英语人>词典>汉英 : 耶稣的信徒 的英文翻译,例句
耶稣的信徒 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与耶稣的信徒相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I am not a pagan , but a christian philosopher - a follower of the sect of jesus . as his disciple i adopt his pure , his merciful , his benignant doctrines


Perhaps you did not know that there are true born-again Jewish believers in Jesus in Israel. We are your spiritual brothers. We will pray for you and do everything we can to support you.


Dedicated to his late mother "who first taught me about Jesus" and with a subtitle that makes his own position crystal-clear, this is a book that some readers—especially non-believers—may find sentimental or cloying.


This should be a great encouragement to try to do good, since God has among the vilest of the vile, the most reprobate, the most debauched and drunken, an elect people who must be saved.


He is a loyal member of the ''.


Imbued with the Ignatian spirit, the University aims to lead its students to see God in all things and to strive for the greater glory of God and the greater service of mankind.


As a Jesuit University, the Ateneo de Manila seeks the goals of Jesuit liberal education through the harmonious development of moral and intellectual virtues. Imbued with the Ignatian spirit, the University aims to lead its students to see God in all things and to strive for the greater glory of God and the greater service of mankind.


Follower of Jesus and the first person to see the resurrected Christ.


Believers in Jesus have trusted in God and by faith have received salvation; and this same trust in God must continue each day, for He alone is our all-sufficiency.


Jill,Pls don't worry about the devillish comments and discoveries of researchers of the agnostic or say scientific era.Jesus had foretold about all these blasphemies,while he stayed for a while on earth to redeem all mankind,even those who defame him,if they repent.I am sure you know that the devil tempted Jesus when he was fasting.But Jesus being the powerful son of God commanded the devil to stop his wicked plans against the redemption of Christ to the human race.By that time the devil was defeated,but Satan never sleeps,until the second coming of jesus.Until then the devil will continue to influence poor agonstic humans to write books and discover baseless and artificial archeological findings prepared by the devil only to dissuade people not believe in Christ and be his followers so that he shall have as many disbelievers as possible so that he will have greater number of followers that be destroyed with him,after the day of Judgement.Why?


更多网络解释与耶稣的信徒相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




然后,那将会是美国基督教的末日,每一个 耶稣基督的信徒将会在挪亚律法体系统治之下被斩首(beheaded),那即是说不论男女和小孩都将会被斩首,除非他们不认 耶稣基督是他们的 主.

full moon:月圆

通常,复活节是过了昼夜一样长的日子(春分)、月圆(full moon)之后的第一个星期日. 这是依据天体的运动而决定的,事实上,知道这一点的基督徒非常少. 很多基督教会的信徒们对复活节兔子(bunny rabbit)和复活节彩蛋(Easter egg)与耶稣基督的复活有什么关系感到疑惑.


记得耶稣(JESU)对他的信徒说:你们要想让别人对你们怎么样你们就得对别人怎么样. 这就是圣者的智慧与境界.


Jesse 耶西 | Jesuit 耶稣会信徒 | Jesuitical 耶稣会的


Jesuit /耶稣会信徒/阴险的人/阴谋家/ | Jesuitical /耶稣会的/狡猾的/阴险的/ | Jesuitism /耶稣会的教义/狡猾/阴谋/

Land of make believe:充满所谓信仰的土地上

The Jesus of suburbia 我们都是郊外的耶稣和它的信徒 | land of make believe 充满所谓信仰的土地上 | and it don't believe in me 我却得不到信任


[摩门教简介]"摩门教"(Mormonism)又称"耶稣基督末世圣徒教会"(The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints),它在最近数十年,发展非常迅速,拥有四百多万的信徒,建造了许多华美的圣殿,每天有数万名全职自费的传教士,

The Christian era starts with the birth of Christ:公元(基督教时代)是从耶稣诞生起算

Era n.时代, 纪元(人类历史上很长的时期, 以特别的事件为标... | -- The Christian era starts with the birth of Christ. 公元(基督教时代)是从耶稣诞生起算. | -- Christian n.基督徒, 信徒 adj.基督教的, 信基督教...

The Christian era is counted from the birth of Christ:公元(基督教时代)是从耶稣诞生起算

Era n.时代, 纪元(人类历史上很长的时期, 以特别的事件为... | -- The Christian era is counted from the birth of Christ. 公元(基督教时代)是从耶稣诞生起算. | -- Christian n.基督徒, 信徒 adj.基督教的, 信基督...