英语人>词典>汉英 : 绅士的 的英文翻译,例句
绅士的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The work is as much an apologia for the legal system of the time as it is an explanation; even when the law was obscure, Blackstone sought to make it seem rational, just, and inevitable that things should be how they were.


This description is both refined and,as far as it goes,accurate.


The suburban villa enables the salesman or the clerk, out of hours, to be almost a country gentleman. Let us admit that it offers his wife and children more solid advantages.


"The American culture was set up to be a more individualist culture and the British culture was more about the gentlemanly behaviour," Mr Savage says."You've got to remember that this is the Edwardian period when to be a gentleman was the peak of society."


Money, of course, is not mentioned, this being impossible in all such gentlemanly transactions.


In a Word, I was so prepossess'd against my going by Sea at all, except from Calais to Dover, that I resolv'd to travel all the Way by Land; which as I was not in Haste, and did not value the Charge, was by much the pleasanter Way; and to make it more so, my old Captain brought an English Gentleman, the Son of a Merchant in Lisbon, who was willing to travel with me: After which, we pick'd up two more English Merchants also, and two young Portuguese Gentlemen, the last going to Paris only; so that we were in all six of us, and five Servants; the two Merchants and the two Portuguese, contenting themselves with one Servant, between two, to save the Charge; and as for me, I got an English Sailor to travel with me as a Servant, besides my Man Friday, who was too much a Stranger to be capable of supplying the Place of a Servant on the Road.


It is no question of outer circumstances or appearance; it is the inner nature that distinguishes the gentleman.


It is almost a definition of a gentleman to say he is one who never inflicts pain.


King George III at a levee on 3 February 1791 said to Burke:"I know that there is no Man who calls himself a Gentleman that must not think himself obliged to you, for you have supported the cause of the Gentlemen".


He is a gentleman; I am a gentleman's daughter; so far we are equal.


更多网络解释与绅士的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

genteel a.1:有教养的,文雅的 2.装绅士的,假斯文的 3.古朴幽静的

genial a.和蔼的,亲切的,友好的 | genteel a.1.有教养的,文雅的 2.装绅士的,假斯文的 3.古朴幽静的 | gentility n.有教养,文雅,彬彬有礼


genteelism 上流的谈吐 | genteelism 假装绅士的谈吐 | genteelism 假装绅士的谈吐


gentlefolks /出身高贵的人/ | gentlemanlike /绅士的/绅士派头的/ | gentlemanly /绅士的/绅士派头的/

gentlemanlike:举止高雅的; 绅士的 (形)

gentleman's gentleman 绅士的仆人; 男仆 | gentlemanlike 举止高雅的; 绅士的 (形) | gentlemanly 绅士的 (形)


gentlemanlike /绅士的/绅士派头的/ | gentlemanly /绅士的/绅士派头的/ | gentlemanship /绅士身分/

gentlemanly:绅士的 (形)

gentlemanlike 举止高雅的; 绅士的 (形) | gentlemanly 绅士的 (形) | gentleness 温和; 彬彬有礼; 和善; 高贵 (名)


gentlemanly 绅士派头的 | gentlemanship 绅士的身分 | gentlemen of robe 律师们


ungenerous 胸襟狭窄的 | ungentlemanly 非绅士的 | ungentlemanly 不象绅士的


ungentlemanly 非绅士的 | ungentlemanly 不象绅士的 | ungird 松带

gentleman's gentleman:绅士的仆人; 男仆

gentleman's agreement 君子协定 | gentleman's gentleman 绅士的仆人; 男仆 | gentlemanlike 举止高雅的; 绅士的 (形)