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脑炎后的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与脑炎后的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods: Mice were inoculated intracerebrally with herpes simplex virus type1(HSV-1) to form herpes simplex encephalitis. MMP-9 gelatinolytic activity was assessedby zymography from brain tissues 3 days and 7 days after HSV-1 infected.


PARTⅡCharacteristic of MMP-9 Activation in Microglia and itsCytokines Secretion after HSV-1 infectedObjective: To investigate the characteristic of MMP-9 activation in microglia and itscytokines secretion.Methods: Balb/c mice were injected intracerebrally with herpes simplex virus type 1(HSV-1) to form herpes simplex encephalitis.


Such as inflammation of joints, the lower leg, such as chronic venous insufficiency lead to long-term sustainability of the skin caused by congestive hairy; hyperthyroidism in Pretibial myxedema patch Department often long acuminatum out; hypothyroidism and limbs of children in the back outside a large number of hair growth; children with viral encephalitis and inter-brain barrier after mumps-induced systemic hairy; head injury, especially after the children more prone to hair; children with primary malnutrition or enteropathy, or other malabsorption, or severe infections caused by malnutrition could rise to a large number of multi-body hair; anorexia nervosa patients in the face, trunk and upper limbs have more hair grow; infant limb pain patients in the limbs, face, trunk and more hair; dermatomyositis patients, mainly in children can be located hairy forearm, leg and temporal, but also a broader scope; Berordinelli syndrome, that is, growth and maturity accelerated from an early age, and accompanied by malnutrition and intestinal muscle atrophy, common hepatomegaly and high blood fat, the skin of patients with rough, often hairy; addition of certain drugs such as streptomycin, such as cortisone can cause iatrogenic hairy; some women as a result of adrenal, ovarian and other diseases caused by increased androgen can also result in more hair.


"Immunologic studies of patients with chronic encephalitis induced by post-exposure Semple rabies vaccine".


Objective To investigate the effect of interferon intratheca! injection curing virosis encephalitis and observe the concentration change of interferon in cerebrospinal fluid before and after the treatment.


According to the 1951 edition of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, it was to be prescribed for narcolepsy , post- encephalitic parkinsonism , alcoholism ,...

二十世纪五十年代,美国政府颁布法令将甲基苯丙胺规定为处方药,根据1951年出版的Arthur Grollman所著的《病理与药理学》一书,它可用于治疗嗜睡,后脑炎,帕金森综合症,酒精中毒,以及肥胖症。

At 48h to 96h PI, proliferative inflammation was observed. All the time, the nonsuppurative encephalitis was observed in the brain.


The same conclusion follows, a fortiori, for those who allow that JE is a post-Mosaic document, from the fact, noticed above, that JE itself, both in the narrative parts and in the laws, is repeatedly quoted in Deuteronomy.


更多网络解释与脑炎后的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

brain stem encephalitis:脑干脑炎

(五)脑干脑炎(brain stem encephalitis) 青壮年居多,病前多有病毒感染史. 起病急骤,往往早期出现精神症状和意识障碍,迅速出现双侧颅神经麻痹,伴有一侧或两侧的肢体运动、感觉障碍,症状和体征很少局限于某一部位. 约经7~8周治疗后80%病例好转.

dementia paralytica:麻痹性痴呆

5.麻痹性痴呆 麻痹性痴呆(dementia paralytica)又名全身性麻痹(general paralysis),为梅毒螺旋体进入脑实质引起的一种慢性脑膜脑炎,若不治疗,历时2~3年死于全身肌肉麻痹,本症多在感染梅毒后10~15年发病,多见于早期梅毒未经彻底治疗者,

Slow virus infection:慢发病毒感染

慢发病毒感染 (slow virus infection)经显性或隐性感染后,病毒有很长的潜伏期,此时机体无症状,也分离不出病毒;以后出现慢性、进行性疾病,常导致死亡. 如:艾滋病; 疯牛病;亚急性硬化性脑炎. 潜伏感染(latent infection) 一种病毒的持续性感染状态,

Subclinical infection:亚临床感染

隐性感染(inapparent infection) 亦称亚临床感染(Subclinical infection)是指机体被病原侵袭后,仅出现轻微病理损害,而不出现或出现不明显的临床症状,只能通过免疫检测方能发现的一种感染过程,流行性乙型脑炎、脊髓灰质炎、登革热、乙型肝炎等均有大量隐性感染的存在.

Venezuelan equine encephalitis:委内瑞拉马脑炎

委内瑞拉马脑炎(Venezuelan equine encephalitis)是由委内瑞拉马脑炎病毒引起的,经蚊媒介的、人畜共患的中枢神经系统感染的自然疫源性疾病. 1938年在委内瑞拉马群中流行本病,并首次从其病马死后组织中分离到病毒而得此名.


(2)外阴阴道炎(vulvovaginitis)外阴部一般红肿,出现3~4mm的浅平溃疡,经过2周后形成干痂. (3)脑膜脑炎(meningoencephalitis)疱疹性脑膜脑炎较少见,症状可轻可重,轻者颇似良性无菌性脑膜炎综合征(参阅柯萨奇和埃可病毒感染章),


postuterine子宫后的 | postvaccinal种痘后的 | postvaccinalencephalitis疫苗接种后脑炎 接种后脑炎


大猪发病后可表现出不同的临床症状,包括脑炎、肺炎的症....中文摘要: 腐蹄病(Footrot)是引起牛、羊、鹿等反刍动物常见且发病率较高的一种危害严重的传染病,在反刍动物的蹄病中是危害性很大的一类疾病,