英语人>词典>汉英 : 灌木繁茂的 的英文翻译,例句
灌木繁茂的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
shrubby  ·  shrubbier

更多网络例句与灌木繁茂的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A tropical rain forest ; an ever-green forest that exists in tropical regions where precipitation is heavy all the year round ; there are vines , parasitic plants and overgrowth , as well as aerophyte besides those tall trees , bushes and herbaceous plants ; mainly distributed in the Amazon drainage basin in south America , the Congo basin , Malaysia , etc .

名 热带气候终年湿润地区的常绿森林群落。这些雨林区由于常年气候湿润多雨,除高大的乔木、灌木、草本植物外,还有繁茂的藤本植物、寄生植物、附生植物等。主要分布在南美亚马孙河流域、非洲刚果盆地及亚洲的马来群岛等地。例句去热带雨林里探险,必须扎上绑带。

The most severely damaged will be the Canadian Low Arctic Tundra; the wooded UralMountain taiga in Russia; the central Andean dry puna in Chile, Argentina and Bolivia; the Daurian steppe of Mongolia; the savannah of north-east India and Nepal; and the fynbos of southern Afric a .


The most severely damaged will be the Canadian Low Arctic Tundra; the wooded Ural Mountain taiga in Russia; the central Andean dry puna in Chile, Argentina and Bolivia; the Daurian steppe of Mongolia; the savannah of north-east India and Nepal; and the fynbos of southern Africa.


Island east, south, 3 free hill are folded on the west emerald green, 85 divisions a variety of 2700 protophyte are lush and green, not only have lofty and forceful tree, also have the bush that hangs down in clusters thriftily, among them not only have the Suo Luo that from dinosaur times shedding hands down such bizarre flowers and trees, still growing up to now the keep on the earth comes down the oldest plant, so-called " earthly plant old longlived person " Long Xieshu, the everywhere of tropical vegetation landscape such as parasitism, bowstring is visible.


This frightened the rest so much that they ran into the densest part of the bushes to hide.


更多网络解释与灌木繁茂的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cercis canadensis:加拿大紫荆

加拿大紫荆(Cercis Canadensis)为豆科紫荆属落叶灌木或小乔木,原产美国,是著名的观赏树种,也是流行的彩叶树之一. 加拿大紫荆成年植株高7至15米. 初春先叶开花,花冠扁平,圆形,红紫色,丛生或呈总状花序,花簇繁茂夺目. 夏季..


在英国和欧洲大西洋沿岸到处都有小灌木荒原,欧石楠属(Erica)、岩蔷薇属(Cistus)、染料木属(Genista)生长繁茂. 已经知道本区还有很多是栽培植物和园艺植物的原产地(白头翁属、仙客来属(Cyclamen)、风信子属(Hyacinthus)、矢车菊属(Centaurea)、蚕豆属、香豌豆属).


shrub /矮树/灌木/于果汁内掺入砂糖和酒的一种饮料/ | shrubbery /灌木/灌木林/ | shrubby /灌木的/灌木一般的/灌木繁茂的/


shrubby 灌木繁茂的 | shrubby 灌木一般的 | shrubland 灌丛带


shrubby 灌木的 | shrubby 灌木繁茂的 | shrubby 灌木一般的