英语人>词典>汉英 : 老规矩 的英文翻译,例句
老规矩 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

old rules and regulations · established custom or practice
更多网络例句与老规矩相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Example through word of mouth, and so on, imperceptibly inherited the family's老规矩and customs, and family meals together teachers, grandmother always require some teachers to the children,"admonitory talk", and in accordance with social fashion to the children and make new requests to see the phenomenon of bad guidance to go, let the children know what to do, what not to do, and conducted education in the eating.


Blood orange martinis.

老规矩 血橙马蒂尼酒

Then there are olfactory mimics, such as that mad parfumier the bolas spider, which can lure male moths by secreting perfect knockoffs of the counterpart females' eaux de toilette.


The price of the paper was two dollars a year, but he took in three subscriptions for half a dollar apiece on condition of them paying him in advance; they were going to pay in cordwood and onions as usual, but he said he had just bought the concern and knocked down the price as low as he could afford it, and was going to run it for cash.


Pioneer always took a given percent of the annual profit to divide equally among all employees, so our profit-sharing checks were lower than if pioneer had not purchased Norand.


A brash newcomer disputed the age-old rules for admission to the club; a nervy thing to say.


Those strict proprieties of the old days are now regarded as a Procrustean bed.


It's our ritual. None of them will agree to this.


We cannot afford to let their votes and their voices sink and not be heard just because of a formal technicality in the electoral process.


My ritual, which I want and need before a game, is when the team stands as a unit in a circle.


更多网络解释与老规矩相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Girls Aloud:女孩乐团

多达1700万名14岁以下的孩子将通过网上投票和手机短信方式评定属于自己的18个奖项,涉及电影、电视、音乐、书籍和电脑游戏等类别. 当晚的奖项我没兴趣关注. 想必大家也有同感吧. 老规矩,色魔带你们看漂亮妹妹哈. "女孩乐团"(Girls Aloud)仿辣妹

Blood orange martinis.All the way:老规矩 血橙马蒂尼酒

What? What about my party?|什么 那我的派对怎么办 | Blood orange martinis.All the way.|老规矩 血橙马蒂尼酒 | You girls have been getting a lot of press.|你们这些女孩儿还真拍了不少照片啊

Chapter checklist:本章要点

2.5 Chapter summary 本章小结 | 2.6 Chapter checklist 本章要点 | 3 Old school basics 老规矩

Old school basics:老规矩

2.6 Chapter checklist 本章要点 | 3 Old school basics 老规矩 | 3.1 The Internet generation audience 互联网时代的听众


期待着敌机从中央一分为二,然后化作在宇宙中盛开的火球,就像以往N次一样. "是!不过队长回去可得按老规矩办啊!"那是驾驶着远程支援型RT-13"沙提"(Sati)的小坂裕二在说话. 老规矩,指的就是请大家的客谢谢救命恩人.

Were you drinking with Waldron:你跟华仲一起喝酒

How do they know about the polygraph? Tarot cards?|他们怎知测谎的事... | Were you drinking with Waldron?|你跟华仲一起喝酒? | Every Friday, everybody drinks there. We don't talk about cases.|周五老规矩,...

Bug juice, on the house, of course:虫汁酷饮 老规矩,我请

Ahoy there, Valiant.|喂,瓦兰特 | Bug juice, on the house, of course.|虫汁酷饮 老规矩,我请 | -I'm the hero around here. -I'm the hero, you want to see?|- 我是这里的英雄 - 我是英雄,你知道吗?

script n.vt. 1:手迹,笔迹;手写体 2.剧本;广播稿 为(行动计划)提供细节

ritual n.adj. 1. 程序;仪规 2. 例行公事;老规矩;习惯礼节性的;例行的;老规矩的;惯... | script n.vt. 1. 手迹,笔迹;手写体 2.剧本;广播稿 为(行动计划)提供细节 | scrutiny n. 1. 细看;细阅 2.详尽的研究;详细检查;调...