英语人>词典>汉英 : 纽约人 的英文翻译,例句
纽约人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Knickerbocker  ·  Manhattanese

更多网络例句与纽约人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You came out and said that issues and ideals matter. Jobs matter, downstate and upstate. Health care matters, education matters, the environment matters, Social Security matters, a woman's right to choose matters. It all matters and I just want to say from the bottom of my heart, thank you, New York!


Hernan Diaz is an assistant professor of Spanish at the State University of New York at Albany. Map designed by Knickerbocker. Interactive by The New York Times.


The Knickerbocker's style of play spread rapidly during the 1850s, when baseball clubs formed throughout New York City and adopted the new rules.


New York may not be a tourist attraction to a New Yorker, but for a Londoner it may have many charms .


New York 纽约: New Yorkers are famous in the rest of America for being an arrogant, snobby bunch who don ' t care about the rest of the country.


Or, as the Wall Street Journal more pithily[13] put it, New Yorkers should question "whether Mr Spitzer's habit of publicly smearing individuals while bringing no charges in court is appropriate behaviour by any prosecutor, dddtt.com less one running to be New York's governor."

wwW.ssbbwW.coM 像《华尔街杂志》更为直截了当地说的那样,纽约人应当质疑&斯皮策公开诬蔑个人却不诉诸法庭的习惯对于一名检控官——更遑论一个即将成为纽约州长的人——而言是否得体。&

Or, as the Wall Street Journal more pithily[13] put it, New Yorkers should question "whether Mr Spitzers habit of publicly smearing individuals while bringing no charges in court is appropriate behaviour by any prosecutor, much less one running to be New Yorks governor."


As the Wall Street Journal more pithily[13] put it, New Yorkers should question "whether Mr Spitzer's habit of publicly smearing individuals while bringing no charges in court is appropriate behaviour by any prosecutor, much less one running to be New York's governor.


Or, as the Wall Street Journal more pithily[13] put it, New Yorkers should question"whether Mr Spitzer's habit of publicly smearing individuals while bringing no charges in court is appropriate behaviour by any prosecutor, much less one running to be New York's governor.


Organized by the China Christian Council and sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese of New York ,American Bible Society, and the Council of Churches of the City of New York , this exhibit is a valuable opportunity for New Yorkers to explore the relationship between faith and culture.


更多网络解释与纽约人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


knellpassingbell 丧钟 | knickerbocker 纽约人 | knickknack 小衣饰


sticker 张贴广告的人,始终如一的人 | knickerbocker 荷兰后裔,纽约人 | cocker 斗鸡的人


knew /知道/ | knickerbocker /纽约人/灯笼绔/ | knickerbockers /灯笼裤/

New Yorker magazine:纽约人杂志

63. New Literary History 新文学史 | 64. New Yorker Magazine 纽约人杂志 | 65. New York Times Book Review 纽约时报图书评论

He's a New Yorker at heart, but he's lost all his neuroses and 30 pounds:他本质上还是一个纽约人 但他甩掉了神经质...还有30磅

Yeah. He's an ideal combination ... | He's a New Yorker at heart, but he's lost all his neuroses and 30 pounds.|他本质上还是一个纽约人 但他甩掉了神经质...还有30磅 | We're New Yorkers. Aren't we suppose...

New York Islanders:纽约人

New Jersey Devils 新泽西魔鬼 | New York Islanders 纽约人 | New York Rangers 纽约逻兵

New Yorker:纽约人

两三年前,<<纽约人>> (New Yorker) 杂志刊载的一篇关于国家档案馆 (National Archives) 的文章直言不讳地指出,"虽说过去的20世纪无疑记录下比历史上任何其他时代都更多的资料,但是,也几乎可以肯定的是丢失了比先前任何时代都更多的信息.


--Paul Goldberger,<<纽约人>>(The New Yorker)--John,King,<<旧金山纪事报书评>>(San Franeisco Chronicle Book Review)<<郊区国家>>体现了北美正在兴起的一场运动:停止郊区蔓延,取缔过去50年中形成的以汽乍交通为基础的定居模式,

Are New Yorkers evolving past relationships:纽约人的男女关系 正在进化当中吗

Who needs a husband when you have a doorman?|既然有了看门的... | Are New Yorkers evolving past relationships?|纽约人的男女关系 正在进化当中吗? | Relationships have declined since women left the cave...|...

I'm taking depositions and restaurant recommendations from hip and trendy New Yorkers:我专门为时髦的纽约人 立切结书并推荐餐厅

George, this is Carrie and Charlotte. G... | I'm taking depositions and restaurant recommendations from hip and trendy New Yorkers.|我专门为时髦的纽约人 立切结书并推荐餐厅 | - You're hip and trendy? - ...