英语人>词典>汉英 : 绿叶 的英文翻译,例句
绿叶 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
greenery  ·  verdurous  ·  greeneries

更多网络例句与绿叶相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Compared with 810S,the total photosynthetic pigment content of Biao 810S was aabout 50%lower;which was the main cause of the yellow green leaf.2、The spikelet numbers,stigma exsertion rate and flowering time of Biao 810S were same as that of 810S.There were no significant difference of the agronomic traits between the the cross combination which came from the maintainers D100 and R96-1 and the combination from 810S.3、The photosynthetic rate of Biao810S was higher than 810S under strong light and lower under weak light.


A vegetable servingequaled about a half-cup chopped or one cup if the vegetable was araw leafy green like spinach.


You are a green leaf,a harbinger of spring full of brightness.


Funded bypass road to facilitate the procurement of seedlings of flowers around the visitors, we have the varieties: Jinshan Spiraea; Gold Flame Spiraea; large day lily flower; Medicago Iris; Euphorbiae; Euonymus fortunei; Ivy; Yingchun; fruit pomegranate; pomegranate flower; persimmon; wistaria; Rosaceae; sumac;úìè; Japan Cherry blossom; Sorbaria sorbifolia; lu tong; red roses; Red Prince Weigela; Prunus cistena;×; Ruby Begonia; paste Haitang rod; Malus micromalus; Diamond Begonia;Begonia;·; beauty Mei; leaves Betau; green Betau; Euonymus; Buxus microphylla; North Korea boxwood; Euonymus; Jiaodong Euonymus; Golden God vicaryi;ìé; Empoasca berbamine; clove; Ziwei; Hibiscus; phillyrin; bauhinia; gold and silver wood; honeysuckle; Huang Rosa; Phnom Penh Water Prince; Hung Shui Mu; Lamei; Taiping flower; wood Hydrangea; ping sticks Xunzi; silk wood; Floribunda Roses; large flower Rose; Mannheim Rose; red rose; Kim Mary Rose; Jintaiyang; laughter;±±èí; tower cypress; sand vulgaris;÷°; Henan cypress; cypress hodginsii ball; Xi'an cypress; Shu cypress; side cypress; tabulaeformis;¤white; cedar; Longbai; spruce; Magnolia; Dianthus plumarius; multicolored carnation; by Carnation; Phlox; Golden Caryopteris; sisal; Malanje; wood Hydrangea; Paeoniflorin; Canna; Cristata; short string of red; National Ju; Semiothisa;ú×±; acacia; Jiangnan Cassia;¨±; Amorpha fruticosa; Acacia;·¨; Paulownia;à; Chunnian 1000;÷; torch; game tree; Duzhong; Ginkgo biloba;·; Fraxinus; Xinjiang Yang; fast-growing Salix; willows; gordejevii; trowel head Liu; golden weeping willow ; bamboo: 124 varieties, such as, door-to-door if you purchase, we are very hospitable, the guests have a meticulous care, child Mindsto the bottom of the price, the best quality, best service, you Just check the number of points to check the quality of all organizations, sourcing, find a car load, are we responsible for.


The geometry of canopy and interception of photosynthetically active radiation were measured.


Measurement of cytochrome oxidase activity in germinated seeds, etiolated leaves and green leaves of pea indicated that the cytochrome oxidase activity was correlative to the importance of energy generation in the process of mitochondrial coupling respiration.


You are a green leaf filled with the tinges of spring; you are a drop of water full of golden glowing.


The birth and death of the leaves are the rapid whirls of the eddy whose wider circles move slowly among stars.


Because of绿叶菜fresh vegetables, beans and starchy vegetables more types of potassium, fruits such as banana, apricot, plum potassium-rich, poultry, fish, lean meat, such as high potassium content.


The fertilizer test base on three aspect of grain size、growth velocities 、rate of the green parts, the result present that IBDU multiple fertilizer is bigger grain size and quirkier hydrolyze rapid and more short release period than UF multiple fertilizer, which work easier burning spot on grass leaf of Green lawn; on aspect of growth


更多网络解释与绿叶相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aspidistra elatior:{一叶兰 绿叶}{一叶兰(金)

Asphodelus listulosus {阿福花属} | Aspidistra elatior {一叶兰 绿叶}{一叶兰(金)} | Aspidistra minutiflora {小花一叶兰}


coonskin | 浣熊皮 浣熊皮的 | coontie | 全绿叶择米(佛罗里达和热带美洲的泽木属) | coony | 狡猾的, 机灵的

elysia chlorotica:绿叶海蜗牛

eastern bluebird东方蓝鸟 | elysia chlorotica绿叶海蜗牛 | endocast颅腔模型

Golden Rain:绿叶,带有黄色条纹

"Blue Boy"植株矮小,叶片小; | "Golden Rain"绿叶,带有黄色条纹; | "Irene"株型松散,蔓延生长;


greener /生手/ | greenery /绿叶/绿树/装饰用的绿树枝或叶/ | greenfinch /痖[欧洲产]/


salad cream 沙拉酱 | greenstuff 绿叶蔬菜 | vegetable oil 蔬菜油

:Braised Pork Hock in Brown Sauce:绿叶红烧元蹄

庄园脆皮大皇鸽 Best Forest Manor Crispy Pigeon | 绿叶红烧元蹄 Braised Pork Hock in Brown Sauce | 上汤鲜时蔬 Seasonal Vegetable in Superior Soup

Sculpted green leaves on the top of the cookie jar are accented with red berries:雕塑般的绿叶放在上面的曲奇罐是口音与红色浆果

Hand painted ceramic with raised details手绘的陶... | Sculpted green leaves on the top of the cookie jar are accented with red berries.雕塑般的绿叶放在上面的曲奇罐是口音与红色浆果. | FDA approved fda批...

Patchouli oil:绿叶油

pasting 糊化 | patchouli oil 绿叶油 | patent 专利

Patchouli alcohol:绿叶醇,广藿香醇

pantothenyl alcohol泛醇 | patchouli alcohol绿叶醇,广藿香醇 | pelargonic alcohol壬醇