英语人>词典>汉英 : 纷纭 的英文翻译,例句
纷纭 的英文翻译、例句


diverse and confused
更多网络例句与纷纭相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Behind overlapping pictures, there hide noun or verb, subject or predicate, nonsense, slogan or cant, advertisement or lie, epigram or balderdash, explanation or rhetoric, dialogue or monologue. The unordered, dense, overlapped, and information store-like visual and dream system implies the real world and the desire, anxious, love, hate, limitation, compassion and idealism of the artist.


At the present time construction of oceanic information sharing system has achieved great progress. Each coastland builds information management system based on web technology one after another which provides service platform for the extensive sharing and rational use of oceanic date.


In this diverse world, what is love?


Was the numerous families says diversely about this.


During the process talking and communicating equally with him and his poems we see a sincere, truly-feeled and amiable Tao Yuanming, who is not only an ordinary man but also a broad-minded people. He feels beauty with wisdom, write poems with life experienced and face up to diverse and confused world with sapient attitude to life.


Diverse world, we in the time-line, such as giant spider silk geo-feeding, walking, or thinking.


But to the extent that he interprets music through images he is dwelling on the still sea of Apollinian contemplation, no matter how turbulently all that he beholds through the musical medium may surge about him.


Under this background, the businessmen inside and outside the province were engaged in the commercial trade activity confused and confusingly.


What other art gives scope to natures and dispositions so diverse , and to tastes so contrarious?


What other art gives scope to natures and dispo sitions so diverse, and to tastes so contrarious?


更多网络解释与纷纭相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a cacophony of expert opinions:纷纭的专家意见

母鸡的咯咯声 the cackle of hens | 纷纭的专家意见 a cacophony of expert opinions | 尸体解剖 a cadaver dissection

disagree on:众议纷纭

6. 各得其所 be properly provided for | 7. 众议纷纭 disagree on | 8. 岁月不居,来日苦短 Time does not stay is brief is the day.

professional ethics:职业道德

此外,由於大学教育这个阶段系属於青年学子迈入社会之前,最重要也是最后阶段的正规教育,综观目前社会乱象纷纭,职场弊端丛生,如何加强纪律(Discipline)与职业道德(Professional Ethics)观念的培养,早已成为高等教育不可或缺的一环.

Let's resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisa:党争纷纭,阴谋卑鄙,愚鲁无知,皆腐蚀

people. 域之内,吾辈荣辱休戚,皆... | Let's resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisa- 党争纷纭,阴谋卑鄙,愚鲁无知,皆腐蚀 | nship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our pol- 清白、惑...


这两派生物学家的争辩,就像中世纪的学者对"实在论"(Realism),及"唯名论"(Nominalism)的意见纷纭一样. "种"一般的定义,可以分为两类,一类是纯粹着重形式的,就如:"'种'是生物分类的单位,位于'属'(Genus)之下,'亚种'(Subspecies)之上.

without question:毫无疑问; 肯定

under question 在受盘问时; (在)讲座中的问题 | vexed question 议论纷纭莫衷一是的问题; 难以解决的问题 | without question 毫无疑问; 肯定

Throughout the human race:尽管各有万般姿彩

So many things divide us 人类社会处处可见纷纭 | Throughout the human race. 尽管各有万般姿彩. | But love's the great uniter, 只因为爱,才能使我们融洽成一块,

Throughout the human race:尽管各有万姿千彩

So many things divide us 人类社会处处可见纷纭 | Throughout the human race. 尽管各有万姿千彩. | But love's the great uniter, 是爱使我们融洽,相处欢快.

vexed question:议论纷纭莫衷一是的问题; 难以解决的问题

under question 在受盘问时; (在)讲座中的问题 | vexed question 议论纷纭莫衷一是的问题; 难以解决的问题 | without question 毫无疑问; 肯定

Synoptic Gospels:(符类福音)

有关福音书之安排着实是四福音背景研究极头痛的问题. 学者意见之纷纭颇出人意料,这问题牵涉另一非常复杂之新约研究范围--符类福音(Synoptic Gospels)之问题. A.符类福音问题