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组诗的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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With Bakhtin s dialogism,the author tries to find out the reasons of Nineteen Classic Poems emotional effects through the analysis of diverse voices and poets tactful techniques.


Mr. Ashbery can also be partial to particular forms of verse, though these tend to be of a fairly eccentric kind ─ the cento (a patchwork of other poets' works), for example, and the pantoum (a Malaysian form, said to have been introduced to 19th-century Europe by Victor Hugo).

Ashbery 先生也有用部分诗体以至特种的诗体形式,尽管这些形式有些不同寻常--如,摘录和四行组诗(马来诗体,据说由维克特-雨果于十九世纪引入欧洲)。

American poet and educator who wrote the sonnet sequence Two Lives(1925) and translated Beowulf and the works of Lucretius.


His famous short poem She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways is one of the "Lucy poems", which are Wordsworth's best known group poems, in which he described a simple, natural and pure country girl who lived in a remote mountainous area far from the spoiled artificial city life.


At this time Viharilal Chakravarti's series of songs called Sarada Mangal were coming out in the Arya Darsan .


What in hell's success if it isn't right there in your Stevenson sonnet, which outranks Henley's 'Apparition,' in that 'Love-cycle,' in those sea-poems? It is not in what you succeed in doing that you get your joy, but in the doing of it.


It was in this condition, in 1973, Peng Jinshan create Poems "Long Yuan battle song," get up and down the Northwest Forestry and Construction Corps, unanimously approved.


He has got quite a few awards of literature such as The First Award of Excellent Works of Young Writers of Qinghai Province for His series of poems "The Soul on the Ancient Plank Road", the first Award of Exquisite Works of Contemporary Chinese Literature for his poem "Mirage: Scripture on the Cliffs of History", the Fourth Award of Excellent Literary Pieces of Qinghai Provincial Government for his long poem "Looking into the Distance: the Wheat Ear in Mid-autumn","Courser Award"---the Fourth Award of Literature of Minorities for his book "The Oath Exiled by the God".


Among his other famous poems are "The Lotus-Eaters,""The Lady of Shalott," and his collection of narrative poems on the life of King Arthur, Idylls of the King.


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以他1923年的诗作>(Harmonium)为例,这是一组由一系列谐趣横生、又不乏思想深度的小诗组成的,意在愉己悦人的诗歌作品. 其中包括"松树林里的矮脚鸡"和"坛子轶事"等. 另一方,组诗>中又包含了一首史蒂文斯最为伤感的诗歌之一,

In Memoriam:悼念

其诗意诉诸情感,对科学主义有消解作用. 他的诗歌既有浪漫主义的特点,技巧上又有古典主义的特点. 音乐性极强,但思想深度不够. 其组诗>(In Memoriam)是为悼念亡友Arther Hallem而写的,维多利亚女王以为其价值仅次于>.

A Newsboy:送报童

乌鸦与金鱼的对话 A Dialogue between a Crow and a Golden Fish | 送报童 A Newsboy | 在曼谷大街上(组诗) At the Streets of Bangkok

The Courtship of Miles Standish:迈尔斯.斯坦迪什的求婚(叙事长诗)

Evangeline伊凡吉琳; | The Courtship of Miles Standish迈尔斯.斯坦迪什的求婚(叙事长诗); | Poems on Slavery奴役篇---反蓄奴组诗

Wessex Poems:威塞克斯诗集

在哈代的第一本诗集>(Wessex Poems)中收入了一组描写爱情的十四行诗>(She to Him). 这组诗一共有四首,创作于一八六六年. 这组诗可以说是哈代步入文坛前的试笔. 这组诗虽然带有明显的模仿伊丽莎白时期十四行诗的痕迹,

In Memoriam:悼念

其诗意诉诸情感,对科学主义有消解作用. 他的诗歌既有浪漫主义的特点,技巧上又有古典主义的特点. 音乐性极强,但思想深度不够. 其组诗<<悼念>>(In Memoriam)是为悼念亡友Arther Hallem而写的,维多利亚女王以为其价值仅次于<<圣经>>.