英语人>词典>汉英 : 缩颌 的英文翻译,例句
缩颌 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Feature of cephalometric hard tissue in patients with OSAHS: It was characterized that cranio-maxillo-facial hard tissue of submaxilla significantly retracted upward posteriorly and the distance from hyoid bone to mandibular plane increased obviously.


Any of various aquatic or terrestrial reptiles of the order Testudinesor Chelonia,having horny toothless jaws and a bony or leathery shell into which the head,limbs,and tail can be withdrawn in most species.


Long term follow-up observation of postoperative results of patients with development maxillary retrusion showed that the relapse of A point in the horizontal direction was 22%, the ANS point was 17%, and UI point was 12%.


Objective To guide the orthodontic diagnosis, treatment planning and prognosis by analyzing the craniofacial morphology and reimbursement mechanism of young patients with mandibular retrusion in Chongqing territory by Delaire cephalometric analysis.

目的 采用Delaire头影测量法分析重庆地区青少年下颌后缩患者颅颌面硬组织特征及其补偿机制,为进一步诊断、治疗设计及预后分析提供参考。

Any of various aquatic or terrestrial reptiles of the order Testudines, having horny toothless jaws and a bony or leathery shell into which the head, limbs, and tail can be withdrawn in most species.


更多网络解释与缩颌相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Opisthenar alopecia:後头脱发

Ophthalmopathy; Ophthalmopony; Disease of eye; Eye disease 眼病 | Opisthenar alopecia 後头脱发 | Opisthognathism; Opisthognathy 缩颌畸形; 颌後退


opiophagy 鸦片瘾 | opisthion 颅后点 | opisthognathism 缩颌


opisthion 颅后点 | opisthognathism 缩颌 | opisthorchiasis 后睾吸虫病

Opisthognathism; Opisthognathy:缩颌畸形; 颌後退

Opisthenar alopecia 後头脱发 | Opisthognathism; Opisthognathy 缩颌畸形; 颌後退 | Opisthorchis disease 分辫睾蛭病

Opisthorchis disease:分辫睾蛭病

Opisthognathism; Opisthognathy 缩颌畸形; 颌後退 | Opisthorchis disease 分辫睾蛭病 | Opisthotony 後弓性破伤风; 後弓反张


代表性的种类有(图18-33):(一)平胸龟科(Platysternidae)本科仅1属1种,即平胸龟(Platysternon megacephalum). 头大颌强,上喙钩曲呈鹰嘴状,俗称大头龟或鹰嘴龟;尾长,约与腹甲长相等;头、肢及尾不能缩入龟壳内;龟壳扁平,背、腹甲以韧带连接.