英语人>词典>汉英 : 竞争问题 的英文翻译,例句
竞争问题 的英文翻译、例句


race problem
更多网络例句与竞争问题相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Now the most important task is to make antimonopoly law of China.


To investigate vertical competition in the two-echelon serial supply chain, a M/M/1 queue model is established, the efficiency, firms'decision variables and the customer service level between centralized and decentralized control are compared; a supply chain horizontal competition model is established, the impacts of horizontal competition on performance of the supply chain are analyzed by using theoretical and numerical methods.


This paper uses a Hotelling model to explore the relationship between a firm's goodwill and product network externality.


Generally talking about the customer service of WA from servicing individuation, improving the advantage of price in customer service, paying attention to the iniquitous competition in the course of customer service and the legal system of customer service of WA.


The C-band magnetically insulated transmission line oscillator has teen simulated by the three dimensional PIC code in order to study the influence of non symmetry excitation mechanisms on its output modes. It is found that the non symmetry excitation mechanisms, such as random emitting of cathode electron anti the long rise tunic and low magnitude of input voltage, could product higher order modes and reduce output power.


But it also raises the prickly question of competition.


He focuses on the effects of "malignant competition" that lead to profitless growth and a desperate lurch into overseas markets. Mr Yin complains that his motorcycles will soon sell for only a fraction above the scrap value of their metal.


Under the network environment, this paper tries to the unfair competition problems and its legal countermeasure comprehensive analysis of this research.


In the analyze, this paper sightlessly relation the realism and explain some problems such as the genesis of some industry districts, the government competition, enterprise transfer in different regions, etc. This paper is a supplement for location theory.


We have allowed the EU's expansion to falter; it obsesses about tedious and irrelevant constitutional reforms, rather than dealing with big questions such as energy security and competitiveness.


更多网络解释与竞争问题相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

unfair competition:不公平竞争

法国竞争法学者认为,"在竞争问题的国际专业领域内,对不公平竞争(unfair competition)问题存在着双重的方法. 在宏观经济层面上,反竞争行为(anti-competition practices)被认为是对经济有害的,并出于公共政策的原因予以禁止;在微观经济层面上,


不可避免得要介绍一些图形(Graph)理论,因为前者是后者的一分支,所用的语言也是后者的语言. 6.7 更换(Replacement)问题6.8 搜索(Search)问题6.9 竞争(Competitive)问题


然而,行动随意网路复杂的网路环境使得封包遗失行为除了中间节点发生buffer overflow之情况,更具有像是因节点任意移动而导致链结断裂的断线(disconnection)情况,因无线传输媒介特性所引起的通道错误(channel error)以及区域性竞争问题所引起的MAC contention等,

hot news:热点新闻

该案涉及事实性的比赛比分的版权保护问题,对热点新闻(hot news)的不公平竞争行为问题,州滥用(Misappropriation)法的优先(preemption)问题,虚假广告问题,及当事人通过版权法或州法提供的其他正当方法(这些方法可以不被优先)保护他的事实性信息问题.

They had a long-running feud over money:他们因钱的问题长期不和

43. the feuds between rival companies 相互竞争的公司之间的... | 44. They had a long-running feud over money. 他们因钱的问题长期不和. | 45. his personal feud with the city authorities 他个人与市政当局的...



Level playing field:平等的竞争环境

最后,如果web标准真正被重视,成为建立一个平等的竞争环境(level playing field)和平衡各方利益(lowest按我的观点看来,在担心下一代互联网发展问题之前,W3C需要做的是如下几点,重点在web应用软件(applications)方面:

scramble competition:分摊竞争

SCOPE环境科学问题委员会 | Scramble Competition 分摊竞争 | Scrub 密灌丛

second best:次优

这个问题后来形成为"次优"(second best)理论. [2] 由于现实环境的复杂性,决定了竞争的多样性. 例如各个产业之间以及同一产业在不同阶段的竞争特性都不可能完全相同. 克拉克认为,竞争的多样性来自于产品的同质性或非同质性、生产者的数量及其规模结构、价格制定的方式、交易的方式、市场信息传递的特征和......

the feuds between rival companies:相互竞争的公司之间的争端

42. The incident started a family feud. 这个事件引发了家族世仇.... | 43. the feuds between rival companies 相互竞争的公司之间的争端 | 44. They had a long-running feud over money. 他们因钱的问题长期不和...