英语人>词典>汉英 : 紫貂的 的英文翻译,例句
紫貂的 的英文翻译、例句


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The Sable's death brings up more questions about Mercury's future.


To get the best tasting Sable use the European- style premium unsalted butters that are now on the market....


Many luxurious furs in the Ming Dynasty, such as black sable, lynx and sea otter were mainly imported from these two regions.


They all contain 13 protein coding gene,2 rRNA gene,22 tRNA gene and 1 D-Loop.The base composition for the four nucleotides is A-32.0%,C-27.6%,G-14.7%,T-25.8%,And it is A-32.5%,C-26.9%,G-14.1%,T-26.5%for Yellow-throated Marten.But there are some definite differences in base composition,the using of Initiation codon and Stop codon,and the mode of repeat sequences in control region.The codon usages of Manes have bias,and the ttiird locations of codon of protein-coding genes have the higher frequency in using A and C.There may be some relativity with the content of A and C in D-loop,namely,it has relation with the mode of repeat sequences.The complete mitochondrial genome of the Sable and Yellow-throated Marten were submitted to GenBank,and the accession number are FJ429093 and FJ719367 respectively.3、The complete mitochondrial genome of 6 other species of Mustelidae from GenBank and some sequences of D-loop from the 6 species were aligned.

分析紫貂大兴安岭亚种、长白山亚种、阿尔泰亚种和北欧亚种间的基因流及进化历史得知:大兴安岭种群与新疆种群和长白山种群间的基因流水平最高(Nm=0.1260和0.1427),新疆与长白山种群间最低Nm=0.0053紫貂种群在进化过程中可能发生过种群膨胀,经历过种群增长过程。2、对紫貂和黄喉貂的线粒体全基因组结构进行分析发现:全长分别为16 523bp和16549bp,均包含13个蛋白质编码基因、2个rRNA基因、22个tRNA基因和1个非编码序列区(D-Loop区,紫貂全序列中碱基组成为A-32.0%,C-27.6%,G-14.7%,T-25.8%,黄喉貂为A-32.5%,C-26.9%,G-14.1%,T-26.5%;基因排列顺序与日本貂和貂熊的一致,但碱基组成、起始密码子和终止密码子的使用及控制区中串联重复序列模式等均存在一定差异。

The Per Prego Duette MT - Black Sable Twin Seat Standard Stroller is durable, has full suspension, and reclining seats.


Sables, also known as a French Butter Cookie or Breton Biscuit, is a classic French cookie originating in Normandy France.

紫貂 ,也被称为法国奶油曲奇或布莱顿饼干,是一个典型的法国诺曼底的Cookie原产于法国。

To inquire into optimal diet energy density and protein level in sable.3(GE: 4900,5300,5700Kcal /kg)×3(CP: 40%,45%,50%) two-facter cross-over feeding trial and metabolism trial were conducted wilh 90 sables in lactation period.


The deer now roam about peacefully and light-heartedly in the forested world, enjoying the company of sables and ginseng


Sables tended to select old-growth coniferous forests, and they specially selected small tree's density, big tree's density, big tree's DBH and Log's density sables preferred milddle cover's site to open sites and high cover's sites. Habitat Selection varied with season. In winter.


Home ranges of the sables were 4. 2—17. 2km〓. Males have larger home range size than femals. Home ranges sizes were different in every season. Home ranges were the Largeat in winter and smallest in summer. There was overlap between the males and the females and the two males seldom orlapped. Actiltty during the snow-free season was strongly diurnal wheareas winter activity was largely nocturnal. Activity was stronger at 6—8. 18—20 and 20—22. Sable's activies and food diversity index wes strongly corrected.

1995年4月~1996年11月。在内蒙古满归林业局北岸林场采用无线电跟踪技术和全球定位系统研究了紫貂的巢区和生境选择,紫貂巢区大小为4.2~17.2 km〓,雄性个体的巢区大于雌性个体的巢区,四季活动范围有差异,冬季活动范围最大而夏季最小,巢区的重迭多发生于异性个体,而雄性个体的巢区几乎不重叠,而且巢区呈线性趋势,紫貂在冬季主要是夜行,而其他季节主要是昼行,一般6~8时和20~22时活动较强,而且其活动率与其食物多样性指数成正相关。

更多网络解释与紫貂的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


大脑和视觉发达,多为食果动物或杂食性动物 食肉目(Carnivora) 虎、狼、狐、黑熊、大熊猫、狮子、紫貂、獾、水獭、黄鼠狼、猞猁 犬齿发达,臼齿退化,有锐利而弯曲的爪,通常为食肉动物,也有杂食动物 鲸目(Cetacea) 海豚、鲸 水栖鱼形,


一部分紫貂以高价出售. 少量上市的俄罗斯貂鼠(marten)以比上次的拍卖会上涨5%的价格出售.


该舰由泽廖多利斯托克设计局(鞑靼斯坦共和国),用于保护俄罗斯200海里经济专属区.同批6艘,500-600T左右,隐身设计.Pro 12200"紫貂"(sable) 装备新型"旋风-K"(vichr)弹炮合一系统 (AK-306 Gun +4X"旋风"防空导弹)的导弹快艇;

Martes zibellina:紫貂

文章摘要:采用无线电跟踪技术和全球定位系统(GPS)对大兴安岭地区紫貂(Martes zibellina)秋季的生境选择进行研究. 秋季紫貂对优势树种(以落叶松为主,72%)、中下坡位(90%)、小树密度(P=0.0004)、大树密度(P=0001)、大树胸径(P=0.0001)、倒木长度(P=0.0006)及密度(P=0.0001)都有一定的选择性,

Say It with Sables:说的是紫貂

1928 强烈的方式 The Way of the Strong | 1928 说的是紫貂 Say It with Sables | 1928 破碎机 Through the Breakers


sable 紫貂 | sabled 着丧服的 | sabot 木鞋