英语人>词典>汉英 : 置平 的英文翻译,例句
置平 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与置平相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So far, most of the activity in Multimedia has taken place on the Macintosh and on the Amiga because of their built-in graphics and sound features but you can expect this technology to spread

迄今,多媒体的多数活动发生在Macintosh和Amiga 机上,因为它们具有内置的图形和声音功能,但你有希望看到这种技术会扩散到其它平台上。

Being controlled by the rheology of the lower crust, erosion may level off the topography, and can break the balance of kinetics and thermodynamics inside of the crust therefore rebuild the structure and component of the curst. the uplift process of the mountains is then enhanced; we believe that the rate of the exhumation is controlled by both the uplift of orogen and the outer spheres of the earth.


The improved method of filter sampling off-line analysis using both parallel plate organic denuder and backup filter has a good agreement with in-situ online measurement.


That is because the transmitter uses a large flat coil, placed over the heart, to generate the magnetic field that powers the receiver.


Find level as follows: levelmeter cyclophos phamide check the precision of one of the gradienter-mounted on a flat surface, write down its reading (if the bubble in gradienter a-side, you should adjust the plane kept rotafiong, moved to gradienter which there is a range, does not necessarily have to be translated to the intermediate region), and then set the gradienter go 180??, hmyh and measuring one at a time, if the two measuring results is the same as or a very small error, you may think that the gradienter of accuracy to requirements should be carefully find the cause.


Retinal function of the catatact dogs was examined by a RetinoGraphics ERG system with a white flash stimulus delivered to mydriatic canine eyes under general anesthesia.

视网膜电波图仪为评估白内障患犬视网膜功能之工具,检验设备包括光刺激探头、隐形眼镜形状平贴於角膜的纪录电极,和置於眼角后3 cm皮下之针状参考电极。

To deal with the above problems, this study aims to build an output system of on-line learning portfolios on the internet instruction platform and then learners can download their learning profiles.


But who-and-ink color reproduction system using organic and inorganic does not equal amounts, the contrasting color content, compared to when there are changes to the strong will to change, when in case of acids and bases are often transient, as time went on, the juxtapositional will be deep color ink to dark or lighter, faded and Matt.


Back to the Qin fishing fish cleaned while it is fresh, with a variety of seasonings into the·, the heating soup cooked immediately removed tile in a special bamboo Sheng, the well-baked, grasp the heat, right, fish to reach the United States and more than flavor, tender and crisp, color orange Ming-jie, not coke does not dim the requirements of the dried fish after a good system, deposited in a few months unabated taste, tea can also be used for soup, into the cup, like fresh enough that the wonders and rich nutrition, natural foods, high calcium, the human body has anti-aging function.


Pingxingguan Chengkungling-Ping Hu Ju City, was square-based, around 900 more than ten feet, the North-South a home, the amount of gate inscribed "Ping-ling," the three characters, that really Xiongguan mountains.


更多网络解释与置平相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Hioki 日置. 日冲. | Hira 平. | Hirabayashi 平林.


horizontal-dipole sounding 水平偶极测深 | horizontality 水平状态 | horizontalization 置平

horizontality of support ring:支承圈水平度

horizontality 水平性质,水平状态 | horizontality of support ring 支承圈水平度 | horizontalization 置平

inclined engine:斜置式发动机

inclined elevator 倾斜式提升机 | inclined engine 斜置式发动机 | inclined flat belt type conveyer 倾斜式平带运输机

invar tape:钢卷尺

tape,卷尺 | invar tape,钢卷尺 | approximate leveling,近似置平,粗平

Pancake engine:水平对置式发动机,扁平发动机

pancake coil 扁平线圈,饼形线圈,平卷线圈,盘香管,盘形线圈 | pancake engine 水平对置式发动机,扁平发动机 | pancake forging 扁平锻造


气腹针在脐孔部穿刺注入CO2气体建立气腹至腹内压达12mmHg ,用10 mm套管针(Trocar) 穿刺置入腹腔镜,于左侧下腹部麦氏点及左腹直肌外缘平脐各置入第2、第3 ,分别为5 mm及10 mm ,于右侧下腹部麦士点置入第4 个5mm套管针.

Ancylostoma caninum:犬钩口线虫

为了解中药全蝎(scorpion)对犬钩口线虫(Ancylostoma caninum)钩蚴的作用,取感染钩口线虫犬粪便(含钩虫卵)5g,均匀平铺于紧贴细菌干粉固体培养基的滤纸上,轻压使其紧密接触滤纸,置平皿中,盖上平皿盖,并用湿毛巾保持湿度,35℃培养24h.

Quang Binh:广平县

10 北广县 Bac Quang『治越广』 | 11 广平县 Quang Binh『新析置』『方位不明』 | 安沛省 Yen Bai


horizontality 水平状态 | horizontalization 置平 | horizontally bedded sandstone 水平层状砂岩