英语人>词典>汉英 : 美术学校 的英文翻译,例句
美术学校 的英文翻译、例句


art school
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Benton, on the other hand, scribbled that any good art school will do.


Group from the School of Fine Arts creates a "death mask" to be used as a mold for a life-sized bust of the Doctor, but the project is cancelled because such an accurate rendering of his final, terrified expression is deemed indecent.


He wanted to go to the School of Fine Arts.


He studied at the school of Fine Arts in Grenada where he obtained his diploma .


A peaceful , sunny day , our and parents decide to go to the precious jade streamlet go sight-seeing today , we wait for the "horse" coming to meet a "distinguished guest" under a bridge bridge of trading market , 9 road vehicle of one green band speeds by ,"flies" right away to us a few moments later toward the distance art school suddenly,here.


Since the founding of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts de l' Indochina (the French Indochina school of Fine Arts') in 1925, the predecessors of Vietnamese contemporary art had laid good fornications and displayed a strong originality in their artistic creations.


He first studied at the Dijon National Academy of Fine Arts, and later at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris.


Following the Walpole sale many artists, including James Barry and John Flaxman, had made renewed calls for the establishment of a National Gallery, arguing that a British school of painting could only flourish if it had access to the canon of European painting.


This is the beginning of formal art school.


No, dear professor from the College of Applied Arts, I am not denying myself!


更多网络解释与美术学校相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


16岁考入伦敦的斯莱德美术学校,三年后赴巴黎,1909年回伦敦,1914年创办了一份名叫>(Blast)的杂志,用以鼓吹他的漩涡主义. 诗人埃兹拉庞德也参与了这个杂志的工作. 他的许多意象派诗作显然受到未来主义和超现实主义文学影响.

interior decoration:室内装饰

1904年,美国爱莉丝.华芙女士开风气之先,将室内装饰(interior decoration)当成一项专业工作,开启了一个全新的领域. 同年帕森思设计学校(ParsonsSchool of Design)的前身、纽约应用及美术学校(The New Y0rk school ofAplied and Fine Arts)首开室内装饰课程,

interior decoration:室内装潢

1904 年,出身纽约上层社会的Elsie de Wolfe 女士开风气之先,将室内装潢(interior decoration)当成一专业工作,开启了一个全新的领域. 同年,帕森思设计学校(Parsons School of Design)的前身纽约应用及美术学校(The New York School ofApplied and Fine Arts)首开室内装潢课程,

interior decoration:裝潢

1904 年,出身纽约上层社会的Elsie de Wolfe 女士开风气之先,将室内装潢(interior decoration)当成一专业工作,开启了一个全新的领域. 同年,帕森思设计学校(Parsons School of Design)的前身纽约应用及美术学校(The New York School ofApplied and Fine Arts)首开室内装潢课程,



Pomfret School:庞弗雷特中学

学校位于康涅狄格州的美国庞弗雷特中学(Pomfret School)建立于1894年,学校占地500英亩,现有学生348名,分别来自14个国家和25个州. 学校提供学术,运动和美术三维学习计划,学习要求严格,但氛围轻松,在Pomfret School,教师全方位的帮助学生,

Pomfret School:美国庞弗雷特中学

位于康涅狄格州的美国庞弗雷特中学(Pomfret School)建立于1894年,学校占地500英亩,现有学生348名,分别来自14个国家和25个州. 学校提供学术,运动和美术三维学习计划,学习要求严格,但氛围轻松,在Pomfret School,教师全方位的帮助学生,

private school:民办学校

美术学院 academy of fine arts | 民办学校 private school | 名誉教授 Honorary Professor

private school www.51test.net:民办学校

美术学院 academy of fine arts www.51test.net | 民办学校 private school www.51test.net | 名誉教授 Honorary Professor www.51test.net

listen to the school choir:听学校合唱队演出

8. in the Arts and Crafts room 在美术劳技教室 | 9. listen to the school choir 听学校合唱队演出 | 10. in the hall 在大厅