英语人>词典>汉英 : 等式约束 的英文翻译,例句
等式约束 的英文翻译、例句


equality constraint
更多网络例句与等式约束相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper, we study characterizations of admissible in the general linear model Y, Xβ,ε|ε~(0,σ~2∑. We demonstrate that an admissible linear estimator is as the conditional generalized ridge-type estimation in the no constraint, equality constraint, inequality constraint general linear model. We study the superiority of this conditional generalized ridge-type estimation, and prove that it is superior to the restricted best linear unbiased estimator in terms of mean squares. We also give the choice of the matrix K.


This algorithm constructs a set of linear equations. As a result, the relation of the reconstructed design variables and the original design variables is derived, the variable number of optimum design is decreased from m + n + 2 to 4, and the equality constraint optimization problem is converted into reduced- dimension no equality constraint optimization problem.

该算法通过构造一组线性方程,得到了由重构设计变量到原设计变量的映射关系,使优化设计的变量由原来的m + n + 2个减少到4个,并将有等式约束优化问题转换成降维的无等式约束优化问题。

Markowitz model of equality constraint protrusion analysis is constructed,including the generic restriction conditions.


In chapter 2 we propose a linear equality constraint optimization question , the new algorithm is combined with the new conjugate gradient method(HS-DY conjugate gradient method)and Rosen"s gradient projection method , and has proven it"s convergence under the Wolfe line search.In chapter 3 we have combined a descent algorithm of constraint question with Rosen"s gradient projection, and proposed a linear equality constraint optimization question"s new algorithm, and proposed a combining algorithm about this algorithm, then we have proven their convergence under the Wolfe line search, and has performed the numerical experimentation.


The first one is an algorithm with terminal sliding mode equality constraint. The second is a dual-mode control scheme, which enlarge the terminal region. The sliding mode based MPC is implemented while system state is outside of terminal region, and sliding mode variable structure control designed off-line is used once system state arrives in the terminal region.


In the term of mathematics,because equality constraintcondition can be considered as a special case of inequality constraint condition,Lagrange multipliers domain decomposition method is a special case of Lagrangemultiplier method of flexible multi-body system dynamics.


By redefining multiplier associated with inequality constraint as a positive definite function of the originally-defined multiplier, it is no longer necessary to convert inequality constraints into equality constraints by slack variables in order to reuse the method dedicated to equality constraints for constructing Lagrange neural networks.


Using the result for non-restricted model, we transform the restricted model to common model, and multi collectivity model to single collectivity model, thus, the necessary and sufficient conditions that nonhomogeneous linear estimators for Sβ are admissible in the class of nonhomogeneous linear estimators are obtained which filled the blank for admissibility for restricted linear model.


A proper k total colouring of a graph G is a colouring to its vertices and edges using k colours such that no two adjacent or incident elements of G may be assigned the same colour.


There exits several MDO algorithms. But they are in our opinion either nonefficient or complicated. So we devised an algorithm called Subspace Approximation Optimization . In the SAO algorithm, the whole system is decomposed into one system-level optimization and several disciplinary optimizations so that a large and complicated problem can be divided into several easy-solving sub-problems. The coupling relationships and the coordination among disciplines are presented by equality constraints and these equality constraints are assigned to relevant disciplines. The optimums of design variables in system level optimization are transferred to discipline level optimization. The optimums of design variables in discipline level correspond to the point that is the nearest to the optimums of design variables in system level. If the optimums of design variables in system level are out of feasible region of discipline 1eve1, linear constraints can be built in the system level optimization using the design variable optimums obtained by the discipline level optimization. The system level optimization would improve the design of the whole system with these linear constraints.

目前,国内外已经发展出了多种飞机多学科设计优化算法,本文的重点是针对协同优化算法的不足,提出了子空间近似优化算法(Subspace ApproximatingOptimization,SAO),SAO算法中,整个系统的优化问题被分解成一个系统级优化和若干学科级优化,而各个学科之间的耦合与权衡关系则被当作等式约束,这些等式约束将被分配到各个学科级优化中去,系统级优化的任务是寻找整个系统的最优解,而学科级优化的目标函数是以系统级优化分配下来的设计点为圆心的超球半径的平方,因此,如果系统级优化分配下来的设计点在学科级优化可行域内,则学科级优化目标函数为0,反之,则学科级优化的最优点是系统级优化当前设计点距离可行域最近的点。

更多网络解释与等式约束相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

equal confront:平等对抗

同等条件:Equal condition | 平等对抗:equal confront | 等式约束:Equal Constraint

constrained optimization problems:约束最优化问题

约束最忧化:Constrained Optimization Problem | 约束最优化问题:constrained optimization problems | 等式约束问题:equality constrained optimization problem

equality constraint:等式约束

equality 等式 | equality constraint 等式约束 | equalization 平衡化;同等化

equality constraint:等式约束条件

equal-value map 等值图 | equality constraint 等式约束条件 | equality gate 同门

Linear equality constraint:等式约束

言语制约:linguistic constraint | 等式约束:Linear equality constraint | 不等式约束:Inequality constraint

nonlinear programming:非线性规划

非线性规划(Nonlinear Programming)是具有非线性约束条件或目标函数的数学规划. 非线性规划研究一个 n元实函数在一组等式或不等式的约束条件下的极值问题,且目标函数和约束条件至少有一个是未知量的非线性函数. 目标函数和约束条件都是线性函数的情形则属于线性规划.

quadratic programming:二次规划

2 1[ ] 1 2 1 λλ w V r 1 42 这是一个二次规划(quadratic programming)问题所谓二次规划是指目标函数是二次的约束条件是 线性不等式(如非负约束)或者等式由于V 是正定的wTVw是凸函数而两个线性约束条件也确定了 一个凸集因此该问题一定有全局

equality constrains:等式约束

司法公正:judicial equality | 等式约束:equality constrains | 权利平等:equality of rights

linear programming problem:线性规划问题

linear equality constraints 线性等式约束 | linear programming problem 线性规划问题 | local solution 局部解