英语人>词典>汉英 : 自我讨厌的 的英文翻译,例句
自我讨厌的 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与自我讨厌的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By your self-advertisement you have enabled stranger, bore, intruder, or criminal to engage you in conversation at a moment's notice in what ought to be the privacy of your own home.


Self- denigration and the extermination of another race are entirely different matters, yet Wang conflates the two and thereby displays a disturbing ignorance concerning what racism actually is.


My repugnant present, ten points repugnancy!


I confessed to the colonel that after I signed the ROTC letter of intent I began to wonder whether the compromise I had made with myself was not more objectionable than the draft would have been, because I had no interest in the ROTC program in itself and all I seemed to have done was to protect myself from physical harm ...


Hell, I'm a writer; self-loathing is part of the job. It's not that I hate myself.


I hate wallowers and that's what we've turned into -- a couple of sighing, slack-jawed, self-pitying wallowers!


I confessed to the colonel that after I signed the ROTC letter of intent I began to wonder whether the compromise I had made with myself was not more objectionable than the draft would have been, because I had no interest in the ROTC program in itself and all I seemed to have done was to protect myself from physical harm ...


Only self-restraint, self-repression, iron self-control make it possible to endure the abominable beings among whom we have to live.


Only self-restraint, self-repression, ironself-controlmake it possible to endure the abominable beings amongwhom we haveto live.


更多网络解释与自我讨厌的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



voyeur: n.1:偷看下流场面的人 2.刺探秘密者,窥视他人隐私者

prig: n.1.一本正经的人,自命不凡的人,道学先生,学究气的人 2.讨厌的人 | voyeur: n.1.偷看下流场面的人 2.刺探秘密者,窥视他人隐私者 | exhibitionist: n.好出风头者,有裸露癖者,有自我表现狂者

I choose to gush sycophantically:我选择自我吹捧

I resent being bribed to gush|sycophantically by the star.|我讨厌被明星贿赂|为他们写那些吹牛吹翻天的文章 | I choose to gush sycophantically.|我选择自我吹捧 | Okay.|好