英语人>词典>汉英 : 纷 的英文翻译,例句
纷 的英文翻译、例句

many and various
更多网络例句与纷相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

How 1 do it is like this.l watch absorbedly the cicada's wings,ignoring completely the things around me and not allowing any-thing to distract my attention. So how can 1 fail to capture it?


Chicago has its own version of this strategy in six police districts, but it has been all but ignored in the current cacophony.


This colorful carousel is one of the main attractions in the amusement park.


This study aims at clarifying the basic requirements for writing civil verdict documents in the context of modern civil justice, guiding the reforming practices in this field, and bringing into full play the documents'role of ending a case and closing an affair.


In those things in which all the people of God are agreed, I will spend my zeal; and as for other things about whichthey differ, I will walk according to the light God hath given me, and charitably believe that others do so too.


The question of social class, and in particular of the 'proletariat' and its existence, is hopelessly confused when such arguments conflate the problem of a theoretical category of analysis with the empirical question about the mood or influence of workers in this or that society todaythey are no longer revolutionary, bourgeoisi?


Therefore, the offset printing process, in the event of ink color depth of the rollers on channeling, heavy ink roller and roll as well as related and axle journal in line with the inspection of the bearings is essential.


According to home in the past to filter the tricolors of low-temperature disperse red 3B, dispersing yellow blue RGEL 2BLN and decentralized; and now filtered disperse decentralized low-temperature, the red yellow E-3R, brilliant blue E-4R E-4B, improvements to the content of the tricolors of dyes and include black, several dyes, makes it easy with all kinds of chromategraphy, the amount of dye to the content of the factory is reduced to a minimum.


The first is not the same as the weight,followed due to different shape,if the words to use squash squash rackets tennis beat easily broken,however,unnecessary losses,If playing squash with the tennis racket,you will find it hard because the tennis racket squash are weight rackets too much.


Let us a good MeiYi Fen field, let us MeiYi good car ring screw, let us do good MeiYi have corrections, let us take good care MeiYi patients, let us do what I do have split work.


更多网络解释与纷相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


公司简介: 富贵服饰有限公司系外商独资富贵集团之子公司,集团于92年3月昆山开发区投资成立,目前总投资2500万美金,辖下有明辉堂皮件有限公司、周庄富贵园、动感地带商贸、富贵服饰4家子公司,主要经销、代理"鳄鱼"(CROCODILE)、"卡"(CARVEN)、"耐克"(NIK



CARVEN:卡纷,卡尔旺 法国

cartier 卡地亚 法国 | Carven 卡,卡尔旺 法国 | casio 卡西欧 日本

To hold long chiding conference:商谈着,各执一次,纷纷扰扰

In me, past, present, future meet 于我,过去,现在以及未来 | To hold long chiding conference. 商谈着,各执一次,扰扰 | My lusts usurp the present tense 林林总总的欲望,掠取着我的现在

disagree on:众议纷坛

各得其所:be properly provided for | 众议坛:disagree on | 岁月不居,来日苦短:time does not stay as brief as the day

I called the door-keeper of the Heaven gate to open the door:纷总总其离合兮

帅云霓而来御. now this color, now that color, now moving up, n... | 总总其离合兮, I called the door-keeper of the Heaven gate to open the door. | 斑陆离其上下. He leaned against the door looking at...

Factional struggle:掌派纷

党派 Faction | 掌派 Factional struggle | 因素 Factor

NL Newfoundland:纽纷兰

0 1 爱德华岛 PEI Prince Edward Island | 0 0 纽兰 NL Newfoundland | 0 0 育空 YK Yukon 0 0

Fentonia ocypete Bremer:栎纷舟蛾

杨二尾舟蛾Cerura menciana Moore | 栎舟蛾Fentonia ocypete Bremer | 钩翅舟蛾Gangarides dharma Moore

First, stop slinking away from all those nagging issue.It is time to face the music:首先,停止逃避那些纷纷扰扰的纠纷,该是勇敢面对问题的时候了

It is easy.其实... | First, stop slinking away from all those nagging issue.It is time to face the music.首先,停止逃避那些扰扰的纠,该是勇敢面对问题的时候了. | Or go for a walk to clear your head....