英语人>词典>汉英 : 纯良的 的英文翻译,例句
纯良的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pukka  ·  pukkah

更多网络例句与纯良的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A Victorian safeguard,however,is the bit of censoring done to the tales on the basis of "pure taste and good morals,"in those passages Bulfinch found unduly horrific or sensual.


There the Chinese are truly themselves and at their best, because there they show their best characteristic, geniality .


The other room-mate, Harold Goy , was a good soul, no older than a child.


At the end, I was of course arrested and your father became the hero of the hour: more indeed than the hero of the hour merely: your family now ranks, strangely enough, with the Immortals: for with that grotesqueness of effect that is as it were a Gothic element in history, and makes Clio the least serious of all the Muses, your father will always live among the kind pure-minded parents of Sunday school literature[13b], your place is with the Infant Samuel, and in the lowest mire of Malebolge[13.1] I sit between Gilles de Retz[13.2] and the Marquis de Sade

好像历史也带上了一点哥特式的离奇古怪,从而使历史和史诗之神克里奥成了众缪斯中最不正经的一位。靠着这份离奇古怪,结果是你父亲在主日学校的文学里将永远活在那些个心地和善纯良的父母之中 [1 3 b ] ,你将与少年塞缪尔并列,而在地狱最底层的污渎中,我将与崇拜撒旦的雷斯和性变态的萨德侯爵为伍 [1 3 c ] 。

The Altai Paleozoic orogenic belt of Xinjiang Autonomous Rejoin is geologically wellknown both domestic and abroad by the intensive development of low-pressure metamorphism and granitic magmatism. Within pelitic metamorphic rocks, even though sillimanite is well developed and the low-pressure minerals like andalusite and cordeirite etc. are quite common, the assemblage of garnet and staurolite is more important.

中文题名阿尔泰海西造山带中-低压递增变质作用特征及其地球动力学副题名外文题名 Features and geodynamics of the low-to mid-pressure progressive metamorphism in the Altai hercynian orogenic belt 论文作者郑常青导师卢良兆徐学纯教授学科专业矿物学、岩石学、矿床学研究领域\研究方向变质地质学学位级别博士学位授予单位吉林大学学位授予日期2001 论文页码总数132页关键词阿尔泰造山带造山带构造地质馆藏号BSLW /2003 /P542 /1 新疆阿尔泰古生代造山带以低压变质及花岗质岩浆作用广泛发育闻名国内外,泥质变质岩系中矽线石较发育,红柱石和堇青石等低压特征矿物相当常见,但是,石榴石—十字石的组合更普遍。

The effect of the content of intercalatant and MMT on the absorption speed and degree of the composites in dimethylbenzene was studied and compared with gum BIIR and the traditional BIIR/Na-MMT composites.


At the end, I was of course arrested and your father became the hero of the hour: more indeed than the hero of the hour merely: your family now ranks, strangely enough, with the Immortals: for with that grotesqueness of effect that is as it were a Gothic element in history, and makes Clio the least serious of all the Muses, your father will always live among the kind pure-minded parents of Sunday school literature[13b], your place is with the Infant Samuel, and in the lowest mire of Malebolge[13.1] I sit between Gilles de Retz[13.2] and the Marquis de Sade

最 终当然是我被捕入狱,而你父亲则成了一时英雄。何止是一时英雄,你们家莫名其妙地跻身于神仙圣人之列。好像历史也带上了一点哥特式的离奇古怪,从而使历史和史诗之神克里奥成了众缪斯中最不正经的一位。靠着这份离奇古怪,结果是你父亲在主日学校的文学里将永远活在那些个心地和善纯良的父母之中[13b],你将与少年塞缪尔并列,而在地狱最底层的污渎中,我将与崇拜撒旦的雷斯和性变态的萨德侯爵为伍

First, based on the analysis and comparison of wave breaker indices defined by geometric, kinetic as well as dynamic stability, which were verified by observation, the value α, which is equal to H/ by Miche' s result and may be modified by Goda' s results, is suggested as the wave breaking criteria. The applicable values of α for pure waves or wave-current co-existing field are given.


Mrs. Warne: A sweet-natured boy like you does not need to work.


更多网络解释与纯良的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


chorycyclen /冰片杀虫剂/ | chose /宁愿/ | chosen /的过去分词/被选的/精选的/纯良的/宁愿/精选/


9月12日 铁线莲(Clematis) 花语:心之美 花占卜:您有一颗纯良的心,从不懂欺骗别人,单纯地寻求一种如父母般爱护您的友情或爱情. 您天生直觉敏锐,帮助您很快找到意中人,但您容易被甜言蜜语诱惑,走上危险的道路. 花箴言:当爱火在心中燃点时,是最光芒亦


论坛中cl是纯良的意思纯(Chun) 良(Liang) 它们第一个音节合起来就是纯良的简写 这是一个贴上的解释: 3 回复:我感动,被汞灯灯!!!~ 我也感动了,被如此CL的楼主...


2月9日 香桃木(Myrtle) 花语﹕爱情蜜语 花占卜﹕您有一颗纯良的心,追求和谐、欢乐的生活,相信世间存有神圣的爱情. 您不重视物质享受,讨厌世俗的争名逐利,您希望找到一个和您一样纯情的对象,那麼您们便可以互诉衷曲,享受您们的世界.


puckapukkapukkah 纯良的 | puckish 像小妖精的 | puddingflummery 布丁

Malt Whisky:纯麦威士忌

当都会品酩风潮积极展开的同时,全球纯麦威士忌(Malt Whisky)也跟著成为时尚品味人士手里的良伴,不管是商务或是与三五好友谈心,都可以让人把酒言欢,畅谈心事.


puck /冰球/恶作剧的小妖精/淘气小孩/ | pucka /纯良的/份量充足的/有信用的/ | pucker /折起绉纹/


puke /呕吐/呕吐物/吐剂/ | pukka /纯良的/份量充足的/有信用的/ | pukkah /纯良的/份量充足的/有信用的/


5月8日 睡莲(waterlily) 花语:清纯的心花占卜:您是属於思想单纯、天真朴实的内向型,对於周围的诱惑,要加倍小心,因为您的纯良容易被人利用. 您的个性平实,不慕虚荣,激烈的爱情并不适合您的性格. 花箴言:男人因眼见而恋爱,