英语人>词典>汉英 : 粒子物理学 的英文翻译,例句
粒子物理学 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

high-energy physics · particle physics
更多网络例句与粒子物理学相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Arrays of Geiger counters in coincidence select particles moving in a given direction and the method can be used, for example, to measure the angular distribution of cosmic rays.


Applications in particle and atomic physics are considered, including quarkonium spectroscopy.


CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is the world's leading laboratory for particle physics.


Odd though it sounds, cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary particle physics, and many astrophysicists have been convinced for the better part of a decade that it is true.


People through nuclear reactions, have been synthesized 17 kinds of atomic number greater than 92 of the transuranic elements, and thousands of The new kinds of radioactive nuclides, and by high-energy and ultra-high energy-ray beam and the interaction of atomic nuclei and found hundreds of kinds of short-lived particles, namely, baryon, meson, lepton, and particle resonance states of these particles has led to a new field of study - the birth of particle physics since the age of .70, nuclear physics has entered a deep development and wide application of new, more mature stage, on the one hand the development of particle acceleration and detection techniques, expanding people's research in nuclear means, the other hand, nuclear technology to serve the national economy, for example, for the development and utilization of nuclear energy to provide more accurate nuclear data; the use of isotope tracer technique diagnosis and treatment of disease; the use of radiation and irradiation preservation of food, irradiation breeding .


If you go to the first steps in the buildup of cosmic structures, then cosmology reacts to the microphysics of particles, which is quite remarkable.


He points out that the millennial anxiety about scientific and technological breakthroughs predates particle physics.


Sign up for our newswire and receive the latest press releases from particle physics labs around the world.


The science that has found many of the answers to that profound and age-old question is particle physics: the study of those impossibly tiny particles with unbelievably strange names: bosons and leptons, quarks and neutrinos.


The Sommerfeld effect, a quantum-mechanical process that makes particles more likely to interact with one another in some circumstances and less likely in others, is mostly ignored in particle physics because it applies only in a limited range of conditions.


更多网络解释与粒子物理学相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


asteroseismology 星震学 | astration 物质改造 | astroparticle physics 天文粒子物理学


asteroseismology 星震学 | astration 物质刷新 | astroparticle physics 天文粒子物理学

particle astrophysics:粒子天体物理学

partial wave expansion 分波展开 | particle astrophysics 粒子天体物理学 | particle accelerator 粒子加速器




macroparticle 宏观粒子 | macrophysics 宏观物理学 | macroscopic brownian motion 宏观布朗运动

quantum mechanics:量子力学

(5) 量子力学(Quantum Mechanics)是研究微观粒子的运动规律的物理学分支学科,它主要研究原子、分子、凝聚态物质,以及原子核和基本粒子的结构、性质的基础理论,它与相对论一起构成了现代物理学的理论基础.


microphotometer 测微光度计 | microphysics 微观物理学 | microplasma 微等粒子体

up quark:上夸克

上夸克(Up quark)是第一代夸克分类的一种. 它拥有+(2/3)e的电荷,也是最轻的夸克,净质量介乎1.5到4 MeV之间. 根据粒子物理学的标准模型理论,上下夸克是构成核子的基本元素,质子拥有两颗上夸克和一颗下夸克,而中子则有一颗上夸克和两颗下夸克.

more interesting still:然而或许更加感兴趣的是

from astronomical observations, but, perhaps|认识... | more interesting still,|然而或许更加感兴趣的是 | we are learning more and more about the Big Bang too from particle physics.|我们也从粒子物理学中得...

or about particle physicists:还是粒子物理学家呢

And are you aiming to tell about particle physics|你是想讲述粒子物理学呢 | or about particle physicists?|还是粒子物理学家呢? | Mainly about particle physics,|主要是粒子物理