英语人>词典>汉英 : 能事 的英文翻译,例句
能事 的英文翻译、例句


what one is particularly good at
更多网络例句与能事相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One day God said to Elijah, Go to Ahab and tell him that I will send rain upon the


He, B, enjoyed the distinction of being close to Erin's uncrowned king in the flesh when the thing occurred on the historic fracas when the fallen leader's, who notoriously stuck to his guns to the last drop even when clothed in the mantle of adultery, trusty henchmen to the number of ten or a dozen or possibly even more than that penetrated into the printing works of the Insuppressible or no it was United Ireland (a by no means by the by appropriate appellative) and broke up the typecases with hammers or something like that all on account of some scurrilous effusions from the facile pens of the O'Brienite scribes at the usual mudslinging occupation reflecting on the erstwhile tribune's private morals.


Fan the flames, add fuel to the fire and do one's utmost to incite one against the other


But the day is near, when all counterfeits will be exposed and all debts collected... Like his previous films that blazed a trail in Queer Chinese Cinema, his latest moral and gender equivocator is a wanton tease of a film.


How horrible for the pupils at Professor Gradgrind's school; Charles Dickens pulled out all the grim stops in describing it.


Both the development of the commodity economy and the impetuosity of market com


Although he can perceptively express moods to the utmost in his works, Zhao is an artist good at rational thinking at the same time. In his notebook, he writes, I believe in that art is an independent event that is to say, a painting is a painting. It need not record, comment, or narrate things except those visual shapes, colors, senses of reality etc.


Modern English polite society seems to me as corrupt as consciousness of culture and absence of honesty can make it.


But when satisfied on all these points, and their acquaintance proportionably advanced, he contrived to find an opportunity, while their two fathers were engaged with each other, of introducing his mother-in-law, and speaking of her with so much handsome praise, so much warm admiration, so much gratitude for the happiness she secured to his father, and her very kind reception of himself, as was an additional proof of his knowing how to please - and of his certainly thinking it worth while to try to please her.


To be extremely noisy and boisterous:极其吵闹,喧哗: The participants plan to dance, drink, and generally raise the roof at tonight's party.


更多网络解释与能事相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a modest proposal:温和的建议

他最著名的杂文当属>(A Modest Proposal),极尽反讽之能事,就爱尔兰人口过剩问题,向英国女王建议"温和的"解决方法. 斯威夫特信奉人道和理性,痛恨贵族政客与江湖骗子. 他曾与当时最著名的星象学家帕垂芝(John Partridge)交手,


他像毒蛇一样缠住牧师不放,竭尽精神折磨之能事,以达到置他于死地的目的. 在对齐灵沃斯的描写中,作者用"畸形"和"丑陋"反映了他内心的"肮脏与变态". 因此"A"字象征着残酷的报复(Avenge),象征着"卑鄙"(Abjection)与"变态"(Abnormality).


他像毒蛇一样缠住牧师不放,竭尽精神折磨之能事,以达到置他于死地的目的. 在对齐灵沃斯的描写中,作者用"畸形"和"丑陋"反映了他内心的"肮脏与变态". 因此"A"字象征着残酷的报复(Avenge),象征着"卑鄙"(Abjection)与"变态"(Abnormality).

Circumlocution Office:兜圈子部", 以因循推诿和手续繁多为能事的政府机关

through the good offices of 由...的斡旋, 由...的努力 | Circumlocution Office "兜圈子部", 以因循推诿和手续繁多为能事的政府机关 | do the office of 担任...职务


犬儒派哲学家不但放浪形骸,而且口无遮拦,对看不惯的人和事极尽挖苦之能事. 这成了他们的鲜明特色,以至于在西语中,"犬儒主义者"(cynic)一词成了普通名词,亦用来指愤世嫉俗者、玩世不恭者、好挖苦人的人.


该款中的损害赔偿旨在尽金钱赔偿之能事使原告处于倘若作出了撤销合同的判决时原告应处之状态. 因此,其损害赔偿数额应当低于侵权损害赔偿数额. 因此英国衡平法院采用的是"补偿物"(indemnity)的称呼而非"赔偿金(damages)".

Debauched aliens and atheists|falling into great licentiousness:放荡的异教徒与无神论者,极尽淫荡之能事

Morton's followers.|摩登的拥护者 | "Debauched aliens and atheists|falling into great licentiousness|"放荡的异教徒与无神论者,极尽淫荡之能事 | and leading degenerate lives. "|导致堕落的生活"


18.阿富汗辉格党(Afghan Whigs)>(Gentlemen)(Sub Pop/1993) 有趣的是,"阿富汗辉格党"的为人所知,也与得到了"涅槃"(Nirvana)的推崇不无关系. 但有别于"涅槃"厌世情绪下的疲惫与不安,"阿富汗辉格党"精力充沛地热衷于挖苦与嘲讽之能事.



Treat them viciously:对战俘极尽凌虐之能事

The Japanese guards. Who view surrender as a disgrace.|视投降为奇耻大辱的日本兵 | Treat them viciously.|对战俘极尽凌虐之能事 | Thousands die from disease.|数千人因不堪疾病