英语人>词典>汉英 : 美容水 的英文翻译,例句
美容水 的英文翻译、例句


after shave lotion
更多网络例句与美容水相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Use briny hairdressing, uses salt should be fine fine salt; Oily skin person, sheet uses salt and water can.


Except for certain minor indictable offences which may be dealt with summarily by the Court of Summary Jurisdiction, the Court has exclusive jurisdiction over all indictable offences under the Territory and Commonwealth law.


The origin of SPA is from Latin, solus par Aqua, and solus means health, par penetrating and Aqua water. That is, bringing vigor and health by the water.

SPA一字源于拉丁文solus par Aqua,solus=健康,par=透过。。。,Aqua=水,意思是透露过水给人们带来健康和活力,wallon是比利时的温泉小镇,古罗马人发现浸泡各种矿泉浴和被山泉瀑布的自然冲击可以治疗程各种疾病和疼痛,同时具有养生美容的功效,这些疗效由此传播到各处,因而水疗一时名声大振奋,迅速风靡整个欧洲。

AGENCIA COMERCIAL CHINHUNG devoted to imports and exports and other business, the firm is engaged in the daily mouth, such trade as the food ,etc., especially attend to the series in order to manage the pure milk from Europe of daily expenses mainly," AQUILES inferior base is drawn " the milk, shower juice, nutrition has one's hair wash to reveal moistly.


Years the company has built throughout the country with a thousand houses Angel water purification, reverse osmosis membrane separation of the main water treatment equipment and other direct drinking water pipes, softened water treatment, irrigation equipment washing, respectively, in medical services, chemicals , Food, beverages, cosmetics, and other various industries.


If you often drink it or rub it on face, your skin will become tender and sleek, prevent and eliminate comedones and melanin. The towel gourd water is very popular in Japan, which is treated as excellent way of beauty.


No US-pin plastic treatment therapy, a comprehensive alternative to traditional plastic injection of the United States (with the needle and micro-needle) is efficient, non-invasive and safe,"mesoderm into beauty therapy" is the latest technology of water use and water channel protein electrophoresis principle of development Note the infiltration hole electric technology to non-needle injection principle, the use of "point to a plane," AMD permeation technology in skin electroporation Act under the influence of pulsed current stimulation, so that pores have a physical reaction to the rapid spread in two seconds 650-800 of fine pores, forming an instant electronic delivery channels of nutrition, nutrition Note dialysis therapy immediately with electrophoresis, soft laser stimulation and ice, etc., in the most secure and fast, the skin will be required for nutritional products , 99% transmitted to the basal cells, and can be stored as long as 72 hours, the skin smooth and more compact, creating a perfect Beautiful Skin.

无针美塑治疗疗法,是全面替代传统注射美塑的高效、无创,安全的&中胚层导入美容疗法&,是运用最新技术水电泳和水通道蛋白原理研制出的电孔注渗技术,以无针注射原理,采用&点到面&超微渗透技术,其电穿孔法令肌肤在脉冲电流刺激影响下,使毛孔产生物理反应,在两秒内迅速张开650-800个微细毛孔,瞬间形成电子营养输送通道,营养注渗疗法随即展开,配合电泳、柔激光和冰封等刺激作用,在最安全和快速的情况下,将皮肤所需的营养产品, 99%输送到基底层细胞,并可储存72小时之久,令肌肤更紧致柔滑,缔造无瑕美肌。

Danielle: I'm surprised he didn't spritz them with after shave.


Third, self-made Aloe water: juice, add a little water, you can Apply a facial, hair, after wiping over the head to relieve itching, prevent, hair loss, and keep hair glossy black.


It has Chinese Restaurant and Coffee Shop equipped with strong kitchen team. Water slides and crystal swimming pool are the unique facilities in the Water-playing Palace in the main building. Sauna, steam bath, bath wit beer, mild or flowers are available.


更多网络解释与美容水相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

dandruff cure:頭皮水美容化菻

61929頭皮美容化scalp | 61930頭皮水美容化菻~dandruff cure | 61931頭皮屑人類人體各部dandruff; dandriff; dander

dandruff cure:頭皮水美容化粧品

61929頭皮美容化粧scalp | 61930頭皮水美容化粧品dandruff cure | 61931頭皮屑人類人體各部dandruff; dandriff; dander

astringent; freshener:化粧水美容化粧品

10086化粧美容化粧make-up | 10088化粧水美容化粧品astringent; freshener | 10089化粧用具美容化粧品toile set; toiletry

dog groomer:狗美容師

deep-sea diver 深海潛水員 | dog groomer 狗美容師 | rock musician 搖滾樂手

electric massager:電按摩器美容沐浴

53022電剃刀商業超市商品electric shaver | 53023電按摩器美容沐浴electric massager | 53024電流用具水電electric current

synthetic cut stone; snide:人造寶石美容首飾

5859人造瀑布地理海洋,水資源man-made waterfall | 5860人造寶石美容首飾synthetic cut stone; snide | 5861人造纖維工業紡織man-made fiber

Cosmetics. Toiletries:美容品、化妆品

71.100.60 Essential oils 香精油 | 71.100.70 Cosmetics. Toiletries 美容品、化妆品 | 71.100.80 Chemicals for purification of water 水净化用化学试剂

toile set; toiletry:化粧用具美容化粧品

10088化粧水美容化粧品astringent; freshener | 10089化粧用具美容化粧品toile set; toiletry | 10090化粧合板工業建築材料fancy plywood


13070加氟美容化菻~with fluoristan | 13071加氟素用具水電fluoridate | 13072加胖美容整形fatting

vitalizing toner:补水化妆水

vitalizing toner补水化妆水 | eyebrow pencil眉笔 | gentle clarifying clay mask美容泥洁面面膜