英语人>词典>汉英 : 繁茂 的英文翻译,例句
繁茂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bushiness  ·  luxuriance  ·  luxuriancy  ·  luxuriate  ·  overgrowth  ·  rankness  ·  wantonness  ·  exuberate  ·  exuberated  ·  exuberates  ·  exuberating  ·  luxuriated  ·  luxuriates  ·  luxuriating

更多网络例句与繁茂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Like peptic ulcer disease, achlorhydria and hypochlorhydria have been linked to the overgrowth of the bacteria Helicobacter pylori.

胃酸过少或缺乏胃酸分泌,就如消化性溃疡等疾病一样,与幽门螺旋菌 Helicobacter pylori的繁茂有关。

A tropical rain forest ; an ever-green forest that exists in tropical regions where precipitation is heavy all the year round ; there are vines , parasitic plants and overgrowth , as well as aerophyte besides those tall trees , bushes and herbaceous plants ; mainly distributed in the Amazon drainage basin in south America , the Congo basin , Malaysia , etc .

名 热带气候终年湿润地区的常绿森林群落。这些雨林区由于常年气候湿润多雨,除高大的乔木、灌木、草本植物外,还有繁茂的藤本植物、寄生植物、附生植物等。主要分布在南美亚马孙河流域、非洲刚果盆地及亚洲的马来群岛等地。例句去热带雨林里探险,必须扎上绑带。

The most severely damaged will be the Canadian Low Arctic Tundra; the wooded UralMountain taiga in Russia; the central Andean dry puna in Chile, Argentina and Bolivia; the Daurian steppe of Mongolia; the savannah of north-east India and Nepal; and the fynbos of southern Afric a .


To casual observers, as well as to influential natural scientists and regional planners, the luxuriant forests of Amazonia seem ageless.


From 1885 through 1889 Sullivan's ornament lost much of its former angularity and became more sophisticated and luxuriant.


Full of rough and exuberant animal spirits .


The result indicated, the CIMMYT forage characteristics of the overgrowth, strong tillerity and high yield could inherit to the offspring ,and the inherit ability was higher. It was obviously difference of seedling, plant, and its grow habit, flower apparatus and seed between CIMMYT forage and common maize. The hybrid offspring of CIMMYT forage and common maize keep the strong trait of growing and development, but the flower and seed character were look like common maize. The backcross offspring were not different to common maize besides with some tillers, distinct multi-ear and atavism.


The resort's lush landscape will be dotted with palms and will boast an 80,000m2 fresh water lake.


Nearly three decades later, my son and I strolled the lush7 property that had once been pasture."Benjy," I said,"you've had this wonderful place to grow up on all because of the good name of a man you never met."


The dead cypress forest of Bayou Bienvenue is a remnant of the lost habitat that once thrived here.


更多网络解释与繁茂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Boswell:树木繁茂的小镇 男性 古法语

Boris战斗,打斗男性俄罗斯 | Boswell树木繁茂的小镇男性古法语 | Botolf使者之狼男性古英语


exuberance /茂盛/健康/丰富/ | exuberancy /丰富/充溢/繁茂/ | exuberant /盎然/勃勃/旺盛/繁茂的/丰富的/非凡的/


exuberant /盎然/勃勃/旺盛/繁茂的/丰富的/非凡的/ | exuberantly /丰富地/繁茂地/ | exuberate /充溢/繁茂/耽溺/

exuberantly:丰富地; 生气勃勃地; 繁茂地 (副)

exuberant 繁茂的; 非凡的; 丰富的 (形) | exuberantly 丰富地; 生气勃勃地; 繁茂地 (副) | exudate 流出物; 分泌液 (名)

luxuriance:繁茂; 丰富; 肥沃; 华美 (名)

Luxembourg 卢森堡 (名) | luxuriance 繁茂; 丰富; 肥沃; 华美 (名) | luxuriant 繁茂的; 肥沃的; 浓密的; 丰富的 (形)


rankly 繁茂地 | rankness 繁茂 | ransack 到处搜索

thickly:厚厚地; 繁茂地; 浓密地; 频繁地 (副)

thicket 繁茂处, 草丛, 丛林 (名) | thickly 厚厚地; 繁茂地; 浓密地; 频繁地 (副) | thickness 厚度; 稠密; 浓度 (名)

wantonness:放纵; 繁茂; 嬉戏; 淫荡 (名)

wantonly 放纵地; 繁茂地; 嬉闹地; 淫荡地 (副) | wantonness 放纵; 繁茂; 嬉戏; 淫荡 (名) | wapiti 马鹿; 美洲赤鹿 (名)


exuberantly /丰富地/繁茂地/ | exuberate /充溢/繁茂/耽溺/ | exudate /流出物/分泌液/


rankle 溃烂 | rankly 繁茂地 | rankness 繁茂