英语人>词典>汉英 : 纠正错误 的英文翻译,例句
纠正错误 的英文翻译、例句


put the record straight
更多网络例句与纠正错误相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Time is very, very much so-called period of market information is very low, very low confidence, the stabilization fund is the very means for the sake of the mayor's arraignment, to correct the pricing error.


The paper, based on the errors of pronunciation on the level of segmental phonemes by students of Beijing University of Physical Education,isolated and discussed the most difficult phonemes for students to acquire through a contrastive study of the consonantal and vowel phonemes in English and Chinese Putonghua .


In response to a previous correctable error having occurred, the location of the previous CE is retrieved.


We need to be courageous to face them and correct the wrong and do what is right and good.


Let's hope we can put things right and start doing well again from our next matches, said Adriano to SKY after Sunday's defeat at the Delle Alpi.


Articulating such false logic is the key to resolving it—but this is always easier when we're talking about someone besides ourselves.


As a student majoring at bilingual broadcasting, I will talk about the experience of learning English pronunciation and conclude the reasons for mispronunciation and provide some useful methods based on the easily-made mistakes of Chinese students.


If a service court error is discovered, the error shall be corrected and the existing score shall stand.


Each group contains a detailed classification of different standpoints. Part 4 makes a careful study and analysis of the causes of errors and induces the causes of errors into interlingual errors,intralingual errors,limitation of basic language knowledge and writing skills and ignorance of commenting on composition and correcting errors. Part 5 draws a conclusion and sets forth some error corrections and teaching methods to reduce errors. Part 6 sets forth the authors suggestions and some problems to discuss.


Reformulates our country civil retrial system, we may do following several aspects:We should overcome the absolute wrong tendencies guiding ideology which is" right wrongs by seeking truth from facts," Reaffirm civil purposes, ensure the exercise of the right of the parties, establish and maintain effective balance between correcting mistakes judgment and stability、 authority, achieve the balance of relief to flaw judgment and res judicata, coordinate social justice and order, which should be new guiding ideas of civil retrial system.


更多网络解释与纠正错误相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


偏离规范的另一个原因是某些标准中含有众所周知而没有进行纠正的"错误"(bug). 这种情况下,与标准不兼容的实现方案提供的质量,可能反而比兼容的要好得多. 与数据包网络相关的三大主要因素,即延迟、抖动和数据包丢失,

checks and balances:制衡

"制衡"(checks and balances)减少因领导人"滥权"而犯错误的机会,也提供纠正错误的机会. 中华政体里有没有制衡机制?当然有. 如果没有制衡机制,官员任意胡作非为,中华政治文明早就崩溃了,怎么可能是世界上延续最长久的文明?如果仔细考察就可以发现,


通过检查就能及时发现计划或执行中的问题. 措施(Active):如果检查发现了计划或执行中的问题,就需要采取措施纠正错误,以便在制定下一步计划中有所改善,从而使制定出的计划更切合实际、更合理. 4.3.2 接插件(Connector)的摆放

Error Recovery Service:错误纠正服务

Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源规划 | Error Recovery Service 错误纠正服务 | External Reference Source 外部参考源


incorret 错误的 | incorrigible 难以纠正的 | increase 增进

rectify errors:改正错误

rectify v.纠正,整顿, [化]精馏 六级词汇 | rectify errors改正错误 | rectify the calendar校正历书

put set right:使恢复正常,纠正错误

assure sb. of sth. 委托某人某事 | put set right 使恢复正常,纠正错误 | on the way 在途中

straighten out:纠正错误

40. come a long way 有长足的进步 | 41. straighten out 纠正错误 | 42. once and for all 坚决地

To right the unrightable wrong:去纠正,那不能被纠正的错误

To run where the brave dare not go 奔向,那勇者们不敢去的地方 | To right the unrightable wrong 去纠正,那不能被纠正的错误 | To love pure and chaste from afar 去爱,那遥远的无暇与纯真

To right the unrightable wrong:去纠正难以纠正的错误

To run where the brave dare not go ...去进入勇者都畏惧的地方, | To right the unrightable wrong ...去纠正难以纠正的错误, | To love pure and chaste from afar ...去远远地纯洁而坚贞地爱,