英语人>词典>汉英 : 穷究 的英文翻译,例句
穷究 的英文翻译、例句


make a thorough inquiry
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This book is aimed at emerge as the times require of this one state just about, it stated the current situation that cardiovascular medicine carries out compendiously, the brief introducing and does not explain cardiovascular disease basic idea of type of neither like a dragonfly skimming the surface of the water-touch on sth without going into it deeply, be not again full length tired wooden tablets or slips for writing, pay attention to detail too and make a person be too busy poor investigate.


Although no absolute satisfaction is given to philosophy, either to circumscribe the cause or to limit the effect, the contemplator falls into those unfathomable ecstasies caused by these decompositions of force terminating in unity.


This article will aim at Discourses on art of Qian Zhongshu, to discuss the aesthetic principle of independence and freedom and the aesthetic intendancy of the poemization, to make a thorough inquiry of his aggression aesthetic disposition, to experience his sharp aesthetic perception and rich imagination of criticism, and to state his aesthetic capability of strengthening and simplifying.


This would give a mintage of 60,000 to 200,000 pieces.


In ancient days, one who wished to advocate and enhance the untarnished human heart to make it known to the world must first run his country well must first put his family in order; one who wished to put his family in order must first cultivate himself; one who wished to cultivate himself must first correct his attitude; one who wished to correct his attitude must first make his will sincere; one who wished to make his will sincere must first strive to acquire ever more knowledge. The way to acquire knowledge is to study the phenomena of nature.


He plumbs the depths and penetrates the heart; their innermost being he understands.


When we face the same problem, first of all we need make some observation from a number of companies from the basic level, Cross-ownership itself and the legal relationship which affect the substance of it without anyone in modern society showing the infinite complex patterns and without autopsying various forms of causes of the result, its formation methods, the variety of functions and social impaction.


To make the poem of the human conscience, were it only with reference to a single man, were it only in connection with the basest of men, would be to blend all epics into one superior and definitive epic.


And dew in the flowers, the long silvery tracks of the snails were visible on the cold, thick carpet of yellow leaves; but in any fashion, under any aspect, at all seasons, spring, winter, summer, autumn, this tiny enclosure breathed forth melancholy, contemplation, solitude, liberty, the absence of man, the presence of God; and the rusty old gate had the air of saying:"This garden belongs to me."
