英语人>词典>汉英 : 罗圈腿 的英文翻译,例句
罗圈腿 的英文翻译、例句


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As long as they are independent in case they are generally not bandy-legged.


Baby born bandy legs that is because I and her husband are a bit like a bandy-legged, a phenomenon there are ways to allow him to improve it?


Has the sun during the day when the sun drying the buttocks to prevent diaper rash, as bandy-legged thing, and this has nothing to do, the elderly will have new things to do not believe that even resist emotions, to convince them slowly.


Also stated that the use of baby diapers feet will become a "bandy legs", but "bandy legs" is not formed for this reason, so this is not science.


He had short, bandy legs, long straggly ginger hair and bloodshot, baggy eyes that gave him the doleful look of a basset hound.


Bowlegged,罗圈脚 He is bowlegged.


Bandy legs to prevent as long as normal feeding, appropriate exercise, more than the sun, could be a calcium supplement, do not use such a stupid practice puttee Oh, baby, as if uncomfortable, they will cry, and then mother and baby have suffered eat a.


I believe you eye on the baby should be elimination of erythema, my son still has three days to one month before they are born then there is the white of the eye bloodshot ray, we are also worried that a very, very, slowly to eliminate its own , but any time you want to observe that a long time, then there should be a doctor; do not believe that the last leg wrappings, when there are many people warned us to puttee yo, how Otherwise how, alas, do not believe those words, unscientific, small Children up to 1 - 20 days longer腿就natural, it can be stretched, and then I fear that my son is also long a bandy legs, because he was sleeping on a two leg looks really a bit like it!!


I gritted Yutu nausea impulses, and then:"But dense hair failure; There are 56 legs scars failure; Mild-lap legs failure; Facial ordinary, with no failure; There is a palm-size back the characteristics of the failure of failure; Most unbearable is your lower body so uncoordinated about proportion ..."


Your baby's bones containing more than microglia, less calcium, bone and soft, while the walker sliding too fast, baby legs have to push to hard to move forward, a long time, and easily bends to form the leg bones changed bandy legs.


更多网络解释与罗圈腿相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


斗嘴 bandy words with sb | 罗圈腿的 bandy-legged | 喝倒彩 barrack against

Dorcas Meadowes:多卡斯.米豆斯 Students: 学生

Aberforth Dumbledore 阿波佛.邓布多(邓布多的兄弟) | Dorcas Meadowes 多卡斯.米豆斯 Students: 学生 | Hermione Granger 赫敏.格兰杰,宠物 Crookshanks 罗圈腿(桂芬多)

Neville Longbottom:纳威.隆巴顿,宠物 Trevor 特理沃(桂芬多)

Hermione Granger 赫敏.格兰杰,宠物 Crookshanks 罗圈腿(桂芬多) | Neville Longbottom 纳威.隆巴顿,宠物 Trevor 特理沃(桂芬多) | Luna Lovegood 露娜.拉乌古德(瑞文克劳)

ringworm; tinea:癣

罗圈腿 bow legs | 癣 ringworm; tinea | 牛皮癣 psoriasis

bow-backed:驼背的, 水蛇腰的

bow || 弓, 乐弓, 弓形, 鞠躬, 船首 鞠躬, 弯腰 | bow-backed || 驼背的, 水蛇腰的 | bow-legas || 弓形腿,罗圈腿,膝内翻