英语人>词典>汉英 : 练球 的英文翻译,例句
练球 的英文翻译、例句


practise a ball game
更多网络例句与练球相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I mean listen, we're sitting here talking about practice, not a game, not a game, not a game, but we're talking about practice. Not the game that I go out there and die for and play every game last it's my last but we're talking about practice man. How silly is that?


Speaking to The Daily Telegraph at Wimbledon, Judy Murray, the endearingly guileless mum of Andy, explained that she was happy her son got to share a practice court with Joachim Johansson because he is "very easy on the eye."

安迪·穆雷的妈妈告诉每日电讯报,她很高兴她的儿子在温布蹲能和Joachim Johansson在一块场地上练球,因为他"长得非常好看"

David is still in Paris practicing and he will be leaving to Halle tomorrow.


He 42 his success to a set of practice that goes 43 morning contests with his parents' Kenmore refrigerator.


Because of family factors, I can not really go to every day Lianqiu, but only when the occasional vacation fun, and I am willing to accompany life with basketball basketball became my best friend, no matter how much the basketball much blood and sweat I have prepared my a land of dreams is the NBA, but I do not know when it can be achieved.


Typically they do seven hours of training each day – both table play and physical training away from the table.


Because of the rain , the teacher and the latter rolls forward tumble while pirouetting say this is to protect themselves , we are hurt .


Most players concealed their backhands in the knock-up, but Bond hit several wide to that side to give Gorner no chance.


With my free kick I practise them everyday, there is a certain technique to them but i'm not going to tell you!


Mike and I went over to Aorangi at noon and got a quick hit in and then went to the gym and the training room to get the bodies just right for tomorrow.


更多网络解释与练球相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

baseball field; baseball park:棒球场

棒球和垒球 baseball and softball | 棒球场 baseball field; baseball park | 在棒球场上练球 practise on the diamond

Driving Range:练衔摇

Driving countest 击球比赛 | Driving Range 练衔摇 | Duff 打到球旳底部


由于网球运动除了需要强大臂力外,双脚也需有足够爆炸力才能准确追球及击球,所以陈伟霆建议大家到深蹲(Hack Squat)器械锻练双腿. 他解释此器械主要锻练大腿和四头肌,是针对个人需要而设的重量阻力训练,,此机也有助心肺功能,

ball handling:控球

为了剩下在tv tour里面爽些就准备把这些50左右的给练上去,但是像dunking怎么都没有 +1以上的,我之前一个tour猛扣篮都没有像一些技能的点数 +5或者+7这么爽的,搞得像个投篮机器,跳投n准,但是控球(ball handling),扣篮(dunking) ,


他同女友乔斯琳(Jocelyn)以及一些朋友前往怀俄明州的滑雪胜地杰克逊洞(Jackson Hole)滑雪,痛快地玩了一周. 而接下来他就回到斯科戴尔练球. 他这样刻苦的成果立即显现出来,保罗-卡西在今年他的首站比赛:阿布扎比锦标赛上一炮而红,

Atletico Madrid:马德里竞技队

[size=3] 西班牙皇家马德里队足球明星罗纳多(Cristiano Ronaldo)脚踝受伤数周后,今天恢复练球,下周可能在欧洲联赛冠军[size=3]西班牙甲级足球联赛(La Liga)马德里竞技队(Atletico Madrid)教练佛罗雷斯(Qu

miniature golf:迷你高尔夫

迷你高尔夫(Miniature Golf)在欧美已风行多年,大多以水泥为造型基础,设置不同形状和变化的18洞果岭,再配合大面积的植栽、水景、岩石、人物或卡通造型等,作为景观造景,或以人工道具增加它的难度、变化与趣味,可说是结合了练球、游戏与赏景的综合性功能.


李炳宪将在韩国今天举行的"Koion高球赛"中,与南非高尔夫名将艾尔斯(Ernie Els)相会,他与艾尔斯都是"欧米茄"(Omega)的男表代言人,他说要努力练球,免得在艾尔斯面前"漏气".


stick save 用球杆挡球 | stickwork 运球技术 | sub-rink 练球冰场,备用冰场


球足llabtooF | )国美(球足reccoS | 练训gniniarTssorC