英语人>词典>汉英 : 突然剧烈的 的英文翻译,例句
突然剧烈的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与突然剧烈的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Don't allow a sudden violent move to blow through a mental stop while you're not watching.


After comparing the clinical symptoms and physical signs between the analogous apoplexy group and apoplexy one, using American SAS statistical analysis soft ware to take logistic regression analysis on 2206 cases, combining with clinical practice, bibliography investigation and specialists experience, the main symptoms of analogous apoplexy were defined as vertigo, sensory disturbance, severe headache, visual abnormality, involuntary movement, mental aberration, epileptic attack, agnosia, alexia and agraphia, etc.


One afternoon while she was preparing dinner in her kitchen, Anne Peters, a 32-year-old American housewife, suddenly had severe pains in her chest accompanied by shortness of breath.


Three days afterwards, this poor vulture, which has been very much indisposed since that dinner, suddenly feels very giddy while flying aloft in the clouds, and falls heavily into a fish-pond


And he tells us that he felt a sudden hard jolt followed by about 15 seconds of rocking or swaying.

他告诉我们他感觉到突然的剧烈摇晃,然后是约 15 秒的摇动或摇摆。

The sharp paroxysm had passed away, and my lady looked up: a glittering light shone through the tears in her eyes, and the lines about her pretty rosy mouth, those hard and cruel lines which Robert Audley had observed in the pre-Raphaelite portrait, were plainly visible in the firelight.


A sudden state of viol emotional disturbance .


Avalanches are caused by sudden changes – a heavy snowfall, strong winds, or a rapid change in temperature.


This crinkling represents pressure and release, which can result in violent jerking and upheavals, sometimes snapping to create new cliffs or jutting rock.


Its composition and work principle are explained. Three problems existing in fully hydraulic brake system, brake pedal rebound and sudden braking, no inching braking; sudden power failure during traveling; spool seizure in fluid feeding valve and brake pump blasting, are analyzed. Concrete improvement measures are suggested.


更多网络解释与突然剧烈的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

myocardial infarction:心肌梗死

心肌梗死(myocardial infarction)是指冠状动脉突然发生完全闭塞或近乎堵塞,血流急剧减少或中断,使相应的心肌严重而持久地急性缺血致心肌缺血性坏死. 临床上产生剧烈而持久的胸痛和对组织坏死的一些全身性反应,血清心肌酶活力增高和心肌急性损伤与坏死的心电图进行性演变变化,

pediculosis pubis:阴虱病

3.阴虱病(pediculosis pubis)突然发生的阴毛部剧烈瘙痒,大多数患者或其配偶近期有不洁性关系史,或近期曾在外住宿. 瘙痒以晚间为甚,主要局限于耻骨部,也可累及肛周,腹部、腋部、睫毛及小腿,其配偶或性伴可有类似症状. 可见阴毛上粘附有灰白色砂粒样颗粒的阴虱卵,


(二) 脓气胸(pyopneumothorax) 是肺脏边缘的脓肿破裂,脓液与气体进入胸腔所致. 表现为在肺炎病程中突然病情加重,剧烈咳嗽、呼吸困难、烦躁、发绀. 呼吸音明显减低或消失,胸腔积液的上方叩诊呈鼓音. (三) 肺大泡(pneumatocele) 由于细支气管管腔因炎性肿胀狭窄,


(二)诺卡氏菌属(Nocardia)它又名原放线菌属,在培养基上形成典型的菌丝体,剧烈弯曲如树根或不弯曲,具有长菌丝. 这个属的特点是在培养15小时至4天内,菌丝体产生横隔膜,分枝的菌丝体突然全部断裂成长短近于一致的杆状或球状体或带杈的杆状体(图2-69).


Sickening 令人厌烦的痛 | Smarting 剧烈疼痛 | Stitch 突然剧痛

solar flare:太阳耀斑

太 阳耀斑(Solar flare)是一种最剧烈的太阳活动. 太阳表面突然出现亮斑闪耀,其寿命仅在几分钟到几十分钟之间,亮度上升迅速,减弱较慢. 一旦出现太阳耀斑,对於太阳 表面来说就是一次惊天动地的大爆发. 耀斑释放的能量相当於10万至100万次强火山爆发的总能量,

Acute Myocardial Infarction:急性心肌梗死

急性心肌梗死(acute myocardial infarction)系指冠状动脉突然完全性闭塞,心肌发生缺血损伤和坏死,出现以剧烈胸痛心电图和心肌酶学的动态变化为临床特征的一种急性缺血性心脏病其基础病变大多数为冠状动脉粥样硬化,少数为其他病变如急性冠状动脉栓塞等

Acute Myocardial Infarction:心肌梗死

摘要: 急性心肌梗死(acute myocardial infarction)系指冠状动脉突然完全性闭塞,心肌发生缺血、损伤和坏死,出现以剧烈胸痛、心电图和心肌酶学的动态变化为临床特征的一种急性缺血性心脏病.