英语人>词典>汉英 : 符合要求 的英文翻译,例句
符合要求 的英文翻译、例句


check out · fill the bill · up to the mark · cut the mustard · pass muster · past muster
更多网络例句与符合要求相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods The diabetes mellitus rat model was induced by streptozotozin, and then apomorphine was administrated to set ED diabetes model.


It was not the fast, sleek swimmers such as the shark or dolphin that came closest to the ideals of the research engineers, but a creature that looks anything but streamlined and agile at first sight: the boxfish.

诸如鲨鱼和海豚之类的动物,作为海洋中最快、最健壮的游泳手,事实上并不是最符合研究者们理想的,真正符合要求的是第一眼看上去除了线条流畅和灵活敏捷之外"其貌不扬"的 boxfish。

Amplitude observation car, jumped expected direction, whether in the current within the current rating; Liaocao horizontal size of the move, whether they are consistent with the hanging elastic; voice is normal, Liaoliang whether to meet the requirements, if not met, the adjustable eccentric The angle between the block.


Strength capability of the proctecting housing of a flight data recorder is important for pretecting medium from damage.


The intake of fats,protein was higher than drls,while the carbohydrate vitamin a,vitamin b2 and some minerals was not sufficient to meet the demand of body.of all the 836 officers,there were many more people whose body mass was excessed the standard.and there were some people who had hypertension,hyperglycemia,hyperlipemia,hyperuricemia and fatty liver.conclusion the total energy of food can meet the need of the officers,but the food structure is not reasonable.therefore,it is necessary to adjust the food structure,increase the intake of grains,beans,milk,fruits and vegetables,decrease the intake of fat,salt and alcohol and diversify the food items.


The study found statistical support was the greatest for the presence of four different groups within the sample: These groups included girls with higher blood pressure and waist circumference alues; girls with higher leels of triglycerides and lower leels of HDL cholesterol; girls with more desirable alues on all of the metabolic syndrome indicators, and girls with more undesirable alues on all of the indicators.


The transfer sequence of the transfer switch can be appraised by transfer test:if all performance indices meet the design requirements


Some special features ofthe static mixer tube are demonstrated.4 An evaluation method of velocity-based disturbance effect of fluid field wasproposed. Qualitative results are obtained by using this method in fluid fielddesign and structure optimization of disturbing elements.5 Experimental models are made efficiently and accurately by RPM method.

主要内容包括: 1、总结了化工过程强化技术的现状和强化研究的途径,提出了紧凑式工业炉的概念,确定用静态混合式炉管进行局部强化。2、提出了静态混合式炉管应用的虚拟工程放大研究方法,指出研究中提高效率的关键是计算模型快速生成技术和实验模型的快速原型制造。3、对工业炉的关键部位——炉管,从材料成分、强度、制造等方面对静态混合式炉管的设计、制造进行了分析,与常规炉管对比,说明了静态混合式炉管的独特性和要求。4、应用快速原型方法,迅速、准确地得到了符合精度、强度要求的静态混合式炉管模型,产品的精度和强度完全符合要求,提高了模型制造效率。5、应用计算流体动力学方法,进行静态混合式炉管的工程放大研究。

The state-of-the-art of chemical process and equipment intensificationtechniques is reviewed. A novel concept of compact industrial furnace isproposed, in which tube with static mixer for partly intensification is determined. 2 A virtual engineering scale-up approach is put forward. The key points toimprove the scaling-up efficiency include two tools: one is rapid generationtechniques for computational models in which a re-use library is built, the otheris rapid prototyping manufacturing, employed for rapid generation forexperimental models.3 The tube is the key component for industrial furnace. Material microstructure,high temperature strength, and casting process of the tube with static mixer arediscussed as compared with those of traditional tube. Some special features ofthe static mixer tube are demonstrated.4 An evaluation method of velocity-based disturbance effect of fluid field wasproposed.

主要内容包括: 1、总结了化工过程强化技术的现状和强化研究的途径,提出了紧凑式工业炉的概念,确定用静态混合式炉管进行局部强化。2、提出了静态混合式炉管应用的虚拟工程放大研究方法,指出研究中提高效率的关键是计算模型快速生成技术和实验模型的快速原型制造。3、对工业炉的关键部位——炉管,从材料成分、强度、制造等方面对静态混合式炉管的设计、制造进行了分析,与常规炉管对比,说明了静态混合式炉管的独特性和要求。4、应用快速原型方法,迅速、准确地得到了符合精度、强度要求的静态混合式炉管模型,产品的精度和强度完全符合要求,提高了模型制造效率。5、应用计算流体动力学方法,进行静态混合式炉管的工程放大研究。

Within 21 days of export if the plywood/veneer has been manufactured in Fiji, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vanuatu or Western Samoa.

AQIS 将继续接受符合要求的新加工胶合板包装材料证明文件(只要这些证明文件也能够符合制造商的声明要求,这些要求在证明文件最低要求政策中已被列出,总结如下

更多网络解释与符合要求相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cast Sizes up to 52" x 110:符合要求的尺寸应是52

25 to 60 Shore A Durometer硬度应在25-60之间 | Cast Sizes up to 52" x 110" 符合要求的尺寸应是52"*110" | 38 Sheet Polymer Plates聚合物板

fill the bill:符合要求,适合要求

1894fill in把......填进去,把(表格等)填好 | 1895fill out填写 | 1896fill the bill符合要求,适合要求

fit the bill:符合要求, 适合要求

down-to-earth 切合实际的; 切实可行的 | fit the bill 符合要求, 适合要求 | good bargain 真便宜, 便宜的东西, 合算的东西

pass muster:及格,符合要求

be open to traffic 通车 | pass muster 及格,符合要求 | take defeat 承认失败,接受失败

A number is out of range:数字大小不符合要求

8 Special character 数据特殊符号 | 9 A number is out of range 数字大小不符合要求 | 10 Illegal url URL不符合要求

Requested range not satisfiable:(请求范围不符合要求)

=== 415 Unsupported Media Type ===(不支持的媒体类型) | === 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable ===(请求范围不符合要求) | === 417 Expectation Failed ===(未满足期望值)


underwriter 保证人 | undesirable 不符合要求的 | undesired signal 干扰信号

up to the mark:符合要求

to the utmost 极度地,极端地 | up to the mark符合要求 | upon the point of+-ing... 快要......

Cut the mustard:符合要求;获得成功

*Cut the Gordian knot 以斩钉截铁的手腕解决问题 | Cut the mustard 符合要求;获得成功 | Cut to the chase 说话直截了当

That pass muster with you:这样就符合要求了吗

Yeah?|是吗? | That pass muster with you?|这样就符合要求了吗? | Keep it.|拿着