英语人>词典>汉英 : 腰椎穿刺 的英文翻译,例句
腰椎穿刺 的英文翻译、例句


lumbar puncture · spinal puncture
更多网络例句与腰椎穿刺相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lumbar puncture: this is a test to look at cerebrospinal fluid.


The exact same moment that I'm futilely trying to give her an LP?


It's obvious we have to do the lumbar puncture.


The meliorative group of 40 patients was applied with continuous ahernant drainage surgery on meliorative side ventricle and lower cavity of lumbar arachnoid, while the contrast group of 40 patients was applied with traditional drainage surgery on side ventricle combined with lumbar centesis.


In this prospective study by Rodrigo Hasbun, MD, and colleagues from Yale University, 235 of 301 patients (78%) with suspected meningitis had head CT before LP was done, two hours later on average.

在这次由来自Yale大学的Rodrigo Hasbun医师,和他的同事们设计的前瞻性研究中,301名的可疑脑膜炎患者中的235名(占总数的78%),在进行腰椎穿刺的平均两个小时之前,进行了头部CT的检查。

Objective To compare the different clinic effect of lumbar puncture between venepuncture needles and traditional lumbar puncture needles in newborns.

目的 对比传统腰穿针与头皮针用于新生儿腰椎穿刺术的临床效果。

Methods 30 patiends of newborns using venepuncture needles and anather 30 patiends of newborns using traditional lumbar puncture needles.


The new method of lumbar puncture with venepuncture needles is convenient, intuitionistic,safe, inexpensive, lower injury and has obviously superior to traditional lumbar puncture needles.


Venepuncture needles; lumbar puncture; newborns


The use of ataractic、the quality of puncture and the complication between two groups were compared.


更多网络解释与腰椎穿刺相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

lumbar puncture:腰椎穿刺

[6]我们处理脑压过高的方式,是在脑部影像学检查确定脑内无压迫性肿块(space-occupying lesions)后,给予腰椎穿刺(lumbar puncture),引流脊髓液以减少脑压;若脑压大於350mmH2O,可每日给予引流20-30cc,直到脑压小於350mmH2O;之后可每2-3日给予引流,

lumbar puncture:腰椎穿刺术

腰椎穿刺术(lumbar puncture)常用于检查脑脊液的性质,对诊断脑膜炎、脑炎、脑血管病变、脑瘤等神经系统计并有重要意义. 有时也用于鞘内注射药物,以及测定颅内压力和了解蛛网膜下腔是否阻塞等.

lumbar puncture:腰椎穿刺,腰穿

Low-grade Lymphoma 低分化淋巴瘤(低级别淋巴瘤) | Lumbar puncture 腰椎穿刺,腰穿 | Lymph nodes 淋巴结

Fanny och Alexande:芬妮与亚历山大

223. 7.9 1984 This Is Spinal Tap 腰椎穿刺 | 224. 7.9 1982 Fanny och Alexande 芬妮与亚历山大 | 225. 7.9 1968 The Lion in Winter 冬狮(冬之狮)

Might be betterto play it safe to start:小心一点为妙

I think it'd help to know what she has before we start digging into her brain.|我想在凿开她大脑前 最好先弄清楚她得的是什... | Might be betterto play it safe to start.|小心一点为妙 | Do an lp.|做腰椎穿刺

spinal rasping forceps:棘突切除钳

spinal puncture 腰椎穿刺,椎管穿刺 | spinal rasping forceps 棘突切除钳 | spinal rasping surgical instruments set 椎弓切除手术刀包

sick headache:偏头痛,呕吐性头痛

rhinogenous headache:鼻源性头痛 | sick headache:偏头痛,呕吐性头痛 | spinal headache:腰椎穿刺后头痛

subdural space:硬脑膜下腔

腰椎穿刺术乃是以细针在第四及第五腰椎间插入至硬脑膜下腔( Subdural space ),此时让脑脊髓液自由地流出,量其起始压力(opening pressure ) ,并收集后送检查;检查项目包括蛋白质、血糖( 此时需同时抽取血液中的血糖以比较) ;红血球,

hyperemic headache:充血性头痛

hyperemic headache:充血性头痛 | lumbar puncture headache:腰椎穿刺后头痛 | migraine headache:偏头痛

And her brain herniates and then she dies:她大脑会脱形 然后她就死了

We should do an lp to confirm the presence of red blood cells.|该做腰椎穿刺来确认是... | And her brain herniates and then she dies.|她大脑会脱形 然后她就死了 | Right, better to kill herin the or.|是啊 ...