英语人>词典>汉英 : 糖 的英文翻译,例句
糖 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
sugar  ·  sugars

milk punch · in syrup
更多网络例句与糖相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We investigated constituent of triterpenoid saponins ofAlbizzia, two new compounds together with two known compounds were isolated from Albizzia julibrissin Durazz. by using column chromatography (macroreticular resin, silica gel, Sephadex gel, reverse phase silica gel),preparative HPLC methods et al.On the basis of spectroscopic analysis, including IR,ESI-MS,~1H-NMR,~(13)C-NMR,HMBC,HMQC,~1H-~1HCOSY and chemical methods, the structure of two new compounds were identified as 3 - O -[β-D-xylopyranosyl(1→2)-β-D-fucopyranosyl (1→6)-β- D -2- deoxy - 2 - acetoamidoglucopyranosyl] -21-O-[(6S)-2- trans- 2,6-dimethyl - 6 - O-β- D - quinovopyranosyl -2,7- octadienoyl] - acacic acid- 28 - O-β-D-glucopyranosyl(1→3)[α-L-arabinofuranosyl(1→4)]-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl(1→2)-β-D-glucopyranoside acacic acid 3- O -β- D- glucopyranosy(1→3)-β- D- fucopyranosl(1→6) [β-D- xylopyranosyl (1→2)]-β-D-glucopyranoside ;two known compounds were acacic acid lactone 3- O -β-D- xylopyranosyl-(1→2)-β-D-fucopyranosl (1→6)- 2-deoxy -2 -acetoamido -β-D- glucopyranoside ; acacic acid lactone 3- O-β-D-xylopyranosyl(1→2)-α-L- arabinopyranosl (1→6)- 2- deoxy - 2- acetoamido -β-D-glucopyranoside . The study lays chemical foundation and chemical reference substance for enhancing quality standard of Albizzia julibrissin Durazz.


The展卖activities will be unveiled more than 200 kinds of snacks, not only rice crust vegetables, pancake馃son, small窝头shrimp paste,糖炒栗子, assorted candy堆儿Tianjin authentic flavor, such as snacks, Hsinchu rice noodles are fried shrimp noodles line, shrimp fried Aberdeen, Changhua meatballs, chicken rice,抄手oil, rice blood pudding, tempura, as well as the Harbin Tungluo burned more than红肠, such as Taiwan, Guangdong , Fujian, Hainan, and other local snacks.


Based on the molecular structures, sugar alcohols can be classified into Mono sugar alcohol (such as erythritol, xylitol, sorbitol and mannitol ) and Disaccharide alcohol (such as maltitol,lactitol and isomaltitol).


Structure Design and Modification of Mannitol-polylactide Tissue Engineering Materials;2. Based on the molecular structures, sugar alcohols can be classified into Mono sugar alcohol (such as erythritol, xylitol, sorbitol and mannitol ) and Disaccharide alcohol (such as maltitol,lactitol and isomaltitol).


Fructose , syrup fructose , acesulfame-k, AK, potassium, synthetic sweetener , sucralose , sweetener, sugar replacer , sugar substitute , intense sweetener , disaccharide, non-reducing sugar , moisture retention,moistrure agent ,starch sugar , isomalt , palatinit , isomaltitol, Polyols,, sugar polyol , xylitol ,sorbitol ,mannitol , xylitol ,sugar ,syrup glucose, polydextrose , erythritol , sorbitol syrup , lactose , stevia , Puer Tea , Liupu Tea, Fructooligosaccharides, sweeting agent, trehalose , syrup trehalose, Stevioside

,果浆,安赛蜜-钾,支ak ,钾,合成甜味剂,三氯蔗替代品,食替代品,激烈,双,非还原,保湿,水分剂,淀粉,异麦芽, palatinit , isomaltitol ,多元醇,醇,木醇,山梨醇,甘露醇,木醇,浆中的葡萄,聚葡萄,赤藓醇,山梨醇浆,乳,甜菊,普洱茶, liupu茶叶,低聚果, sweeting剂,海藻浆海藻,甜菊

Based on the above-mentioned, two kinds of target glycoclusters with different glycoterminus, flexible linkers and different scaffolds were designed, disaccharide glycocluster (including TM1-TM7) and trisaccharide glycocluster (TM8-TM9) respectively, with the purpose of obtaining glycoclusters with high binding affinity to anti-Gal antibody and thus better inhibiting the HAR.


Chi MM: red bean, beauty, Rosa de Tears, pride * off butterflies dance * Ella, after another pride **, a small woman, dream ~仙儿, elegant language of the wire, ice tea, sadness ~ darling, tenderness * long,* little bit of pride, pride * baby, Xiao-Ming, Murong Xiangxiang, Nannan Xiaoxiang, SweetGirl, kissed ME darling, Providence, dancing Costume, take me to see the sea, on the Angels, AG twilight sleep,赵灵儿, the wizard of the heart, jasmine, tenderness *糖糖, hearts *飞儿, elegant language of silk,* love the small language *, beauty | the world, sparkling heart, Xiong toot,宫主the走丢,眼波children ~ Mae, pure Apple.


By the partial purification of Arthrobacter nicotinovorus D-97 endocellular enzymes and the results of enzymatic reaction of enzymes of partition collection, it was found that enzymes related to trehalose synthesis were consisted of Trehalose-forming Enzyme and Trehalose-releasing Enzyme . Trehalose-forming Enzyme could convert maltooligosaccharides into non-reducing maltooligosyl trehalose by intramolecular transglycosylation, and Trehalose-releasing Enzyme could hydrolyze α-1, 4 linkage between the trehalose residue and the maltooligosaccharide residue to release trehalose and maltooligosaccharides with two glucose monomer lesser.

将食尼古丁节杆菌D-97胞内酶部分纯化并对各收集组分进行酶反应,发现其海藻合成酶系由海藻生成酶(Trehalose-forming Enzyme,TFE)和海藻释放酶(Trehalose-releasingEnzyme,TRE)组成,前者分子内转基将直链麦芽寡转化为没有还原性的麦芽寡基海藻,后者专一切割麦芽寡基海藻分子上麦芽寡基与海藻连接的α-1,4苷键,从而释放出海藻和减少了两个葡萄单体的麦芽寡

By means of GPC,IR,GC-MS,~(13)CNMR,~1HNMR,Methylation analysisetc,structural properties of PST-1 were identified as follows:The Mwof PST-1 was 3.44×10~6 Da and its optical rotation was _D~(20)=+0.110°(c0.1, H_2O); PST-1 constituted 8 simple sugars and the molar ratio was 2,4-Dimethoxy-Mannose:Rhamnose:Ara-binose:Xylose:Galactose:D-Galacturonic acid:Mannose:D-glucuronic acid=2%:5%:24%:9%:3%:1%:46%:10%;The chief bone of PST-1 was 1,3,6-linked-β-D-Man residue and the side chains contained Furanoid and Pyranoid residues.

结合GPC、旋光度测定、IR、GC-MS、~(13)CNMR、~1HNMR、高碘酸氧化法、Smith降解以及甲基化方法等分析测试方法,得到PST-1的单组成及结构表征,实验结果如下:红豆杉多PST-1是重均分子量为3.44×10~6 Da的支链多,旋光度为20D=+0.110~0(c0.1,H_2O);PST-1单组成为:2,4-Dimethoxy-Mannose:Rhamnose:Arabinose:Xylose:Galactose:D-Galacturonic acid:Mannose:D-glucuronic acid=2%:5%:24%:9%:3%:1%:46%:10%;PST-1的骨架结构为:具有1,3,6-连接的β-D-甘露残基骨架,侧链分枝包括非还原末端的呋喃型α-L-阿拉伯残基、吡喃型α-L-阿拉伯残基、β-D-木残基、β-D-甘露残基、2,4-二氧甲基-β-D-甘露残基和α-D-葡萄醛酸残基;侧链的残基也可能存在2,5-二氧-取代呋喃型α-L-阿拉伯基、3-氧-取代的β-D-木残基、6-氧-取代的α-D-半乳醛酸残基、6-氧-取代的α-D-半乳残基、4-氧-取代的α-D-葡萄醛酸残基和2-氧-取代的α-L-鼠李残基,同时后者也可能穿插在主链上。

Main monosaccharide were Arabinose, Xylose, Mannose, Glucose and Galactose. The structure of SPG was studied by IR and alkaline β-elimination reaction. It was found that:(1) SFG contains α-glucosidic bonds;(2) the type of the glucosidic bonds was pyranose,(3) the protein was covalently linked with the carbohydrate by 0-glycosyl linkage.


更多网络解释与糖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




"脂质","glucolipoid" | "分解;解;酵解","glucolysis;glycolysis" | "解的","glucolytic; glycolytic"


4.形成苷(glycoside) 单的半缩醛羟基很容易与醇或酚的羟基反应,失水而形成缩醛式衍生物,称苷. 非部分叫配体,如配体也是单,就形成二,也叫双. 苷有α、β两种形式. 核和脱氧核与嘌呤或嘧啶碱形成的苷称核苷或脱氧核苷,


根据其所含碳原子(c)数目:丙、丁、戊(pentose)和已(hexose)等2、寡(oligosaccharides)是有两到十分子的单缩合而成的,水解后产生单. 3、多(polysaccharides)是由多个单分子缩和而成的从数量上讲以葡萄(glucose)最多,


天然单n=5~7,即五碳(Pentose)如阿拉伯、木 等,六碳(Hexose)如葡萄、甘露等,七碳(Heptose)如景天庚等. 单多为白色结晶. 有甜味. 易溶于水,难溶于乙醇,不溶于乙醚 等极性小的有机溶剂. 由于有不对称碳原子,


1) 单(Monosaccharide),其通式为(CH2O)n的多羟基醛或酮的化合物. 天然单n=5~7,即五碳(Pentose)如阿拉伯、木 等,六碳(Hexose)如葡萄、甘露等,七碳(Heptose)如景天庚等. 单多为白色结晶. 有甜味. 易溶于水,难溶于乙醇,


天然单n=5~7,即五碳(Pentose)如阿拉伯、木等,六碳(Hexose)如葡萄、甘露等,七碳(Heptose)如景天庚等. 单多为白色结晶. 有甜味. 易溶于水,难溶于乙醇,不溶于乙醚等极性小的有机溶剂. 由于有不对称碳原子,


低聚木的化学结构 低聚木系由聚木(xylan)以酵素水解产生的低聚合寡,商业上一般以农废物,如玉米穗轴、棉花壳皮等为原料,以食品级聚木酶(xylase)水解制造的,所得低聚木产品组成分主要为木二及木三以及若干较高聚合度的寡,


强心甙中的大多连接在C3羟基上,的分子为单、双或多个,α一羟基外,尚有一类特殊的--α去氧,如D-洋地黄毒(Digitoxose)D夹竹桃等. 强心甙在植物体内存在形式常为一级甙. 含强心甙的植物中通常同时有能水解该类甙的酶存在,


主要成分为水苏、毛蕊花(verbascose)和棉子. 它们同属α-低聚半乳系列寡产品. 因为人体没有专一性水解水苏、毛蕊花和棉子等α-低聚半乳系列寡的α-D-半乳苷酶,所以泽兰低聚半乳不被人体消化吸收,