英语人>词典>汉英 : 给与 的英文翻译,例句
给与 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
accord  ·  bestowal  ·  conferment  ·  favour  ·  accorded  ·  accords

更多网络例句与给与相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When you are grateful you know that you belong to a network of give-and-take and you say "yes" to that belonging.


One was provision of insulin or secretagogue or sulfonylurea and the other was metformin or a glitazone or both.


Their praise of my right image, my unperverted, correctly structured image-my stellar transcript, my hours of community service, my ability to blow into a flute and scratch out a few greeting card poems-reassured me of my worth.


Similarly, a man who gives less should not blame his partner for being negative or unreceptive to him.


When a woman gives too much she should not blame her partner. Similarly, a man who gives less should not blame his partner for being negative or unreceptive to him.


And yet another example is my cunt bitch neighbor who likes nothing better than to be upset if my dog happens to look over into her fucking idiotic imbecilic yard,"how dare he even think about going there" fucking bitch should just die! However, as for sweet innocent little me, these are only my thoughts on life in America.


Methods 68 cases of the asphyxia neonatorum were randomised into the treatment goup ,which 34 cases of neonatus were given by the early stage minim feed and small dose Erythromycin ,and the controled group, which 34 cases were given by the routine feed.


Therefore, this paper is intended to find a different way to project the direct and indirect impact using statistical and nonstatistical data and from static and dinamic perspect.


All your resources and all your credit are the sacred property of the men who have trusted you; and until you have surplus cash and owe no man, it is dishonest to give your name as an indorser to others.


In the beginning of a relationship, if a woman doesn't get the support she wants, she then assumes that he is not giving because he has nothing more to give. She patiently and lovingly continues to give. assuming that sooner or later he'll catch up.


更多网络解释与给与相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bestowal:赠与, 给与

bestow | 给予, 安放 | bestowal | 赠与, 给与 | bestowing | 砖窑中砖堆上层已烧透的砖

bestowal:赠与; 给与 (名)

bestow 给予; 安放 (动) | bestowal 赠与; 给与 (名) | bestrew 撒布, 布满 (动)

code name:给与代号

code 代码 | code-name 给与代号 | code-switching 代码转换


move back in 搬回家住 | copayment 雇主给与雇员的保险补助金 | opt out 决定退出


dot-matrix printer 点阵打印机 | dotation 给与;添加外来原子 | dote 腐朽;衰老;朽木


给与公民权citizenize | 给与名称entitled | 给与生命的life-giving

--Mother Theresa:如果你给与的不是你需要的,这算不上给与

如果我们不是去问别人,而是问我们自己,那我们会知道多少?这难道不奇怪吗... | 如果你给与的不是你需要的,这算不上给与. --Mother Theresa | 我们总能获得希望. 当我们失败了,我们只需要深吸一口气,希望就会重新出现. ...


vividness /活泼/明亮/鲜明/ | vivification /给与生气/苏醒/ | vivify /给与生气/使生动/使活跃/


citizenize 认作公民 | citizenize 给与公民权 | citizenize 给与公民权


concussive 震荡性的 | concussive 给与冲击的 | concussive 给与冲击的