英语人>词典>汉英 : 纳巴泰的 的英文翻译,例句
纳巴泰的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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And Jonathan sent his brother a captain of the people, to desire the Nabutheans his friends, that they would lend them their equipage, which was copious.


By A.D. 106, when Rome annexed it and expanded a Nabataean theater carved from its cliffs, 30,000 lived in the city.


The formidable Monastery, built more than 2,000 years ago, was probably a shrine for the Nabataean people of ancient Petra.


A subtle palette radiates from Nabataean tombs east of the city center.


On the edge of the Arabian Desert, Petra was the glittering capital of the Nabataean empire of King Aretas IV 9 B.C.


Hydrology is the unseen beauty of Petra,' says an engineer familiar with Nabataean techniques.


This historic sister city, Petra the former capital of Nabataean Kingdom, is located only 150 miles away to the north across the border with Jordan.


A In the first two centuries there is not in the Apostolic Fathers and other ecclesiastical writers, if we except Theophilus of Antioch (180), a single quotation properly so called from this Epistle; at most there are some more or less probable allusions in their writings, eg, the First Epistle of St. Clement of Rome to the Corinthians, the "Didache", St. Ignatius, the Epistle of Barnabas, the "Pastor" of Hermas, the Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians, the Dialogue of St. Justin with Trypho, St. Irenus, the Clementine "Recognitions", the "Acts of Peter", etc. The Epistle formed part of the ancient Itala, but is not in the Syriac.

在头两百年没有在使徒父亲和其他教会的作家,如果我们除西奥菲勒安提( 180 ),单引号妥善所谓从这个书信;最多有一些或多或少可能典故在他们的著作,例如,第一使徒的罗马圣克莱门特的科林蒂安的&十二使徒遗训&,圣依纳爵,在使徒巴纳巴斯的&牧师&的书,在使徒的腓利波利卡普的对话圣贾斯汀与Trypho ,圣Irenus的克莱门汀&认识&的行为&彼得&等书信的组成部分,古代伊泰莱,但不是在叙利亚。

Tourists from all around the world flock to the ancient city of Petra, built during the fifth and sixth centuries BC, Petra is the ruined capital of the Nabatean Arabs.


Under his father's command, he initially failed in his assaults on Egypt and Nabataea, but later freed Athens from Macedonia (307) and defeated Ptolemy I Soter (306), restoring some of his father's domain.

原在其父指挥下攻打埃及和纳巴泰人尝到败绩,但后来解放了雅典(西元前307年),并打败了托勒密一世(Ptolemy I Soter,西元前306年),恢复父亲原来占有的部分领土。

更多网络解释与纳巴泰的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Boogie Nights:一举成名

本片主要演员除了史泰龙和曾以>(Boogie Nights)获得奥斯卡提名的巴特罗纳德外,还有在>(Bound)、>(The Insider)、>(Face/Off)中有出色表现的吉娜格申和凭>(Remember the Titans)走红的新秀杰帕度.

Sara Dunstan:莎拉.邓斯坦

ay)地区名苏维纳里(Suivinari)岛名康(Kang)龙人首领泰耶(Teyr)龙人城市唐达(Tandar)白袍法师阿里克斯(Aryx)米诺陶斯人林莎(Linsha)帕林和乌莎的女儿佛罗特萨(Flotsam)地名莎拉.邓斯坦(Sara Dunstan)斯蒂尔的养母克巴特(Cobalt)蓝龙,


酒庄位于波尔多南45公里,加龙河比昂(Pian sur Garonne)地区,毗邻所泰尔纳(Sauternes),鲁皮亚克(Loupiac),巴萨克(Barsac)及圣.爱美伦 (St-Emilion). 吉伦特省丘陵区的最高处,沐浴着充沛的阳光和得天独厚的土壤. 葡萄园位于丘陵的南面,

Daffy duck:达菲鸭

创造了"兔巴哥"(Bugs Bunny)、"达菲鸭"(Daffy Duck)等14位超级动画明星. 打破了DISNEY公司垄断美国动画市场的格局,开创了一种与DISNEY风格截然不同的动画样式. 而泰克斯. 艾佛瑞(Tex Avery ,1908.2.26---1980.8.26)便是黄金时期华纳公司的金牌导演之一.



Rabindranath Tagore:泰戈尔

此时的印度绘画特色为表现出高度的个人主义,而这时的印度画家亦人才辈出,有加入了中国及日本风格的[[阿巴宁德罗纳特.泰戈尔]](Abanindranath Tagore),与及其他多才多艺的有名画家如[[罗宾德拉纳德泰戈尔]](Rabindranath Tagore)、[[难陀婆薮]]


这是他们共同的命运:百阿非利(Biafra)在尼日利亚(Nigeria),车臣(Chechnya)在俄国,库德族(Kurdistan)在土耳其,纳加兰(Nagaland)在印度,泰咪尔(Tamil Eslam)在斯里兰卡(Sri Lanka),巴斯克(Basque country)在西班牙争取重建殖民时代的已有疆界,