动的支流数量也占全球总数的五分之一. 图3给出了长度超过1000公里以上大型自由流动河流的地区分布数量以及占所有河流的比率. 从图中可以看出,

free-burning rate:(烟草)自由燃烧率

free water 自由水;游离水 | free-burning rate (烟草)自由燃烧率 | free-flowing 散粒的;能自由流动