英语人>词典>汉英 : 膜半规管 的英文翻译,例句
膜半规管 的英文翻译、例句


Ductus semicirculares
更多网络例句与膜半规管相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

(1) In common cavity malformation, in addition to the abnormal bony labyrinth such as the cochlea, vestibule and lateral semicircular canal, the inner ear perceptive organ such as the saccule, utricle and scala media were also abnormal.(2) Though we could not identify the basal membrane and sensory epithelia under micro-endoscopy, the utricle and saccule could be clearly identified.(3) During cochlear implantation in common cavity malformation, electrode insertion should be monitored under micro-endoscopy, the electrodes should be put close to the anterior wall of the cavity, otherwise the vestibular organ may be damaged.


The distance between rear part of posterior semicircular canal andanterior margin of the sigmoid sinus increased by 4.45 mm(57.8%),exposure areas ofposterior fossa dura increased by 157.32 mm~2 (64.3%)and operative angle of visionwas 329.6% that of retrolabyrinthine approach when performing PLPA approachcompared with retrolabyrinthine approach.

PLPA入路与迷路后入路相比,半规管后端与乙状窦前缘的距离较迷路后入路增加了4.45 mm (57.8%),后颅窝硬膜的暴露面积增加了157.32 mm~2 (64.3%),手术视角为迷路后入路的329.6%。

更多网络解释与膜半规管相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cochlear duct:耳蜗管

骨性迷路包括了三个部份:前庭(vastibule)、耳蜗(cochlea)和半规管(semicircular canal). 膜性迷路则包括前庭内的椭圆囊(utricle)和球囊(saccule)、耳蜗内的耳蜗管(cochlear duct) 、以及骨性半规管内的膜性半规管(membranous semic ...


漂浮于外淋巴液中的膜性盘卷状管腔内充满粘性较高的液体,即内淋巴液(endolymph). 图4-3展示膜迷路. 状如蜗牛的是包含听觉感受器的蜗管(cochlea duct). 三个半规管和与它们相连的前庭(囊斑和壶腹嵴)则构成前庭系统(vestibular system),

membranous labyrinth:膜迷路

(二)膜迷路 膜迷路(membranous labyrinth)由膜性管和膜性囊组成,借纤维束固定于骨迷路内,可分为椭圆囊、球囊、膜半规管及膜蜗管,各部相互连通为形成一连续的、含有空腔的密闭的膜质结构(图5-1-29).

membranous labyrinth:膜性迷路

而是程度最适中的动作」. 人体的平衡是由内耳(也称为迷路,labyrinth) 所控制. 内耳包括骨性迷路(bony labyrinth)以及其中的膜性迷路(membranous labyrinth). 骨性迷路包括了三个部份:前庭(vastibule)、耳蜗(cochlea)和半规管(semicircular canal).

membranous labyrinth:膜质迷路;膜迷路

膜颅 membranous cranium; membranocranium | 膜质迷路;膜迷路 membranous labyrinth | 膜质半规管 membranous semicircular canal


前庭内膜迷路为两个膜性小囊,称椭圆囊(utriculus)和球囊(sacculus). 椭圆囊位于后上方,与三个膜性半规管相通. 球囊位于前方,下端也有小管与蜗管相连. 因此,膜迷路内的内淋巴彼此相通(参见图11-9). 椭圆囊和球囊均以结缔组织悬挂于前庭的骨内膜上,

lateral semicircular canal:外半规管,外骨半规管

lateral segmental bronchus 外侧段支气管 | lateral semicircular canal 外半规管,外骨半规管 | lateral semicircular duct 外膜半规管

Utricle and saccule:椭圆囊和球囊

Cochlear duct 蜗管 | Utricle and saccule 椭圆囊和球囊 | Semicircular ducts 膜半规管

posterior talar articular surface:后距关节面

后结节|posterior tubercle; posterior tubercle | 后距关节面|posterior talar articular surface | 后膜半规管|posterior semicircular duct

membranous ampullae:膜壶腹

membranous semicircular ducts 膜半规管 | membranous ampullae 膜壶腹 | ampullary crest 壶腹嵴