英语人>词典>汉英 : 耗费时间 的英文翻译,例句
耗费时间 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与耗费时间相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For large scientific and engineering problem, an array processor might relieve the main processor of the time-consuming chore of array manipulation.


The network advanced position that this group of people perhaps can enjoy 35 minutes a few now and then makes fun of, but lead plane of a sport won't be bought absolutely between cost take time with financial capacity, in holding the post of heaven to hope the old people of housewife, beadhouse also can join the procession of game player even.


This paper proposes a command and control method of the battlefield materials transportation,which is based on linear programming and dual analysis.


It's hard work, and it's labor-intensive, and it's time consuming.


A lot of netizens are right these " crasher " special dissatisfaction, handle them to expend time energy not only, and create enormous waste, the rubbish post that adds increasingly can cause the loss of billions of dollar every year.


The process of copy-editing is the second main task of the editorial staff and the one that takes the most time.


The work is quite time-consuming and energy-consuming, because the women workers have to embroider all the gridlines generated by the computer.


Picking stocks is one of the most time consuming and grueling parts of being an investor or stockbroker.


Hemming the panels is quite time consuming, and is the most tedious step in the entire process of making the parachute, but it is important to spend the time to get it right.


The total dock to dock time for a product includes the time that a product spends as raw material, work-in process and as a finished product in plant, prior to being relaesed.


更多网络解释与耗费时间相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

time consuming:耗费时间的

time clock 出勤记录钟 | time consuming 耗费时间的 | time deposit 定期存款

cutover:接 入

那么在服务器启动时将需要设置和配置所有设备(NIM 使用的网络适配器除外). 这是设备配置中最耗费时间的一个过程,因此需要获得最多的关注. 如果您使用 NIM,那么在进行接入(cutover)时可能需要修改 IP 地址和/或主机名.


3, 有穷性(Finiteness): 即必须在执行有限个步骤之后终止. 时间复杂度:该算法执行的时间耗费, 的函数. 时间复杂度:该算法执行的时间耗费,它是该算法所求解问题规模 n 的函数. 空间复杂度:该算法执行时所耗费的存储空间, 的函数.


1 单体第一道(新题):是说航空公司要减少维修飞机所耗费的时间,以前飞机的机身(fuselage)上有小漏洞是用一种钉子把一个patch补在上面,但是现在有了一种adhesive,可以帖住patch,而且花的时间比钉子少,于是得出结论说航空公司会用这种胶代替钉子,

The Getaway:大逃亡

上市时间:2004年第四季度 >(The Getaway)是专门为欧洲玩家准备的一款巨作,从策划到完成总共耗费了三年时间. 英国是欧洲游戏产业的重镇,近几年游戏产业在欧洲飞速发展,这其中最重要的势力就是英国的各大游戏厂商.


整个.NET框架组件都使用一个...当我们需要使用的对象很复杂或需要很长时间去构造,这时就能够使用 代理 模式(Proxy). 例如:假如构建一个对象很耗费时间和电脑资源, 代理 模式(Proxy)允许我们控制这种情况,直到我们需要使用实际的对象.

Time clock:出勤记录钟

time book 考勤簿 | time clock 出勤记录钟 | time consuming 耗费时间


walkie-talkie 步话器(名) | dillydally 磨蹭,耗费时间(动) | wish-washy 淡而无味,空洞无物(形)

Meshing Size:网格大小:网格化越精确,场景的照明细节越精确,但所耗费的时间和内存也就越多

Enabled有效 | Meshing Size网格大小:网格化越精确,场景的照明细节越精确,但所耗费的时间和内存也就越多 | Logarithmic Exposure Contral对数式曝光控制面板


dillydally 磨蹭,耗费时间(动) | wish-washy 淡而无味,空洞无物(形) | shilly-shally 犹犹豫豫(动)