英语人>词典>汉英 : 肝蛭 的英文翻译,例句
肝蛭 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与肝蛭相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Infestation with parasitic flukes of the family Fasciolidae, especially infestation of the liver and bile ducts with the liver fluke.


Infestation with parasitic flukes of the family Fasciolidae,especially infestation of the liver and bile duct s with the liver fluke.


Infestation with parasitic fluke s of the family Fasciolidae,especially infestation of the liver and bile ducts with the liver fluke .


更多网络解释与肝蛭相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


肝蛭 Fasciola hepatica | 肝蛭病 fascioliasis | 食用绿色三号 fast green FCF

liver fluke:肝蛭

而在亚洲,肝蛭(liver fluke)在肝脏内寄生,亦被视为胆管癌一个主要的成因. 血液检测:通过对血样的检测来测量身体器官和组织释放到血液中肿瘤标志物或其它指标的含量. 某种指标异常可能预示着分泌该物质的器官或组织有疾病.

liver fluke:肝吸虫,肝蛭

liver 肝;肝脏 | liver fluke 肝吸虫;肝蛭 | liverwort 苔;苔类植物

Chinese liver fluke:华肝吸虫, 华肝蛭

chickenpox 水痘 | Chinese liver fluke 华肝吸虫, 华肝蛭 | Chinese White Dolphin 华白海豚

Chinese liver fluke:中华肝吸虫; 中华肝蛭

Chilopoda 唇足纲 | Chinese liver fluke 中华肝吸虫; 中华肝蛭 | Chironomus larva 摇蚊幼虫

giant liver fluke:巨肝蛭

巨大的 giant | 巨肝蛭 giant liver fluke | 巨细胞 giant cell


吸虫;蛭 fluke | 肝蛭;肝吸虫 fluke, liver | 肺蛭;肺吸虫 fluke, lung

Clonorchis sinensis:华肝吸虫;华肝蛭

\\"肝吸虫(属)\\",\\"Clonorchis \\" | \\"华肝吸虫;华肝蛭\\",\\"Clonorchis sinensis \\" | \\"阵挛\\",\\"clonus\\"


"双胎分娩","distocia; distokia" | "肝吸虫病;肝蛭病","distomiasis" | "歪扭;变形;捩转","distortion"

Fasciola gigantica:巨大肝蛭

灰南小束 fasciola cinerea | 巨大肝蛭 Fasciola gigantica | 肝蛭 Fasciola hepatica