英语人>词典>汉英 : 老鸨 的英文翻译,例句
老鸨 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
procuress  ·  panderess

a woman running a brothel
更多网络例句与老鸨相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

THE BAWD: Listen to who's talking!


In Cymbeline, in Othello he is bawd and cuckold. He acts and is acted on.


The elderly bawd seizes his sleeve, the bristles of her chinmole glittering.


THE BAWD:(Spits in their trail her jet of venom) Trinity medicals.


THE BAWD: Leave the gentleman alone, you cheat.


31The famished snaggletusks of an elderly bawd protrude from a doorway.


Bawd and butcher were the words.


The playwright who wrote the folio of this world and wrote it badly (He gave us light first and the sun two days later), the lord of things as they are whom the most Roman of catholics call dio boia , hangman god, is doubtless all in all in all of us, ostler and butcher, and would be bawd and cuckold too but that in the economy of heaven, foretold by Hamlet, there are no more marriages, glorified man, an androgynous angel, being a wife unto himself.


A move had to be made because that merry old soul, the grasswidower in question who appeared to be glued to the spot, didn't appear in any particular hurry to wend his way home to his dearly beloved Queenstown and it was highly likely some sponger's bawdyhouse of retired beauties where age was no bar off Sheriff street lower would be the best clue to that equivocal character's whereabouts for a few days to come, alternately racking their feelings (the mermaids') with sixchamber revolver anecdotes verging on the tropical calculated to freeze the marrow of anybody's bones and mauling their largesized charms betweenwhiles with rough and tumble gusto to the accompaniment of large potations of potheen and the usual blarney about himself for as to who he in reality was let x equal my right name and address, as Mr Algebra remarks passim .


Go ashore nobles everywhere seek pleasure to the excess, will measure genitals with tape for homeland procuresses very unsatisfaction, travel together thinkers believe this is mankind most not civilized behavior, instigate Columbus to have driven the procuress before door with firearms, the ballet of their have moved stage, cause a riot as a result, actors in North American person have no in uproar smile land from allow , feelings worry in have pulled a slice of flat curtain department promptly in waist on, perform have continued .


更多网络解释与老鸨相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


slut 荡妇,懒妇 | bawd 老鸨 | bimbo 蠢妞儿


bawd 老鸨 | bimbo 蠢妞儿 | cocotte 水性杨花的女人,妓女


seamstress女缝纫工人,女裁缝 | coadjutress 女助理,女助手 | procuress老鸨,做淫媒的女人

live oak:槲树

9日下午美国圣盖博、蒙市、圣马利诺、南帕沙迪纳、阿罕布拉警局以及洛县警局等执法部门联合在圣盖博大道与槲树(Live Oak)大街路口处...北京时间12月11日,美国最大的老鸨之一对八卦网站TMZ说,老虎伍兹的两个绯闻情妇都是高级妓女.


procurefacilitateSuggest 促成 | procurer 拉皮条者 | procuress 老鸨

procurer:取得者; 拉皮条者; 淫媒 (名)

procurement 获得; 取得 (名) | procurer 取得者; 拉皮条者; 淫媒 (名) | procuress 老鸨; 做淫媒的女人 (名)


procurer 拉皮条者 | procuress 老鸨 | procyclical 扩大经济周期


coadjutress 女助理,女助手 | procuress老鸨,做淫媒的女人 | adventuress女冒险家


procurer /拉皮条者/ | procuress /老鸨/鸨/ | procurvation /前屈/

procuress:老鸨; 做淫媒的女人 (名)

procurer 取得者; 拉皮条者; 淫媒 (名) | procuress 老鸨; 做淫媒的女人 (名) | prod 刺; 刺激; 戳, 桶; 敦促 (动)