英语人>词典>汉英 : 简朴的生活 的英文翻译,例句
简朴的生活 的英文翻译、例句


simple life
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He is abstemious in life.


She leads an austere way of life.


I live a simple and frugal life.


Today, life has improved for the population, although many farmers in the west continue to lead a simple life.


Finally her outburst ended in a sentimentally expressed desire for a simple, openhearted existence, to be passed in an atmosphere of universal benevolence.


Whilst I helped them to reforest instead of deforest, they taught me how big life can be even with very little.


Why can't I have an uncomplicated life?


It found expression in the fasts preceding the great sacrifices, in the severe penances prescribed for various kinds of sin, in the austere life exacted of the student, in the conjugal abstinence to be observed for the first three days following marriage and on certain specified days of the month, but, above all, in the rigorous life of retirement and privation to which not a few devoted their declining years.


Living a simple life doesn't have to involve pigeonholing yourself into a particular lifestyle or ideology.


Now it must be taken for granted that simplisity of life and thought is the highest and sanest ideal for civilization and culture, that when a civilization loses simplisity and the sophisticated do not return to unsophisitication, civilization becomes increasingly full of troubles and degenerates.


更多网络解释与简朴的生活相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


阿米什人(Amish)是美国宾夕法尼亚州的一群基督新教再洗礼派门诺会信徒,以拒绝汽车及电力等现代设施,过著简朴的生活而闻名. 阿米什人是德裔瑞士人移民的后裔,承袭了传统而拥有紧密的宗教组织. 大多数阿米什人在家说一种独特的高地德语方言,


Hillfolk很简朴地生活在阿巴拉契亚山脉(Appalachians)和整个美国南方乡下,遵循着一种被称为"大地之子"(其他人会称之为"乡巴佬")的老式的生活方式. 另一个更不出名的阵营,食人者,很好的隐藏着他们的倾向,因为狼人律法和人类法律中都禁止吃人.

Apple Pie:苹果派

在西方社会里,"麦当劳"(Mc Donald's)、"汉堡包"(Hamburger)、"苹果派"(Apple pie)是价格低廉的快餐,多为旅游者和下层人所用㈣. 也就是说,在西方社会里,这些食品具有"廉价"、"简朴生活"的涵义. 而在中国,随着改革开放的深入推进,



lay the table:摆设餐具(准备吃饭)

制定一条法律 make a law | 摆设餐具(准备吃饭) lay the table | 过着简朴的生活 lead a simple life

lead a simple life:过着简朴的生活

摆设餐具(准备吃饭) lay the table | 过着简朴的生活 lead a simple life | 忽略,遗漏 leave out

lead/live a simple life:过着简朴的生活

192. lay the table摆设餐具(准备吃饭) | 193. lead/live a simple life过着简朴的生活 | 194. lose heart失去信心 ;灰心


王雄对丽儿的爱情,不是一般男女之爱,而是他不自觉中对"过去"的执着 (Obsession). 也就是说,他对"小妹仔",对往日简朴生活,特别对年轻时候纯真 的自己之无限眷恋与痴迷. 他用全部生命力量设想抓住的,与其说是丽儿的感情,

voluntary simplicity:自愿简朴

我才了解到美国从上世纪90年代兴起过一种"自愿简朴"(Voluntary Simplicity)的思想浪潮. 现在仍有许多人奉行这种生活原则. 这些观念的倡导者大多数是生活相当富足的中产阶层. 他们人到中年,在商业职场上打拼了十年二十年后,发现每日都忙着疲于奔命,

Wistfulness:a sadly pensive longing:渴望

On the part of the west:在西方人看来;就西方人而言;on behalf of代表 | Wistfulness:a sadly pensive longing,渴望 | Simplicity and security of China's pattern of life:中国人简朴安稳的生活方式