英语人>词典>汉英 : 筹备 的英文翻译,例句
筹备 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
prepare  ·  prepares

更多网络例句与筹备相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition, she says an air bridge is being established with the Dominican Republic from Santo Domingo to Port-au-Prince.


Mired in the planning stages for a year, the V1 was a pilotless, jet-propelled plane that flew by air-driven gyroscope and magnetic compass, capable of unleashing a ton of cruise missile explosives.

迈尔德为了这个计划筹备了一年的时间。 V1是一种无人驾驶,喷射飞机,具有独立的导航系统。可以装载并发射大量具有很强杀伤力的巡航导弹。

The general manager of Nanjing Exhibition Center, Zhang Jian, gave a full introduction of the arrangement of the fair and the distinctive features of Nanjing, the project manager, Li Hao, then put emphasis on the favorable policies one is able to get if applied for being the members of the Asia Outdoor Trade Fair. The assistant chief editor of the magazine- Alpinist -Zhang Jida and the chief editor of the renowned Korean outdoor media-Outdoor News-John gave speech respectively as the representatives of the medias.

南京国展中心总经理张建全面介绍了亚洲户外展的筹备情况以及南京的城市特色,项目经理李皓则重点介绍申请成为亚洲户外展会员单位可以享受到的优惠政策,山野杂志副总编张吉大与韩国著名户外媒体 Outdoor News 总编约翰先生作为媒体代表发言。

Xinhua net Beijing on August 6 report (reporter avant-courier Yang Liguang) from participate in Beijing Olympic Games to apply early days of supportive Olympic Games to prepare, from guard abroad torch to be delivered strike back " boycott Olympic Games " noise, the amount is as high as 253 million, jump netizen of China of house world first, the success that is Beijing Olympic Games with the identity of Amphitryon holds flame of devoted have one's bosom filled with.


Tibet has very complex topography and falls into three geographic parts: the northern part of Tibet known as the North-Tibet Plateau, lies between Kunlun Mountain, Tonglha Mountain and Kangdese Mountain, and Nyainqentanglha Mountain;between Kangdese Mountains and Himalayas;the river valleys which the the Yarlung Tsangpo and its anabranch flow by in the southern part of Tibet and lie between the Gangdise and the Himalaya ranges; the eastern part of Tibet belongs to an area of deep gorges where a series of mountain ranges from east to west criss-crossing mountain ranges running from south to north,and is some parts of the Hengduan mountain range.


Time of graduation practice thesis main part studies content is that the design setting forth two-dimensional hand drawing the animated cartoon short film "Crying Lotus " makes process , the short film makes process including planning and preparing the stage , medium term in the earlier stage to design that the work making the stage , later stage composes a stage and middle come across problem and solve way.


Argyle International Airport Hotel Shanghai is an Australian managed hotel due to open in August,2007 at the Hongqiao Airport.


PATRICK GANDY is a very talented composer/arranger/pianist that I met at the same music school.

PATRICK GANDY制片人)是我在同一音乐学校遇见的一非常有才华的作曲者/筹备者/钢琴家。

It is said many friends of Ah Mui are not happy about the arrangement made by the committee as they only allow 100 people to attend the cremation service at Cape Collinson Crematorium.


So far as the protection of pioneer investors is concerned, Resolution II of UNCLOS on Governing Preparatory Investment in Pioneer Activities Relating to Polymetallic Nodules (hereinafter referred as "Resolution II") stipulates relevant provisions, and the author orderly discusses the definition of pioneer investors, procedures of application and their rights and obligations. Concerning settlement of disputes on overlaps of mine sites, the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the law of the Sea (hereinafter referred as "Preparatory Commission") had held series of meetings or sessions with states interested since 1983, and they had signed the 1984 General Understanding, the 1986 Arusha Understanding and New York Understanding, and the 1987 Midnight Agreement. As a result, such agreements had be settled overlapping disputes of mine sites between the first group of applicants and potential applicants.


更多网络解释与筹备相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I have kept a reserve fund in case of accidents:我已筹备了一笔准备基金以防不测

2. We have an auxiliary generator in case of power cuts. 我们有一台万... | 3. I have kept a reserve fund in case of accidents. 我已筹备了一笔准备基金以防不测. | 4. Press this button in case of fire. 遇...

Exploratory Talks on Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions:关于(中欧)共同均衡裁减部队的筹备性会谈

gender aspects;性别方面;; | Exploratory Talks on Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions;关于(中欧)共同均衡裁减部队的筹备性会谈;; | Explorer II;探险者二号;;


caterer | 包办伙食者, (尤)指备办宴会者 | cateress | 筹备伙食(或酒席)的妇女 | catering car | 餐车, 给养车

Technical Preparatory Committee of the Whole:技术筹备全体委员会

Technical Preparation Committee of the Whole;技术筹备全体委员会;TEPCOW; | Technical Preparatory Committee of the Whole;技术筹备全体委员会;; | technical programme;技术方案;;

Technical Preparation Committee of the Whole:技术筹备全体委员会

technical paper;技术文件;; | Technical Preparation Committee of the Whole;技术筹备全体委员会;TEPCOW; | Technical Preparatory Committee of the Whole;技术筹备全体委员会;;

preparatory committee:筹备委员会

抽杀成功 hit through | 筹备委员会 preparatory committee | 出风头 show off;in the limelight

preparatory committee:筹备委员

抽杀成功 hit through | 筹备委员??preparatory committee | 出风??show off;in the limelight

directorial debut:前期筹备

18.映画血史 On The Set | 19.前期筹备 Directorial Debut | 20.生命无Take Two Take Two

organiser v.t:组织,筹备,安排

organe n.m. 器官,部件,构件 | organiser v.t. 组织,筹备,安排 | orge n.f. 大麦


preparator 造矿机 | preparatory 准备的;筹备的 | preparatorycommittee 筹备委员会