英语人>词典>汉英 : 腹壁疝 的英文翻译,例句
腹壁疝 的英文翻译、例句


ventral hernia
更多网络例句与腹壁疝相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective To evaluate the role of CT in the diagnosis of abdominal wall hernias.


Repair: hernial sac resection and abdominal wall were sutured with silkthread layer by layer interruptedly,37 cases; 24 patients were running-sutured with "qiangsen" asorbed thread layer by layer; 2 patients whose abdominal defection were repaired with polypropylene melex and another with Dacron patch.

修补方法:疝囊组织切除,腹壁分层丝线间断缝合37例;"强生"可吸收线连续缝合 24例;腹壁缺损用聚丙烯丝网补片修补2例;Dacron修补腹壁缺损1例。

Methods From Sep.2007 to Mar.2006,expanded polytetrafluoroethylene mesh repair was applied in 18 patients with abdominal incisional hernia.


Engorged and crowded mesenteric vessels are seen at the hernial orifice, which is adjacent to the abdominal wall.


Hernia sac/freeing ------ Search for associated hernias In cases of voluminous direct hernias, a thorough exploration of the groin is necessary to rule out any coexisting intraparietal, low lying Spieling or femoral hernias.

在巨型直疝时,需彻底探查腹股沟区以排除任何合并存在的腹壁间裂隙疝、低位的外侧腹壁疝(Spigelian 疝)或股疝。

Objective To summarize the experience of intraperitoneal repair of the giant abdominal incisional hernia using Composix kugel patch.

目的:总结Composix kugel自膨式补片腹膜腔内修补腹壁巨大切口疝的经验。

Results One case with transverse mesocolon pore hernia, one with obturator hernia and one with paracecal hernia were confirmed by exploratory laparotomy. There were six cases whose hernias resulted from the fall of export jejuna into import jejuna after Billroth II anastomoses in front of colons, five from the pelvic bottoms' peritoneal fissure and four from the fissure appearing between descending colon and lateral abdominal wall after Miles' operation, one from greater omental adhesion to sigmoidal wall after sigmoidostomy, and one from inflammatory adhesion on the basis of Meckel's diverticulum. The other 17 cases' hernias (48.7%) were caused by the fissure among celiac adhesive bands, peritonea, celiac organs, enteric walls and intestines.

结果 剖腹探查手术证实为横结肠系膜裂孔疝1例;闭孔疝1例;盲肠旁疝1例;毕Ⅱ式结肠前吻合术后输出段空肠疝入输入段空肠与横结肠系膜间隙6例;Miles术后盆底腹膜裂开所致内疝5例;Miles术后降结肠与侧腹壁形成的间隙致内疝4例;大网膜与乙状结肠造口肠壁粘连形成内疝1 例;1例在梅克尔憩室基础上发生炎性粘连形成腹内疝;因腹腔粘连带与腹膜、腹腔脏器、肠壁、肠与肠之间的孔隙改变形成内疝17例(48.7%)。

Objective: To evaluate the usefulness of multislice CT examination in the diagnosis of the abdominal wall hernias.


Methods: The hernias of abdominal wall of 86 cases were all undergone multislice CT examination and proved by surgeons.


The occurrence rates of colostomyrelated complications such as ischemic necrosis dehiscence of stomal mucosa and skin, retraction of stoma, tissue necrosis, parastomal hernia, abodaminal internal hernia, tissue infection, stenosis of stoma, stoma prolapse and tissue edema were 1.0%(3/300), 1.33%(4/300), 1.33%(4/300), 1.67%(5/300), 3.66%(11/300), 4.0%(12/300), 8.0%(24/300), 9.0%(27/300), 10.0%(30/300) and 11.0%(33/300), respectively.


更多网络解释与腹壁疝相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

interparietal hernia:腹壁间层疝

interparietal 间顶骨 | interparietal hernia 腹壁间层疝 | interparticle bonding 粒间粘结

laparo salpingectomy:剖腹输卵管切除术

laparectomy 腹壁部分切除术 | laparo salpingectomy 剖腹输卵管切除术 | laparocele 腹疝

ventral hernia:腹壁疝

ventral groove 腹沟 | ventral hernia 腹壁疝 | ventral lateral nucleus of thalamus 腹外侧核

epigastric hernia:上腹疝

白线疝(hernia of linea alba) 可发生于腹壁正中线(即白线)的不同部位,但绝大多数在脐上,故也称上腹疝(epigastric hernia). 下腹部两侧腹直肌靠得较紧密,白线部腹壁强度较高,故很少发生疝. 白线疝多在成人发生,与肥胖或妊娠有关.

abdominal ileotomy:[医] 剖腹回肠切开术

1027abdominal hernia[医] 腹疝 | 1028abdominal ileotomy[医] 剖腹回肠切开术 | 1029abdominal incision[医] 腹壁切口, 腹切开


laparectomy腹壁部分切除术 | laparosalpingectomy剖腹输卵管切除术 | laparocele腹疝


脐膨出(omphalocele)又称胚胎性脐带疝,与脐疝不同. 它是由于胚胎期,腹腔脏器和腹腔容积在发育过程中发生障碍,致使暂时性移入脐带基底部的部分腹腔脏器未能复位,仍位于脐带基底部,通过前腹壁正中的先天性皮肤缺损而突出,形成先天性脐膨出,