英语人>词典>汉英 : 空腹的 的英文翻译,例句
空腹的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
empty  ·  hollow  ·  hollower  ·  empties  ·  hollowed

更多网络例句与空腹的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The IFG positive in the males is higher than that of females in Shenzhen area, and the positive rate increased with age. The incidence of adiposis hepatica and hyperlipemia in the IFG individuals is significantly higher than that of normal controls.


I had to cling tight to the backstay, and the world turned giddily before my eyes; for though I was a good enough sailor when there was way or this standing still and being rolled about like a bottle was thing I never learned to stand without a qualm or so, above all in the morning, on an empty stomach.


Generally, with an empty stomach, it is advisable that not more than 200 grams of persimmon should be taken.

一般认为,不在空腹的情况下,每次吃柿子不超过 200克为宜。

We detected fasting plasma glucose by glucose oxidase,fasting insulin by chemiluminescent immunoassay, triglyceride and high density lipoprotein-cholesterol by zymology,tumor necrosis factor-αby enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, the reverse of the product of FPG and FIns is used as the insulin sensitivity index,that is,ISI=1/FPG×FIns.

血糖测定采用葡萄糖氧化酶法;胰岛素测定采用化学发光法;血脂测定采用酶法;肿瘤坏死因子-α测定采用双抗体夹心酶联免疫法;胰岛素敏感指数采用空腹血糖与空腹胰岛素乘积的倒数,即ISI=1/FPG ×FIns。

Retrospectivly analyse the coronary heart disease, 68 patients diagnosed the coronary angiography, including Unstable Angina the 24 patients, Stable Angina 32 patients, myocardial infarction 12 patients; Compares the change of normal comparison group 35 patients fasting blood lipide:Trighycerides, Total Cholesterol, High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol, Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol, Apolipoproteins (ApoA1 and ApoB), Fasting Blood Glucose, Fasting Insulin, Insulin area under curve and Glucose area under curve.


The author made induction and arrangement and offer to the two sides of the Taiwan Straits civil engineering scientific and technical workers, in order to obtain "break the ice","adopt sb.'s strong points while overcoming one's weak points", prosperous both banks economic development, promote the common progress of science and technology from the "open-web truss structure" at the 80 middle decade last century, and "open-web sandwich plate structure" at the 90 middle decade last century, and "cast-in-place concrete hollow plate structures" at the beginning of the century, to "the reinforced concrete open-web sandwich reticulated barrel arch structures" recently.


The program of AER+RES was similar to AER, but went through resistance exercise 20min in base section of every exercise trail.Result: Prior to intervention, adiponectin levels were significantly correlated with BMI、 WHR、 COS、 LN、 LN、 TG、 LG10、 LN、 weight、 waist、 FM、%F, and leptin levels were significantly correlated with BMI、 WHR 、 LN 、 LN 、 TG 、 HDL-C 、 LG10、 apoB 、 apoA1/apoB、 waist、 F1M、%F. Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that LG10; COS and waist was an predictor of basal adiponectin levels , and %F,apoB and WHR was an predictor of basal leptin levels. In early obesity, adiponectin and leptin can be worsened , along with the changed of body component, fasting plasm glucose and lipid accumulation. After intervention, both group were significantly reduction in FM,%F,weight, WHR,FPG and TG, while HDL-C had significantly increased.AER exhibited significant in leptin, while AER+RES did not show the change. Insulin and HOMA-IR were changed in both groups. The control group exhibited no significant change in any variables. Although adiponectin levels were unchanged in the three groups, a significant negativecorrelation between delta %F, delta WHR and delta FPG was observed. Futhermore, if compare the degree of delta weight, we fought a significant increased in adiponectin between the group of delta weight higher (=3kg) than delta weight lower(=0kg), delta %F, delta WHR and delta weight were significant negative correlation with delta leptin.


METHODS: Fasting serum levels of IL6, IL8, TNFα were measured in 30 cases of T2DM with insulin resistance and 30 cases of T2DM without insulin resistance and 26 normal control subjects by enzymelinked immunosorbent assay.


This dissertation establishes the unique method of finite element analysis for the VSP according to the construction. This method is concise and palpable and can analyze the VSP exactly and effetely.


The remaining 4 mL was used for detecting the level of serum folacin and vitamine B12 with bioradiation assay.

住院第1天空腹抽取静脉血6 mL,取2 mL测定空腹血浆总同型半胱氨酸水平利用高效液相色谱法,空腹采血后即刻口服蛋氨酸0.1 g/kg,4 h后再次取血检测血浆总同型半胱氨酸水平;取其余4 mL空腹抽取的静脉血检测血清叶酸、维生素B12采用化学发光法。

更多网络解释与空腹的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


饮用绿茶不在於风味(aroma)而已,更在乎对於人体保健及养生的效果,因此,饮用绿茶没有太多的繁文缛节. 饮用绿茶,空腹时不宜饮用;隔夜茶或放至凉已氧化的茶,不宜饮用;发霉的茶叶会產生毒素,有致癌的危险,应禁止饮用.

It's a real body blow:这真是沉痛的一击

6. You should take the pills on an empty stomach. 药得空腹吃. | 7. It's a real body blow. 这真是沉痛的一击. | 9. You've made your point abundantly clear. 你的意思我很清楚.


还有一种叫作 Methi 的香料 (此为印地语,英语名不详) 在浸泡一夜之后第二天早上空腹与一杯白脱牛奶 (buttermilk) 一同服下. 这也有助于减轻糖尿病. 如果你担心无法得到足够铁,避免与富铁食物一起吃会影响铁吸收的物质:包括多酚 (诸如茶中的单宁)、phyates (高糠的粗粮,


emptiness /空虚/空腹/空处/无智/无能/ | empty-handed /空手的/一无所获的/ | empty-headed /傻而无知的/





spandrel arch:空腹拱,(指主拱背上的小拱)拱肩拱

spandrel 上下层窗间墙,拱肩 | spandrel arch 空腹拱,(指主拱背上的小拱)拱肩拱 | spandrel beam 外墙托梁


想要早期发现肾脏疾病,最好也是最简单的方法就是做小便(Urine)常规检查. _HbA1C 血糖(Glucose)检验包括空腹(A.C)及饭后P.C)现代人因饮食及生活作息等因素的影响,引起体内新陈代谢的失调,


一日三次(Tid)与八小时一次(Q8h),在医学上历来是有严格区分的. 一日三次口服法一般都与进食相关. 例如,在碱性环境中降效的、空腹口服有利吸收的,以及某些助消化药都必须在饭前服药. 而可能刺激消化道黏膜、空腹口服易产生不良反应的药物,

desperate wannabes:不顾一切的赶超崇拜者

girls who don't eat anything,|甘愿空腹的女孩们、 | desperate wannabes,|不顾一切的赶超崇拜者、 | burnouts,|该死的人、