英语人>词典>汉英 : 脊柱炎 的英文翻译,例句
脊柱炎 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Objective:To study the curative effect of free periosteum transplantation on ankylosing spondylitis,rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosis.

摘 要 目的:探讨游离骨膜移植治疗强直性脊柱炎、类风湿关节炎、髋关节强直的效果。

Objective: The signs and symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis respond inadequately to nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, and disease modifying antirheumatic drugs in quite a number of patients.


It has been reported in patients with seronegative spondyloarthropathies as psoriatic arthropathy or its variant, palmoplantar pustulosis.


Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic inflammatory arthropathy of the spine and rheumatoid arthritis, whilst affecting predominantly limb joints, also affects the cerical spine in a significant proportion of people.


Efficacy was assessed using the Assessment in Ankylosing Spondylitis International Working Group criteria, the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index, night pain, patient ' s global assessment, the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index, the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Metrology Index, chest expansion, the Mander enthesis index, the total swollen joint index, the C-reactive protein level, and the Short Form. 36 (SF-36) health survey questionnaire.

药物有效性的评估采用强直性脊柱炎国际工作组标准、 Bath 强直性脊柱炎疾病活动度指数、夜间疼痛、患者的总体情况评估、 Bath 强直性脊柱炎功能指数、 Bath 强直性脊柱炎衡量指数、扩胸度、 Mander 附着点指数、总的肿胀关节指数、 C 反应蛋白水平、简式36健康调查问卷(SF-36)。

Percutaneous drainage is often used for secondary iliopsoas abscess due to pyogenic spondylitis.


Result:To use the Investigate modern literature and classic literature,and refers to the mentor\'s experience and academic idea of the treatment of AS,the theoretic study result indicates that the treatment of Chinese medicine cure the AS had a long history and perfect theory,that Jibi prescription,which had a wonderful compounding,is a ideal recipe to treat AS,and that to constitute a scientific serials of TCM patterns of AS questionnaire.


Result: To use the Investigate modern literature and classic literature,and refers to the mentors experience and academic idea of the treatment of AS,the theoretic study result indicates that the treatment of Chinese medicine cure the AS had a long history and perfect theory,that Jibi prescription,which had a wonderful compounding,is a ideal recipe to treat AS,and that to constitute a scientific serials of TCM patterns of AS questionnaire.

结果 通过查阅现代文献和中医经典著作,结合导师的经验和学术思想,理论研究结果提示中医药治疗强直性脊柱炎有悠久的历史和完善的理论;脊痹方配伍精妙,是治疗肝肾亏虚兼夹血瘀证证型的强直性脊柱炎的理想方剂;并制定出一套科学的《强直性脊柱炎中医证候调查表》。

Co stimulatory factor CD80 gut expression is associated with the pathogenesis of an kylosing spondylitis and the disease activity.


Methods: 62 AS patients were randomly divided into the treatment group, with routine therapies plus sacroiliac joint injected Zhengqingfengtongning Injection, and the control group with routine medicine only. Some indicators were compared before and alter treatment including visual analog scale, bath ankylosing spondylitis functional index, Bath ankylosing spondylitis functional index, chest expansion, schober's test, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C reactive protein and the general efficacy.


更多网络解释与脊柱炎相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

as:abbr. arkylosing spondylitis; 强直性脊柱炎

Bridge cerebral hemorrhage:桥脑出血

87 慢性肾上腺皮质功能减退症 Chronic adrenal hypofunction | 88 桥脑出血 Bridge cerebral hemorrhage | 89 视神经脊柱炎 Optic spondylitis

rachitis:佝偻病, 脊柱炎

Kobe 神户[日本本州岛西南岸港市] | rachitis 佝偻病, 脊柱炎 | larval instar 幼虫龄


rachitic 佝偻病的 | rachitis 脊柱炎 | racial 种族的


强直性脊柱炎(Ankylosing Spondylitis,简称AS),是强直(Ankylos)与脊柱炎(Spondylitis)两个词的结合,为免疫异常造成的慢性炎性风湿病,主要侵犯脊椎关节与邻近肌腱、韧带、关节囊等组织,并进行性发展为纤维性和骨性强直,使脊椎逐渐失去弯曲和活动度,

ankylosing spondylitis:强直性脊柱炎

强直性脊柱炎(ankylosing spondylitis)是一种慢性全身性炎性疾病,它的病因不明,主要侵犯脊柱,尤以骶髂关节病变最为常见. 它的最为显著的变化为关节的纤维化和骨性强直.

Optic spondylitis:视神经脊柱炎

88 桥脑出血 Bridge cerebral hemorrhage | 89 视神经脊柱炎 Optic spondylitis | 90 糖尿病性肌萎缩 Diabetes muscular atrophy

tabetic spondylitis:梅毒性脊柱炎

tabetic pupil 脊髓痨性瞳孔?? | tabetic spondylitis 梅毒性脊柱炎?? | tabetiform 脊髓痨样的??

NOS Inflammatory spondylopathy unspecified:脊柱炎

药物性多神经病 Inflammatory polyneuropathy unspeci... | 脊柱炎 NOS Inflammatory spondylopathy unspecified | 流行性感冒伴有其他表现,流行性感冒病毒被标明 Influenza with oth resp manifest influenza virus ...

ankylosing spondylitis,AS:强直性脊柱炎

以保存较好的视力,其治疗原则如下:1.散瞳:一旦诊断明确,立即进行散瞳,使瞳孔扩大,这 ...强直脊柱炎诊断治疗脊柱炎强直脊柱炎诊断治疗大全 强直性脊柱炎(Ankylosing spondylitis AS)是血清阴性脊椎关节病变(Seronegative spondyloarthropathies)的一种,