英语人>词典>汉英 : 肢麻木 的英文翻译,例句
肢麻木 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与肢麻木相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Among the above symptoms and signs, some of them like cyanosis of lips, purplish tongue, varicose sublingual vein, headache, blackish eyelids, tongue with ecchymosis, blackish complexion, squamous and dry skin, pain on the paralytic limbs, dermorrhagia are the conventional ones, the others like flaccidity of lower extremities, hemianesthesia, dispiritedness, dysphasia, distension of stomach and abdomen are found by us.


Meanwhile, cyanosis of lips, purplish tongue, varicose sublingual vein, flaccidity of lower extremities, hemianesthesia, headache, blackish eyelids, dispiritedness, tongue with ecchymosis, dysphasia, blackish complexion, squamous and dry skin, pain on the paralytic limbs, dermorrhagia, and distension of stomach and abdomen are more influential symptoms and signs.


The woman developed lightheadedness, dyspnoea , tongue numbness, muscle twitching and formication on the legs and back.


The main clinical symptoms were found to be weight loss, edema, short breath and acratia, fluster and chest distress, extremity numbness, abdominal distension, megaloglossia in 60%, 56%, 52%, 24%, 20%, 16% and 12% of patients, respectively.


Neuromuscular symptoms such as muscle cramping, twitching, and spasms are typically the most prominent; other symptoms may include circumoral and acral numbness and paresthesias; laryngospasm; bronchospasm; and even seizures.


Results Digestive disorder, elevated alanine transaminase and rash were the most common side effects of antiretrovirals, fatigue, loss of hair, sleep disorder, fat maldistribution, peripheral neuropathy and hypocytosis were also commonly seen, yet pancreatitis, color change of skin and lactic acidosis were seldom seen.

结果 消化道症状、血清丙氨酸氨基转移酶升高、皮疹为最常见的艾滋病抗病毒药物不良反应,疲倦、脱发、失眠、脂肪分布异常、四肢肢端麻木、血细胞减少为较常见的不良反应,而胰腺炎、皮肤色素沉着和乳酸性酸中毒则为较少见的艾滋病抗病毒药物不良反应。

Jinake has the synergic effect to chemical drugs in the treatment of cancer shch as malignant lymphadenoma.


更多网络解释与肢麻木相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


acrid 辛味药 | acrimony 刺激性 | acroanesthesia 肢麻木


acroanesthesia 肢端麻木 | acrodynia 肢痛症 | acroesthesia 感觉过敏症


(1)河豚(globefish)中毒:河豚主要含河豚毒素,是一种神经毒素,进入人体后作用于周围神经及脑干中枢致神经呈麻痹状态. 早期症状是口唇、舌、指尖发麻,眼睑下垂,不久即出现消化道症状,进而出现口唇、舌尖及肢端麻木、四肢无力或肌肉麻痹、共济失调等神经系统症状.

numbness of lower lip:下唇麻木

numbness of extremities due to deficiency of blood 血虚肢麻 | numbness of lower lip 下唇麻木 | numer center 多工序自动数字控制机床


acroagnosis 肢体感觉缺失 | acroanesthesia 肢端麻木 | acrobrachycephaly 扁头


acrimony 刺激性 | acroanesthesia 肢麻木 | acroasphyxia 肢端缺氧


acroanesthesia 肢麻木 | acroasphyxia 肢端缺氧 | acrocephalia 尖头


⑷肢端感觉异常(acroparesthesia ) 夜间睡眠中手指和足指出现麻木,针刺般的疼痛,由于疼痛而经常觉醒. 成年女性多见. 好发于下肢的末端.