英语人>词典>汉英 : 肺泡的 的英文翻译,例句
肺泡的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与肺泡的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The lumen of the acinus is small and narrow, but that of the alveolus is large and distended


Panacinar emphysema occurs with loss of all portions of the acinus from the respiratory bronchiole to the alveoli.


In early DAD, there are hyaline membranes, as seen here, lining alveoli.

在 DAD 的早期,可见在肺泡的内表面有肺泡透明膜的形成。

Alveolar ventilation is measured by the amount of air that enters and leaves the alveoli in one minute of breathing.


Alveolar ventilation is measured by the amount of air that enters and leave s the alveoli in one minute of breathing.


Alveolar ventilation is measure d by the amount of air that enters and leaves the alveoli in one minute of breathing.


The illustration show the respiratory system and cross-sections of healthy alveoli and alveoli with COPD.


When I was under the microscope to see the blood cells contained in aerobic exercise, from the three-dimensional space to see the expansion of the alveoli, they want to do a medical scientist.


We describe herein a female with proven sarcoidosis stage I whose HRCT scan showed air trapping during expiration and lung biopsy via video-assisted thoracoscopy revealed air trapping-related emphysema and non-necrotizing granulomas with peribronchiolar compression and intrabronchiolar involvement.


Alveolar 肺泡: When the tongue touches the alveolar ridge, the sound produced is described as alveolar.


更多网络解释与肺泡的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

alveolation:有肺泡, 有小窝

alveolate | 蜂窝状的, 多小孔的, 有肺泡的 | alveolation | 有肺泡, 有小窝 | alveoli | 气泡, 齿槽突起

pulmonary alveolus:肺泡

上皮下有薄层结缔组织和少量平滑肌,故肺泡管断面上,在肺泡开口处的肺泡隔末端呈结节状膨大. 肺泡囊 为数个肺泡的共同开口. 在相邻肺泡开口处的壁中无平滑肌,故切片中,此处无结节状膨大. 肺泡(pulmonary alveolus) 呈多面形囊泡,壁极薄,由肺泡上皮围成.

alveolar macrophage:肺泡巨噬细胞

有的巨噬细胞游走入肺泡腔内,称肺泡巨噬细胞(alveolar macrophage). 肺巨噬细胞的吞噬、免疫和分泌作用都十分活跃,有重要防御功能. 吸入空气中的尘粒、细菌等异物进入肺泡和肺间质,多被巨噬细胞吞噬清除,故细胞胞质内常见尘粒、细菌等物进入肺泡和肺间质,



alveolate:蜂窝状的, 多小孔的, 有肺泡的

alveolarsubstance | 泡质 | alveolate | 蜂窝状的, 多小孔的, 有肺泡的 | alveolation | 有肺泡, 有小窝


alveolar /齿槽的/肺泡的/齿槽音/ | alveolate /蜂窝状的/多小孔的/有气泡的/ | alveolation /泡化/

pulmonary alveoli:肺泡

4.肺泡 肺泡(pulmonary alveoli)是支气管树的终末部分,是构成肺的主要结构. 肺泡为半球形小囊,开口于呼吸性细支气管、肺泡管或肺泡囊,是肺进行气体交换的场所. 肺泡壁很薄,表面覆以单层肺泡上皮,有基膜. 相邻肺泡紧密相贴,仅隔以薄层结缔组织,

extrinsic allergic alveolitis:外源性过敏性肺泡炎

外源性过敏性肺泡炎(extrinsic allergic alveolitis)是反复吸入某些具有抗原性的有机粉尘所引起的过敏性肺泡炎,常同时累及终末细支气管. 吕弗勒综合征亦被称作过敏性肺炎,易于混淆,应予注意. 后者亦可反复发作,但不出现肉芽肿,也不会发展为肺间质纤维化. 外源性过敏性肺泡炎是由反复吸入...

bronchovesicular breathing sound:支气管肺泡呼吸音

性质 支气管肺泡呼吸音(bronchovesicular breathing sound)是肺泡呼吸音与支气管呼吸音的混合声音,吸气音性质与肺泡呼吸音的吸气音性质相似,但音响较强,音调较高.


vesiculobronchialrespiration 肺泡支气管呼吸音 | vesiculocavernous 肺泡空洞性的 | vesiculocavernousrespiration 肺泡空洞呼吸音